Reflux Support Thread

WELCOME.....Marijana FC

i would like to welcome u to our reflux so sorry to hear ur little one is suffering but here in this little thread we are all having the same problem...and are here toi support/advise each other.

i hope things get easier for u...and remember ur welcome here or lucy are always around :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks for allur halp last night ur an amazing friend/twin :rotfl: :rotfl: christopher is still refusing to eat and temp has come down a little.he is snoring away in bed at the mo i can hear him in the lounge and hes upstairs :rotfl: ...i
m sorry to hear tom is also unlwell now :cry: :cry: :cry:although we must stop having so much in common its getting far toi strange.. :rotfl:

remember im around if u ned me or just wana chat - off to slimming world tonight for the first time since b4 crimbo..... :oops: :oops: so so dreading it i bet i have put on most oif what i lost :oops:

love me and C :hug:
Good luck at SW tonight. Let me know how you get on.
Tom hasn't been sick again but I have pot and rubber glove :puke: given by doctor to take a poo sample in the morning if he's still got diarrhoea :puke:
Our poor little boys!
Hope Tom's better tomorrow as it's his FIRST birthday!!! :cheer:
Can't believe this time last year I was sat in the hospital with my surgical stockings on ready to go!
Hope you have a better night tonight Rhian. Sounds like Christopher is on the mend.
Lxxx :hug:
hey lucy...hope tom is better...and a very happy 2st birthday to him for 2mrw :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

christophers temp is still high back to 38.6 today, hes still wingy/rwfusing if he still the same tomorrow then we have to take him back to the GP for anibiotics for his ears..his lft ear looked very red tonight so i think that may be whats wrong....bless our poorly boys :cry:

hope u okay...?

love me and C xxx
Hello ladies! Quick question re weaning babies with reflux: Danica has started showing a lot of interest in food and I would like to start weaning her. Do you have any advice re this? I gave her baby rice today (she loved it!) but managed to confuse the quantities ( :wall: how stupid can I be!? I blame all the sleepless nights!) and gave her less rice but more milk so the solution was very liquidy. I didn't put any gaviscon in baby rice. I am not sure if this was the reason for her to be very fractious tonight: maybe liquidy, non-gaviscon feed upset her stomach? She was also very, very fussy with the bottle after this feed. Any thought would be much appretiated! Thanks! :)
Hmmm. Not sure. I started with baby rice too and did that for a week I think before moving on to apple/pear/sweet potato etc. I introduced one food a week and did it slowly because of the reflux.
I didn't ever add gaviscon to baby rice or any solid foods. Milk only. Maybe it was just coincidence that she had a bad night and fussy feed??? It's possible. I used to give Tom his baby rice at 11am when I first started weaning him and that way, if he had any reaction, I could deal with it in the day. Maybe that's worth trying?
I would keep an eye on things over the next few days but keep giving her the baby rice and continue with the weaning as it is SUPPOSED to help the reflux as the food is heavier and meant to stay down better.
Let us know how you get on.
Hi Lucy and thanks for the reply! :hug: I am doing the same thing: very slowly introducing new tastes. She is fine with baby rice right now and I think I'll try some carrot in a couple of days.
Just one question re fruit: I've read somewhere that we shouldn't hurry with giving our little ones fruit because it is acidy and can cause even bigger problems with reflux. How did your little one react to fruit? I know that is different for every baby but I need to hear more of other mothers' experience before I decide what to do. Thanks! :D
Yes, I read that too but, to be honest, I totally forgot about it when I was weaning and I gave him apple, pear, peach, mango, banana. I haven't given him berries yet as I think a lot of babies are allergic to strawberries so I'm scared to try them!!
I would give them a go and if you're just introducing one fruit a week then it will be easy to see if it affects her reflux.
Hello girls,

I am not sure, but I think Daniel has reflux. ... hp?t=62893 Today is the same. He was always bringing up quite a lot of food but it never really bothered him. It just started bothering him about a week ago, I think. His weight is ok and he loves his food. Could it still be reflux?

Thanks for answers. :hug:
Adam has just been diagnosed with reflux. I feel really bad that I never noticed that there was a problem earlier. We have been given gaviscon to try.

Fingers crossed it works. It so difficult watching them throw up all the time, even when it doesn't bother them. xxx
Hi Carina! I knew that Danica had reflux after she essentially stopped eating (only 200ml in 12 hours) because it was hurting her so much. She was also arching her back and constantly screaming. She wanted to be held all the time (later we realized it was because the position kept the milk down). She very rarely vomitted but that's not unusual - it's called 'silent reflux. Somehow we managed to keep her weight to a normal level. But some babies have milder forms of reflux and it doesn't interfere with their eating. Mind you, it is strange for reflux to appear now when Daniel is on solids...Maybe it was triggered by the fruit juice? I've read somewhere that babies with reflux should not be given too much fruit because it is very acidy. Anyway, until you see your GP I would suggest to try and keep him upright for at least 30 min after the feed (and I know how annoying this is in the middle of the night!) and don't bounce him when settling (because that brings the milk up) but rock.
Just remembered, if Daniel doesn't like pure water, you can try giving him cumin tea (just boil some cumin seeds in water) - my little one really likes it and it is good for tummy aches.
Good luck! :hug:
NIE said:
Adam has just been diagnosed with reflux. I feel really bad that I never noticed that there was a problem earlier. We have been given gaviscon to try.

Fingers crossed it works. It so difficult watching them throw up all the time, even when it doesn't bother them. xxx

awwww hun :hug: firstly wecome to the thread.... :wave: this is why we set it up so we can all have a moan/rant about it all along with sharing tips/advice with heach other.....any questions u have then fire away... :hug:
NIE said:
Adam has just been diagnosed with reflux. I feel really bad that I never noticed that there was a problem earlier. We have been given gaviscon to try.

Fingers crossed it works. It so difficult watching them throw up all the time, even when it doesn't bother them. xxx

Hi there! :hug: Sorry to hear about Adam. Don't feel bad for not noticing it: it took me and my husband a while to realize what was going on. We spent a month treating her teething which actually was reflux :rotfl: It wasn't funny at the time :D
Anyway, Danica has been on gaviscon for a while now and it worked a treat! But there is a down side: she was horribly constipated! We had to go and see a doctor who prescribed Lactulose solution. Hope Adam won't need it!
Carina said:
Hello girls,

I am not sure, but I think Daniel has reflux. ... hp?t=62893 Today is the same. He was always bringing up quite a lot of food but it never really bothered him. It just started bothering him about a week ago, I think. His weight is ok and he loves his food. Could it still be reflux?

Thanks for answers. :hug:

Hi Carina,
I read that thread earlier and reflux did cross my mind.
Have you had a look at some of the earlier links on this thread? You could compare symptoms. Common symptoms of silent reflux include coughing, arching back, hiccups etc. 'Normal' reflux they are v. sick too.
Hope it's not reflux. Can you see your GP?
Lucyx :hug:
NIE said:
Adam has just been diagnosed with reflux. I feel really bad that I never noticed that there was a problem earlier. We have been given gaviscon to try.

Fingers crossed it works. It so difficult watching them throw up all the time, even when it doesn't bother them. xxx

Hello and welcome to our lovely reflux thread!!

Sorry to hear Adam has been diagnosed. It's not nice at all. Hope the Gaviscon works but if it doesn't, be persistent with your GP and get some more/different medication.

Lots of people have had real success with the Gaviscon.
Thanks for support, girls. :hug:

Today went to the doctor, and he said that it might have been some sort of the tummy virus or a reflux. It is better today (he isnt screaming all evening). I will keep an eye on him, and if this wont stop I have to go back to get some medcines for the reflux.

How were your LO's? Are they grizly just in the evenings or are they grizly non stop?

I also tried to put a pillow under his head and I think it helped. And I am trying to keep him upright for as long as possible.

Marijana-thanks for the tip. Ill def try. :hug:
Carina said:
Thanks for support, girls. :hug:

Today went to the doctor, and he said that it might have been some sort of the tummy virus or a reflux. It is better today (he isnt screaming all evening). I will keep an eye on him, and if this wont stop I have to go back to get some medcines for the reflux.

How were your LO's? Are they grizly just in the evenings or are they grizly non stop?

I also tried to put a pillow under his head and I think it helped. And I am trying to keep him upright for as long as possible.

Marijana-thanks for the tip. Ill def try. :hug:

Let's hope it's just a tummy virus Carina.
If it's reflux, the following things will help...

* Prop cot up by 30 degrees. Put some books under one end so the cot is sloping.
* Hold him upright for at least 20 mins after a feed.
* Feed smaller amounts more often.

Tom was grizzly most of the time. It really disturbed his sleep and he was uncomfortable with it a lot when he was little.
im going through this nightmare.

Ami has had GORD (gastro-oesophagul reflux disease) since i can remember. its one of the worst problems she has. apparently the gastrostomy doesnt help and weve been recently prescribed omeperazole which has helped. i keep trying to explain to the doctors and my nurses that when she has a lot of milk it makes it a lot worse, especially in the evenings but nobody seems to be listening and they tell me to persist with the bolus feeds at 80mls every 2 hours (they want it at 100ml but they must be joking) which seems to be upsetting her. shes sat in her bloody chair for half of the day cos when shes feeding or its settling i darent move her.

she has the tell tale cough and then sneeze and then cough and then aim and fire. projectile every time. if she still has some in her mouth she panics when she swallows so she will choke and occasionally turn blue and not breathe which is scary or she will sound like shes drowning and her arms will flap. she has such a panic stricken look when that happens and i have to act quick. poor little thing.

the silent reflux is the worst. she will scream for a minute then calm down, then sweat, then goes on like this for up to 2 hours and breaks my heart.

speech and language therapist joined the party today and we tempted her with some baby rice (she has no idea how to use her mouth) she had a tiny bit anyway and then her bolus feed. they all thought it went great but half an hour after they left i was mopping up projectile again. :(

weve had 4 clothing changes today and all blankets/seat covers are in the machine. :roll:

i sympathise with any reflux baby parents. its tough. heres hoping for a good night. :pray:
* Prop cot up by 30 degrees. Put some books under one end so the cot is sloping

this is a great tip. if Ami is flat for a second its a gamble between projectile, screaming or choking.

also, never change a nappy on a reflux baby with a full stomach.

Just one question re fruit: I've read somewhere that we shouldn't hurry with giving our little ones fruit because it is acidy and can cause even bigger problems with reflux. How did your little one react to fruit? I know that is different for every baby but I need to hear more of other mothers' experience before I decide what to do. Thanks!

i was told today not to give any fruit or anything thats acidic. i have to look for jars that dont include acidic ingredients.x

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