Reflux Support Thread

comfort made leland really sick but it works for most babes , think emma got harrison in it . lelands on HIPP organic with the gaviscon added to it

if u do go on comfort , u may need to up the teat , its really thick oh and the nappies will be awsome :rotfl: green and smell like nothing u can imagine!

and thanks for the comment but tbh 100% honest , we've been ssooooo lucky considering how prem he was to have minimal problems we would have been extra lucky not to have reflux . i consider every day how luck my lil man is :D
Hi girls, :wave:

I am sad to be posting in here but we had our 6 week check today and the doc thinks Eva has reflux :( I had been hoping the vomiting was just coincidence or something i have been eating, but the last few nights she has been in such discomfort - wriggling and grunting all night - we seem to have been up all night just trying to get the air out and we are sooooo tired.
So doc has prescribed infant gaviscon, dunno how easy its gonna be to get down her as we are breast feeding...we'll see, but does it have any side effects?
Bit freaked by the info on the pack that says not to give it to babies under a year old too
leland was first runny poos on it but now 2 out of 3 poos are really solid :( not good really as he strains to get them out .
HV came out yesterday and I am no further forward tbh :roll:

Charlie had oral thrush when he was a week old and we were given daktarin to treat it, it was really difficult to give to him but I did the best I could getting it on his tongue. This seemed to clear up, but the HV said that it looked like his tongue was still thick with it (he had just been really sick before she arrived and I think that was why it was so white). Anyway she told me that that was the reason he was so unsettled and to take him back to the docs as they can prescribe some drops, I made an app and went straight down only to be told they can't give me anything different until he is 1 month old next week and to continue using the daktarin. The doctor really had to look right at the back of his tongue cos it wasn't coated with white but she did see some white spots at the back and confirmed a flare up of thrush again. Fine, no problem I will start the treatment again.

But he is still unsettled, is getting increasingly sicky for up to 2 hours after a feed, and still getting the nasty taste face. However the HV made me feel that I was over worrying and said she would come out again next week as she thought I needed that extra bit of support because I seemed anxious, and was suggesting baby groups (which I was planning on going to anyway), to get me out of the house, when in fact NO what I need is something to stop the discomfort my baby is in :x

I am sure she meant well but I am so frustrated and felt that she wasn't listening, I am not over worrying, I asked for their advice that's all. Anyway after another bad day I have decided to try Charlie on C&G comfort formula to see if that will help settle him and help with the tummy pains. I recognise the thrush needs treating, but he is feeding well and sucking his dummy which makes me think it can't be so severe to cause him pain.

Sorry for rambling on again, will update on how he gets on with the new formula.
Hi :wave: Unfortunately I think my LO could be suffering from silent reflux :( We've had a really bad few days with Layla feeding and I just feel so sad for my little monkey as she seems in real discomfort. Over the past few days whilst feeding she's been taking an oz or so and then crying, going rigid, turning her head to the side and choking up the milk. She then cries until you put the bottle back in her mouth and then she cries again...and so it continues like this until we've made it thought about 4 ozs (she used to take 6 ozs every feed). She's had really bad wind and terrible hiccups too. She seems to have a constantly snuffly nose as well at the mo. Last night she cried unconsollably for about 2 hrs after her bottle until she fell asleep due to sheer exhuastion. We've tried winding her every oz but it doesn't seem to help. It doesn't appear to be a wind problem. It's not happening every bottle (she's having a bottle now and is much more settled), but it happening on most.

She's on aptimal 1 at the moment and i'm considering going out today to buy the easy digest formula.

I'm going to take her to the Dr on tues and i'm going to the clinic to see the HV on thurs but in the meanwhile any advice or support would be greatly appreciated :?
Just replied to your other thread but definitely sounds like silent reflux to me.

Poor little thing.

Have you tried Infacol and/or Colief? Both of those helped Tom with the wind but you have to persevere with them...particularly the Infacol as it has a cummulative effect so the longer you use it, the better the results are. It's good for getting the wind up.

L x
Well I have moved Layla onto Aptimel East Digest and she seems to be taking much more of her bottle and isn't fussing so much during her feeds and isn't as windy during feeding. She is still showing reflux signs (coughing and disturbed sleep) but the aptimel easy digest is def helping to improve the disscomfort during feeding. Also I have some infant Gaviscon which I'm going to try in her evening feed and see if that helps with the disturbed sleep and crying out in her sleep. I have also angled her moses basket matress so she's not lying so flat...fingers crossed she keeps improving :pray:
adding the gaviscon to easy digest tho is gonna make her milk really thick , dont know what teat your using but she may struggle or get bored and fall asleep
G3M said:
adding the gaviscon to easy digest tho is gonna make her milk really thick , dont know what teat your using but she may struggle or get bored and fall asleep

:think: true, i'm using the first choice NUK teats no. 1. i may be best finding a faster flowing teat?
ull deffo need number 2 :hug: leland wont even take his full dose (2 sachets) with a size 2 tommee tippee
G3M said:
ull deffo need number 2 :hug: leland wont even take his full dose (2 sachets) with a size 2 tommee tippee

Thanks I will go out and get some tomorrow and give it a go :D
HV came out today and has finally recogised that Charlie could have a bit of a reflux problem. Had the most horrendous day with him yesterday, was getting so bad that I was dreading his next bottle coming round and starting the cycle all over again :( On top of that I had Jamie off school with a sore throat and cough and wasn't able to dedicate any time to him cos Charlie was so unsettled.

Hoping for a better day today and am gonna make appointment with the GP to see if there is anything that they can suggest or give him to help.
he should be able to have at least 1 sachet ( they come in dual sachets very weird) hun , and if it improves him 'll know it whats wrong

u can buy gaviscon if u wanna try it before getting to docs :hug:
Didn't realise you could just buy it, might see if I can get some, cos doesn't look like gonna get to see the doc till next week. Thanks for the info :hug:
connor's been getting steadily more pukey for the last week or so - its got to the point where it seems like he's bringing up an entire feed in the time between one feed and the next. he's much more unsettled too. the doc has just prescribed gaviscon for him...

did anyone else's LO develop it at this stage? and how do other bf-ers administer it? connor's not over keen on water and if i have to express to put each dose in, it kinda means an end to the nice days out we've been having... :think: :think:
Eva developed this a couple of weeks ago and we were given gaviscon - i was only giving it to her before her bedtime feed though as this was when she was most pukey so it wasnt too bad to express enough for one bottle. On occasions when I hadnt got enough expressed we just mixed it up in water and gave it to her from the bottle - a cup or spoon was just messy and not very effective for us! I didnt really like her having gaviscon though so decided to try infacol before her feeds last week and so far so good, we havent had a sick-tsunami since, fingers crossed anyway. The Gaviscon is still on standby for a recurrence though! :lol:
im hoping / thinking lelend may be improving but i darent take him off the gaviscon yet , we should be seeing the hossy consultant soon enough so will ask her advice then
Thats the trouble with using all these medicines isnt it, you get scared to stop using them in case it all starts again, I hate it and feel so guilty when Eva is in discomfort just cos I decided to try her without.
She has been really bad today and taken an aversion to my left boob now as well, so more screaming.... had to trick her just now with a rugby hold :wink:
I'm very new to this site but i have been reading this thread on reflux with great interest.
I have a 6 month old son (Finlay)who from 2 months of age has been treated for reflux,but now i'm starting to wonder!!
He's on lactose free milk as after every feed we would get screaming,arching back, etc.The milk sorted that problem out but the vomiting continues.
He has never refused a bottle,never gagged,he just bring up so much of his feeds between feeds if that makes sense.
He's on the gaviscon,rinitidine and as of yesterday after a trip to the consultant he is now on domperidone.
Because he is fine in himself they wont do anything else to find out if it is actually reflux.
He was born 3 weeks early weighing 5lb 2ozs and 6 months down the line only weighs 13lb 10ozs so still quite small but has only lost a few ozs a few weeks ago but has since put that weight back on.
Some days he is sick so much i have to change him 7/8 times a day.
Does it sound like reflux to you or am i just being paranoid?!

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