Weaning Help Needed Plz

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Please help I have no clue what I am doing regarding weaning and I dont seem to be getting any help from my health visitors. Harry is 7 motnhs old now and I am not getting anywhere with food, I am not sure what I should be offereing him as finger food for 1, I give him breadsticks and cracker bread which he eats well, we have tried brocolli, carrots and jelly which have gone well. Bread, toast and pittas he chokes on. Should I be just giving harry what we eat now as we do eat stuff I dont think Harry can eat like fahitas and burritos. He wont have any breakfast cerals other then baby food for 4 months on. Should I be offering him jars as he has been eating 2 jars a day of smooth food I have tried to change him to 7 month plus ones but he gags.

He doesnt seem to have lost his gag reflux as he gags on food with lumps apart from stuff that melts away, he will put it in his mouth but then gag and spit it out so nothing actually goes down and I dont want him to starve. I spoke to my health visitor and all she said is you have to get him on solids or else he will suffer in later life as he isnt developing the speech muscles so will called speech difficulties.

Could someone please break down in lamens terms what Harry shoudl be eating and when your children tolerated lumps etc.

Thanks a very confused mummy :(
first off, he sounds like he is eating, that's a start! are you BF'ing or bottle?

we haven't started weaning yet as LO is having allergy issues from food passed through my breast milk which are not yet 100% understood and she's having a lot of tests and biopsys on her intestines etc, however, my pediatrician said that it would be fine and perhaps best to hold off solids until around 9 months.
She's hitting all her milestones and then some, weight gain is just brilliant (19lbs at 5months) I was talking to my mum, and she said i didn't try a bite of solids until 18months. And apparently i was an early talker.

I would just go with what your LO tells you. so long as he looks healthy, and acts well, i wouldn't worry too much. sometimes i think those HV's just follow a guideline and are a little brain dead when it comes to babies who don't fit them perfectly.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Faith is the same! Except she is actually full on sick when she has anything except for:

baby cereals (3 dif flavours)
baby rice
fruit puree 4 month pots
soya yoghurt

That is ALL she will eat. Her weight gain at the moment is ok but I am keeping an eye on it.

She gags and vomits anything that isn't one of those foods- and always has done - we tried her on savory food before anything else but resorted to sweet (fruit) when nothing else stayed down.

My HV was completely useless, and rude! So i've given up with her. At the moment Fi is living off of these things and I'm just hoping that she will grow out of her gag reflex soon! I am going to try her with toast tomorrow to see how she goes - I haven't tried her with anything for a couple of weeks as I didn't want her to hate eating because it made her sick. If she is sick then i won't try anything else for a few weeks.

My advice is find out exactly what he can and will eat and stick to those mainly, trying new things every now and then and just keep an eye on his weight so that you are happy with how he is developing.

I think the speech thing is a lie as Fi already says mama, dada, duck, ehooo and iyyya (hello and hiya) and she is only 8 and a half months :) xxxx
Personally from a BLW's view, it sounds like you're already doing great! He eats veg's, etc well which is really good, it sounds like he's just going at his own pace which is what we're doing too. Reg doesn't eat huge amounts but as long as you keep giving the oppertunity LO will pick it up in their own time. I go by the theory that up to a year milk is the main food and so they are just experimenting with what finger food we offer before then anyway.

Sounds like you're doing a great job. :hug: xx
Callum was gagging and spitting out bits for a long long time!

I just kept trying him though and with different finger foods and he seems to be improving a lot
You sound like you're doing really well hun. When i moved Dylan onto 7 month plus jars they were still a bit too lumpy for him so i mashed the lumps more with a fork before i gave it to him. We progressed in stages like that until he could eat lumps without difficulty. We no longer use jars (unless we are going somewhere and need to put one in his bag for convenience).

I generally tend to give him what we have been eating (if feasible). just make sure that when im cooking, i dont use salt in his food (so sometimes have to do his in a separeate pan). However if we are having a take out or something which i couldn't give him i just make something quick up for him. At the moment he is loving these baby pasta stars which i got from tesco. You can either just mix a sauce in with them and maybe some grated cheese or something and add some veges.

As for finger foods I started him off with fruit and veges e.g. steamed brocolli, carrot sticks, melon, banana etc most of whcih he scrunched up into his hands and didn't know what to do with :lol: Now he is also having baby organix rice cakes (these just seem to melt in your mouth as soon as it goes in - i tested one before i gave him it coz i was panicking that he might choke :roll: ) and the ccasional Heinz chocolate biscotti :shhh:

I hope this has given yu some help/ideas. If you need any more just PM me. FWIW id let him take the lead :hug:
Firstly dont worry too much he's still quite little - basically it's trial and error up until 1yr or so. I panicked a lot thinking Emms had to be eating loads of things straight away but that's not the case.

I tried the cow and gate baby porridge, fruit - banana, veg - carrot, sweet potato, fromage frais, soft bread, cheesy veg medley, cauliflower cheese, lentils and veg, and Emms wouldnt eat much more than that up until about 9 months.

After that she would eat some meat - chicken risotto, baby pasta with beef and cheesy tomatoes, different fruits like pears, melon, blueberries, cucumber, mimi snadwiches, toast etc.

Just try different things and be patient -you will get there but often it takes time. I would try the fresh stuff first before jars, and not worry too much about having to eat lots of variety at this stage.
OMG some1 in the same position as me! :hug:

I haven't a clue either. Alban is 7 months tomorrow and I haven't even attempted finger foods.

LO is still gagging. I tried stage 2 food and Weetibix and he just choked and has gone off all his food now!

I am going around a friend's house tomorrow whose son is a week younger and eating finger food etc and see if she can help.

It sounds though that you are doing great!!!! :hug:


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