Pelvic Pain (SPD)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Was diagnosed yesterday. Oh poo.

I had an inkling that I might have it, but was hoping I was wrong. No such luck. I know a few girls on here have it, may I ask who else? How do you cope?

I'm getting so fed up of having all these bloody health problems this time around. I was so healthy when pregnant with Pud, I can't believe how many ailments I have this time. Of course I'm glad that baby is healthy and it's just me that's sick / in pain, but I'm disappointed in myself for being so unhealthy- I can't help thinking a lot of it has to do with the fact that I went into this pregnancy much more overweight, and then I feel guilty. I have my Glucose Tolerance Test next friday, and I bet it'll come back positive for gestational diabetes too. Sorry to be so negative, but I'm fed up. :wall2:

On the plus side, lovely OH bought me a birthing ball, which is my new best friend. :)

Moan over, Bex out x
I have it too. I don't have any physio, at the first session where i was diagnosed, i was given some exercises to do and it seemed to make it worse so i gave up and didn't go back. At night, i've found that a memory foam mattress topper has made it easier to get comfortable without loads of pillows (there isn't room, my OH always sleeps on me!) If i need to turn over at night, i've found that its easier to so i'm almost rolling onto my stomach but also lift myself onto my knees, rather than rolling via my back.
Waiting for a referral to cone thru for physio I have been seei g my osteopath and have a support belt from mothercare
I have it too and have done in all my pregnancies and i was at my lowest weight this time !!! do go to a physio when i need to but to b honest u just have to rest as much as u can !! i have just been signed off for 3 weeks and told that i might not even get back to work before baby is here as i have a very active job and work not being overly helpful !! definatly get a belt and in touch with a physio. And know its hard but avoid picking up your lo xxxxx
I have it to, :( ive had physio and have a support belt, but just make sure you rest loads, i over did it the other day as i had a massive burst of energy which i hadnt had in a while and spent that night crawling to the toilet as i just couldnt walk my hips/back/foof were in agony!
I had this with dd2 they gave me a support belt which was a life saver and i was sent to physio aswell, really hoping it doesnt come back with this one xx
Thankyou guys for all your helpful comments- it sounds like a support belt is the way to go, I'll look into it. GP told me it's not serious enough for physio- why thankyou, that makes me feel better, douchebag. :lol:
Make sure u rest! Yesterday i hoovered then walked to my mum's and back and ended up doubled up in boots! X
Make sure u rest! Yesterday i hoovered then walked to my mum's and back and ended up doubled up in boots! X

Ah feck, I really need to clean today... I think I'll just have to take it sloooooow :)
I have it , I fell down stairs when I was 37 weeks pregnant with AJ as midwife did nothin about it x

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