Reflux Support Thread

hey lucy.... :wave:

YES....we got the sticky..i PM'd urchin this afto and we got it :dance: :dance: :dance: at least this way we wont get shoved to the bottom of the board if we dont post for a day or so :cheer:

lucy i was just thinking back to crimbo..i was ur secret santa wasnt it.... :think: :think: :think: how funny if i was :dance:

well back tro the subject..yes christopher still gets hicups some times he has them all day on/off sumtimes they drive me insane :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: poor thing he cant help it :hug:

is there anyway we could change the first post of this to a welcome message...u know for newly diagnosed or those who feel there bubba may be suffering ??

lucy please dont worry about not giving lumpy/finger food as we have been told its best that he is eating puree etc than not eating at all..and that reflux babies need more time to adjust to the new food and not to rush them...ur HV may tell u different as mine purely told me im "neglecting" my son :rotfl: urmm...what ever :rotfl:

lucy can i ask how many teeth does Tom have ?

go lucy get me a t-shirt :cheer: and a badge and a hat :cheer:

big up the reflux mums united :dance: :dance: :clap: :clap:
Well done Rhian for getting a sticky, it was only the other day I was reading a post on here about somebodies baby not having the bottle and they thought it was because they were teething early; they went to the doctors and it turned out to be reflux. This could help so many people.

Lucy & Rhian when your babies were younger did you notice that the late night / dreamfeed bottle was the best feed of the day? I think Maisie feeds well then because she is half asleep and doesn't know its hurting bless her. She is so aware of the bottle now though and she cries if you show it to her sometimes and other times she will just have enough to fill her and then when you try and give her some more she screams. It breaks my heart to know she is not getting enough milk. What meds were your babies on at 3 months?

Maisies wind is not so bad now she is on the pepti junior so maybe she also has a cows milk intolerance.

Can I also ask how you managed to get into a routine as no 2 days are the same with Maisie because of her milk intake. I can feed every 2, 3 or 4 hours depending on the amount taken so I cannot ever see us getting into a routine. Due to this I will have to postpone going back to work, if I will ever be able to return!!!

Anyway well done for getting a sticky and its a good idea to get the title changed for everyone else.
christopher was on gaviscon at 3 months i think . as regards to the routine well when we were in SCBU they got him into a 4 hourly routine for us and amde sure it was well establised b4 we came home. so i stuck to that but if he was having a bad day and i had to go out id take bottles/formula with me. and he was put on solids earlt so they took huge pressure off well until the last month or so.... :wall:
Yeah Rhian - you were my secret santa and sent me lots of lovely smellies! How weird is that?!!!

I can't believe your HV said you were 'neglecting' your son. Does she have any idea how much work a reflux baby requires?! For our first Reflux Mums Unite trip out, I think we should have a coach trip to your HV and bop her on the nose.

Teeth...Tom's got two teeth only. The bottom two. His top two are coming through at the moment but haven't broken through the gum yet. What about Christopher? Do you think no teeth/teeth make a difference to their reflux?

TLC...the night feed was always the easiest feed for us as Tom was asleep really and so fed really calmly and quietly and didn't take down the air he took down during the day so he didn't get such bad wind afterwards.

At 3 months, Tom was on Infant Gaviscon, Ranitidine and Domperidone. I had to keep a book to monitor what I had to give him and when as it was so complicated!

As for routine, the midwives just got me in to a 3 hourly routine when I was in there and, after a couple of months it just became 4 hourly. Can you speak to your HV and see what she advises?

I'm off to bed now. Hope you both have a peaceful night. xx
LucyBee said:
Yeah Rhian - you were my secret santa and sent me lots of lovely smellies! How weird is that?!!!

Teeth...Tom's got two teeth only. The bottom two. His top two are coming through at the moment but haven't broken through the gum yet. What about Christopher? Do you think no teeth/teeth make a difference to their reflux?

ohh my goodness lucy this is far to weird..not only do our babies weigh the same..both have reflux..both wont eat lumpy food...and me as ur secret santa but they also have the same teeth christopher has two bottom that came through at 6months and NOTHUING since..until last week he was grumpy and in his mouth he has the whole top row coming :shock: :shock: :shock: top two have just cut a tiny weird is all this..are u sure we are not related :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ...

but the reason i asked this about the teeth was because the doc told us that babies with reflux tend to develop a fear of food because it hurts so much..and with finger food they may not take to it until they have a full set of teggys so that they can do they job of a blender them selves if u get me :think: in other words when a reflux baby gets a full set or enough to chew the food up so that they feel secure with it then they will mange finger foods much better. :pray: well i hope :pray: see it kind of makes sense tho in our babies because with out enough teggys they are not feeling secure with food and therfore are gaggin /chocking - the gagg reflex is so much more sensitive in a reflux baby.

i though he was telling me this to shut me up but i guess its correct and he does really know alot about it all TBH.

as for my HV...yeah we will have our first outing to give her some acid heartburn by knocking her teeth down her throat see how she deals with it..she was alwaya telling me that she never beleives in a baby having reflux and he had "colic" :doh: colic...okay i think not :shakehead:

and that i was neglecting him by not giving him finger foods at the right age...WTF..get reall in the end i got the consultant to write to her didnt see her after that :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Rhian - you're my twinny! And my hero! First the brilliant secret santa present, then the weight loss, then getting the consultant to write to your stupid HV!
So weird about the teeth too isn't it??? Tom seems to be having real trouble with these top two so maybe he's got more than 2 coming aswell???

Interesting about the teeth and the finger foods. Blimey - I thought I was quite clued up on the reflux but you know loads!

Look at me up at 2.15am. Can't sleep and Tom hasn't taken any milk tonight so now I'm worried he's coming down with something again. Poor little thing seems to have been ill almost constantly for the past 6 months. :(

Right...nighty nighty twinny! xx
hi twinny :wave: :hug:

as for secret santa - ur welcom hun :lol:

as for teeth well i was begining to think christopher was not going to get anymore...was looking at getting him a flase set :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
but then when he was laughing last week i notice 7 just about to cut and OMG is he letting me know about it :doh: :doh: constant whinging/tempers.

may be thats why tom hasnt taken milk ? may be they are just about to cut?? :pray: :pray: :pray:

as for reflux and teeth yes it is intresting ..i thought i was being fobbed of with that excuse but i think it must be true if we compaire both babies :)

does tom still wake during the night for a bottle ???

what a shame we are so far from each other...would of been nice to be closer so we could meet and put the world of reflux babies to its rights :rotfl: including my HV :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hope u got to bed and had some what of a restfull night :pray: :hug: :hug:
False set of teeth :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Poor little thing...SEVEN TEETH!!! That's crazy! I was thinking yesterday that maybe it's his teeth that are putting him off his milk. He's fed ok today so far but is not exactly gulping the milk down and is taking every chance to chew the teat instead of suck so they're definitely on their way.

We still dream feed Tom at 11.30pm. We tried stopping the other night but he just woke up at 2am screaming as he was hungry. I spoke to my HV and she said we should continue with the dreamfeed and he will cut back on it when he's ready. I suppose normal rules don't apply when your baby is twice as big as all the others his age! :rotfl:

You know I said I met up with the antenatal mums yesterday. Tom was so much bigger and taller than the others. I think Tom and Christopher will be rugger players when they're older. Hopefully they'll play for Wales and England and then they can cough up some cash for their Mummys to go and have their tummy tucks in Cyprus! :rotfl:

hey lucy..

yep just checked mouth again and he deo has seven coming poor thing :cry: chrisstopher also has bottles during the night one around 11.30/12.30 then 6am then brekie around 9-10am.

what kind of routine do u have with tom ? from morning to bed kinda routine.

ohh what kinda does of rantadine was he on as well ? we are on 1.3ml twice daily

i agree we should encourgae them to become rugby players so we can jet off for a tummy tuck together :rotfl:
ohh lucy and thanks for those links the mums wearing puke seems good will go thru it tonight when moody pants here is in bed :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Tom's routine is like this...

Milk - 7am
Brekkie - 8.30am
Sleep - 9am - 9.30am
Lunch - 11.30am
Sleep - 12.30 - 2ish
Milk - 2ish
Tea - 4.30/5
Milk - 7
Bed - 7.15
Milk - 11pm

I think I'm going to copy you though and give him his milk first thing and move his brekkie later as he never seems that in to his solids for brekkie.

The weirdness continues twinny! Tom was on 1.3mls aswell! 3 times a day then down to twice a day!

Tom's been whinging like crazy for the past couple of days. I think it's his teeth. He seems to be taking his solids but just not interested in water or milk. Really odd? Do you think that's teeth?

XXXXX :hug:
hey hun..

christophers routine is like this: - milk
6-8am sleep
8-9am breckie
ll.30-12.30 - lunch
1-2pm - sleep
4-5pm - tea
6pm - sometimes milk
7pm bed
11.30/12.30 - milk

christopher was never into his solids when he had milk around 7am so i helped him get to a 6am routine.

with the teeth well christopher has been refusing bottles but takin solids..its because the frictoion on the gums from the teat makes it more painfull. tonight i noticed that one of his back teeth has cut through :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

so all the grumpy moods and winging ive had this week well now i know he had a back tooth cutting poor thing :cry:

may be thats why tom is refusing bottles because the teat is causing friction in his top gums ?? :think: :think: :think: i know christopher has been doing the same this week and is just cuting top teggs.

do u have msn hun ? :hug: :hug:
:wave: Rhian, after Christopher's 6am feed, do you put him back down in the cot? Does he go back off to sleep ok?

Tom took hardly any milk again last night (just an oz at 11pm) but he did have a full bottle this morning. He's very whingy and unsettled. He doesn't have a temperature so I'm convinced now it's his teeth. He's been sort of rubbing his lips aswell this morning. I didn't think about the teat causing friction. are a BRAINBOX solving all my problems!

I do have messenger but I hardly ever use it. I'll PM you my address.
xxxx :hug:
hey lucy..

just replied to ur PM :lol: yeah after christophers 6am bottle he goes back into his cot well actualy...i take my pillow in there and prop him up with it slightly and feed him in his cot..i started doing this because i found if i got him up and took him in to our room to feed himhe decided it was play time as he had woken up. but feeding him in his cot he kinda dreamfeeds.
as soon as he starts stirrring and i hear him on the monitor i get up and make his bottle before he fully wakes.that way i find he goes back off to sleep better - occasionaly he doesnt and then comes in to bed with us until we get up - he beats his dad up while hes asleep :rotfl: he sits in between us smacking daddy on the face until he wakes up :rotfl:

but usualy he goe sback to sleep in cot.

christopher as also been rubbing his mouth/lips i think that must mean top tegs are causing them aggro :cry: christopher has been on nurofen this morning (reg 4-6hr doses) and he seems a bit more happy calpol never seems to touch him maybe its his size :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hope ur okay and had a good night ? :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm going to try your 6am trick. Sounds like a good plan. I think Tom will sleep for longer and eat his brekky better. I'll give it a go.

Last night was ok but he woke up at 10.30pm. I thought he was hungry but he only took an ounce so I gave him some Medised and put some teething gel on and he settled back. I'm paranoid about giving him too much Medised/Calpol but he does seem in pain with this teeth.

Poor us! Teeth and reflux!

I gave Tom some toast squares this morning and he gagged on one and then refused the others. I think he's getting scared of finger foods now because they always result in him choking. I think I might lay off them for a while and try again in a month or so.

Spk later Rhian. xxx
hey lucy...give the 6am trick ago and let me know if it works for u . as for the medised..i have been using this as long as u stick to the dosage and i try to leave 6 hours rather than 4 between doses as i 2 get worried bout givin 2 much. i find medised is beter at night but i give nurofen in the day as its better for taking any inflamation down as paracetamol just acts as a mild pain releif.

u say tom woke at 10.30pm well so did nmy terror and it took me an hour to get him back off :wall: i also did the milk - he drank the lot - medised and calgel - oh how similar we are is scary. :rotfl:

we shuld have each others mobile nubers so we can have a text chat hen we are up at the same times... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

well christopher has just woken from his 10min nap - explaine din PM so im off to sort him out as hes in a right mod today :wall: :wall: :wall: but that back teggy peggy has come thru now :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

chat to u later hunny - hugs to u and tom :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey lucy how are things with u today ?

we have had a bad night christopher woke at 4am very very unsettled so i was up till 7am but then i went back to bed for an hour while Chris got up with christopher. but this morning he afet daddy had left for work an hour later he was just crying and crying and crying.

i picked him up and noticed he was hot..has a temp of 38.0 :shock: and is not him self at all...looks very tired even tho he has had alsot of sleep this morning. he is wingy and irritable.

whats causing this ? :think: :think:

anyway i hope ur okay twinny and hope Tom is okay :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello ladies!

First, thank you LucyBee for inviting me to join this thread. My little one has recently been diagnosed with reflux: she is now on infant gaviscon which seems to be working (she is definitely happier and eats better but still very restless). However, gaviscon made her very constipated so we are also giving her lactulose solution - that seems to be working fine. Our GP told us that she should grow out of reflux when she is a bit older especially because she has what they call 'silent reflux' - no vomitting, just a lot of hearburn. Don't know if that is better or worse?!
Anyway, I have spent some time searching the internet in order to find more info about reflux and came across an interesting article about osteopathy and reflux ( ... w/595/1/19). Given that I've already taken my LO to an osteopath because of her problems with back, I decided to try it agan. We had a session today and Danica has definitely fed better. the osteopath said that it was because one of her ribs was pressing a nerv which controls stomach muscles (or something like that) and allows food to go back up - he was trying to fix that and moved the rib a little bit. But given that she screamed and kicked like mad, he didn't manage to finish the job so we are going back next week. In the meantine, I will try and observe her behaviour and see if there is any improvment'difference. If it works - great! If it doesn't, well, at least we tried it! It is expensive but at this feels as if I would do anything!
Hey Twinny,
Poor Christopher :( . Sounds like it's teeth or a bug??? Because we are twinnies, I'm going with teeth as (I've just PMd you about this) Tom has some bad runny nappies today and has not been himself either. Mum thought maybe a bug but I think it's teeth still.
Hope you have a better night tonight.
L xxx :hug:
Marijana FC said:
Hello ladies!

First, thank you LucyBee for inviting me to join this thread. My little one has recently been diagnosed with reflux: she is now on infant gaviscon which seems to be working (she is definitely happier and eats better but still very restless). However, gaviscon made her very constipated so we are also giving her lactulose solution - that seems to be working fine. Our GP told us that she should grow out of reflux when she is a bit older especially because she has what they call 'silent reflux' - no vomitting, just a lot of hearburn. Don't know if that is better or worse?!
Anyway, I have spent some time searching the internet in order to find more info about reflux and came across an interesting article about osteopathy and reflux ( ... w/595/1/19). Given that I've already taken my LO to an osteopath because of her problems with back, I decided to try it agan. We had a session today and Danica has definitely fed better. the osteopath said that it was because one of her ribs was pressing a nerv which controls stomach muscles (or something like that) and allows food to go back up - he was trying to fix that and moved the rib a little bit. But given that she screamed and kicked like mad, he didn't manage to finish the job so we are going back next week. In the meantine, I will try and observe her behaviour and see if there is any improvment'difference. If it works - great! If it doesn't, well, at least we tried it! It is expensive but at this feels as if I would do anything!

Hi there!
Glad you have come to our lovely little thread!
Sorry that Danica is struggling. I would love to know how she gets on after the osteopath.
I took Tom to a cranial osteopath when he was about 3/4 weeks to try and sort the colic/reflux but I didn't notice any change at all. Lots of people swear by it and say they really notice a difference so maybe I just didn't have a great practioner?
Tom has silent reflux too. They definitely do grow out of it, that's for sure. It's a waiting game but every day can seem like an eternity when you're in the thick of it.
Still, we have our lovely thread now to keep us all smiling! :D

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