Our little dream :) Had a mc???

how do you cope without a freezer?? do you buy fresh food all the time it ust cost you an arm and a leg, i buy meat in bulk and freeze it all for the month
We have a tv just We can't see any channels on it, out choose us we never watch normal tv or have time for that...we only use it to watch DVDs on weekends...
Carnat is without freezer and i am without tv, weird people we are lol

No TV.... Jesus!!!

how do you cope without a freezer?? do you buy fresh food all the time it ust cost you an arm and a leg, i buy meat in bulk and freeze it all for the month

I am just very efficient when to planning what we eat I guess?

For example if I buy a pack of mince and 4 chicken breasts that does us for dinner for 4 nights

I'd do a chilli and we'd have that with rice one night, then I'd do chicken fajita's next night, then left over chilli with jacket pot's the folowing night, and finally breaded chicken breast with pasta... Sorted!

On my way to and from work I pass a Sainsbury's, a Watirose, a Co-Op, a M&S and a Tesco (I don't pass them all in one go, it depends on route I take LOL) so I tend to shop around for meats? M&S often do good deals on chicken? Whereas if we're splashing out I go to the meat counter at Waitrose!

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i wish i was that organised i am awful at planning meals! i get all flustered every night I should really write them all down
WSS I never know what we will eat... Maybe I start making a food planner for the whole week and a shopping list to come with that
i wish i was that organised i am awful at planning meals! i get all flustered every night I should really write them all down

I like to have a plan and I love lists... plus when I was calorie counting it made sense to know in advance what we were eating!

WSS I never know what we will eat... Maybe I start making a food planner for the whole week and a shopping list to come with that

What can I say - I am a very organised person?? :shock: :lol:

You love lists you say lol. Carnat my beloved friend when are you making a baby shopping list that you will share with me lol???? :blush:
You love lists you say lol. Carnat my beloved friend when are you making a baby shopping list that you will share with me lol???? :blush:

LOL - there is something I need to confess Hope!

I am not in the slightest bit maternal and I am basically crap with babies and children?

I don't know the first thing about looking after a baby and even though I have 3 young nephews I haven't changed a nappy or fed a little one since I was about 10 years old [I was 10 when my youngest brother was born and I was great with him?? But I can't remember]

I have no clue what we'll need, all I know is it will be expensive LOL!

I am hoping that someone will just tell me all the things I need to buy?? :lol:

:rofl: pair of you will have feral kids running around in the nude
:rofl: pair of you will have feral kids running around in the nude

If you think I am bad you do not even want to hear about my OH!

I remember we discussed kids years ago and I said how expensive they were OH said "well food won't cost much as they just have a little plate of what we eat" ..... :shock: :shock:

He did mean once they were eating solids and does know they can't eat proper food from birth but still - you can't be feeding chilli con carne or steak to your on year old!!

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I think actually you can feed them those :) they are suppose to be able to have exactly what you have from 1 year old :)
My two nephews are one and they cannot have a lot of things that we eat...

Also some of their food still had to be pureed / made differently

(IE you can't salt and olive oil their pasta, you can't season a lot of things they will eat, you can't add a lot of herbs and spices)

In Greece we feed the 1 year old the same food that we eat and most certainly with olive oil as everything is cooked with that there. ( unless ofc the kid has an allergy) we use the same seasoning (seasoning is not too much in Greece anyway) and we feed them absolutely the same food as ours only pressed with the fork for the smaller Los.
I don't know what the guidelines say in uk though. I did see though in this forum people that do blw kids eat everything from 6 months age :shock:
I season my food, use lots of spices when cooking and generally like a lot of flavour.

Tonights dinner has red wine, paprika, basil, oregano, garlic and onions in it....

I wouldn't feed that to a 1 year old... However some of my plainer meals (like sausage and mash) would be fine.

I guess it depends what you eat?

Also olive oil is fine but I salt my pasta and I wouldn't salt a one year olds pasta?

its different in the EU though we are nannied in the UK, my friend is arabic and was bought up on lots of oliveoil/ spices etc. we have a million rules over here
You're make the pats without salt and we add salt in the sauce usually plus Parmesan cheese.
Anyway I meant that you can always salt and season yours later :)
I have to season my water with salt for the falvour - I obviously wouldn't for a baby though!


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