Reflux Support Thread

Phoebe's stayed like that until we weaned her. She went from doing 1 every 1-2 days, to about 3-6 playdough poos a day!

She never seemed bothered by it though.

Does it cause your LO any discomfort? If it doesn't I'm sure she's fine. If it does, then I'd ask your HV for some advice (unless she's crap like mine).

It doesn't seem to bother her that much ,she just strains a lot and doesn't get much reward from it.

I've just took her nappy of and held her legs up for her and she did a huge poo (sorry TMI) which is what I think she's been trying to do all day. :lol:
hi ladies

I also have a reflux baby and i am finding these threads so useful.

Since Erin was born it has been an emotional rollercoaster. When i bought her home after having her she came down with a cold. Her breathing was herrendous and she was sicking up alot. I was taking her to the doctors at least once a week and no one would give me any answers. All they could say was that she was gaining weight so she was fine. She was not fine, she was crying all the time, really struggling to take a bottle and just not settled. For about 2 months it went on like this. It was tiring and I was soon diagnosed with PND. (i really think this is linked). It was only then when the health visitor came round to see me about my PND and spent quite a long time here she seen erin choke and bring the milk up. She looked at me and said that it was reflux. She was straight on the phone to the surgery and got them to diagnose me some infant gaviscon. Since the gaviscon it has been so much easier, although she never struggled with weight gain, she is such a happier baby. On 2 sachets every feed. She is still bringing up the milk sometimes but not screaming in pain all the time like she was doing. Hopefully it will just be the Gaviscon for erin so thats good. I feel so sorry for all you other mums going through the same thing.

oh xmcnickyx i remember you from the November babies thread. Theres only days between our girls. I think you were due a day before me :)
natalie_staffs said:
oh xmcnickyx i remember you from the November babies thread. Theres only days between our girls. I think you were due a day before me :)


Molly is still doing sooo well with the gaviscon. Dr has prescribed it for us so we don't have to pay for it. She's so happy now, it's amazing!
Well, Elijah has gained approximately 3 ounces in about 8 weeks... after advice to "keep an eye on it" and "start solids" (I did, hasn't helped) the GP has prescribed ranitidine. We have been using Gaviscon which has helped a lot, but it's just not working enough.

Can I just say how depressing it is for me to see him not gaining any weight? :( That, and lots of vomiting (as much as 8-10 times a day, anywhere from right after a feed to an hour+ after feeding) plus his other symptoms (a bit of wheezing and some coughing) are really doing me in. I don't have PND but it damned well gets me down a lot.

Hugs for all you others going through reflux out there.
We are STILL not Gaviscon free :roll:

Still, if it aint broke don't fix it.

Welcome to the new ladies. I think PND and reflux are DEFINITELY related. So many of us are on here AND on the PND support thread... xxx
Dylans reflux seems to be getting worse and worse, gaviscon no longer works so today he started on omeprazole. anyone had this? any good?
it seemed to work for isla, although she never got the intended dose it tastes minging!!

We had this alongside domperidone and gaviscon.

We are officially DRUG FREE!!! :cheer: :cheer: now off the gaviscon and everything!

Becs, said just to wean off the 'scon when we wean her onto cows milk as the drug doesnt stay in the body and poses no risk.

Can i safely say we are reflux free now?? has it come back for anyone!

Hang in there ladies!!
Oh congrats Sparky, that is really good news. What age is your LO? A lot of the books and stuff say reflux is "supposed" to be gone by 6 months but for us it's gotten worse since 4 months... wondering if there's an end in sight :(

Update on us... The ranitidine seemed to be working for awhile, or maybe it's partially working... but the poor baby is still throwing up. When he's on his back he often swallows it and then coughs with tears in his eyes :cry:

We're on 2ml ranitidine total, 1ml morning 1ml evening... don't know if it'll help to get the dosage increased but this is really disheartening. He throws up after Gaviscon as well. And he does that arching back thing a lot when we put him on his back.

At least he's starting to really take to solids and at last weighing he had put on 2 more ounces. But it's still not right and he's still having issues including coughing fits. And I don't know how much more I can stand waking up 3, sometimes 4 times per night.

Guess it's back to the GP with us this week and maybe asking him to refer us to a pediatrician.
You've not been refured to a pead yet - YES get down the GP and sort that out... our Pead(s) know so so much about reflux and everything associated with it they should really be able to help you.

I have never hurd/read that reflux is meant to go at 6months - i can assure you that is NOT the case with any babys I have evern known with reflux. Anything from 9-10months onward sounds realistic, so dont hope for anything before a year... because Corey's is/was (whatever) so bad, we are to stay on all medications (ranitidine, domperidone) and he still cant have ANYTHING with milk in it til about 18months old, then were going to see what happends... eakkk!

Corey seems to be allergic to Apples too...?? :think: I thought that odd.
Thanks CoreysMummy, I will def get onto the GP to give us a referral then. I do think the ranitidine is working, at least somewhat, but not enough, or maybe the dose isn't high enough. At least he seems to be gaining weight, we'll find out Weds what he's gained over the past week. :pray:
Quill -reflux for us peaked at 4 months. In fact I'm sure that I read ona website that it does peak around then.

I found this

Around 50% of babies will get some reflux but in only a small percentage of these is it a real problem. At the age of 10 months the number is down to about one in twenty babies.

I can certainly say that we are now reflux free. So there is hope. It is such a relief, I cannot express it in words. I'm sure that you lot are the only people that will understand that.

Hugs and support to you all xxxxxxxxx
spud was 6 months when it really ended!...never thought it would, just thank my lucky stars really
Is it possible for the effects of Gaviscon to wear off?

Last couple of days Molly has gone back to her screamy and sicky ways pre gaviscon. We were thinking about adding more to the bottle but the box says to give no more than 6 in a day and she currently has 6! She has 4 bottles of 6oz so we put a sachet and a half in.

Any advice?
We found that Phoebe's reflux got progressively worse from 12 weeks until just over 4 months when she was diagnosed.

My advice would be to go back to the GP and insist on seeing a Paediatrician. There are several other medicines that they can try in conjunction with the Gaviscon. For example, Phoebe was also on Domperidone which helps to empty the stomach quicker - the theory being that there is then nothing in there to come back up.

They can also prescribe acid neutralisers.

:hug: :hug:
Our experience mirrors Lara's except in our case Flod is still suffering (vomit everywhere this morning woo!)

She got worse about 12 weeks and it reached a peak at 4 months (coincidentally so did my PND). It was awful and no doctors would listen.

Now she still has reflux but nowhere near as bad (the solids were a big help).

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