Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Hope sweetie,

Don't you remember I caught a cold (from my OH) just days after my BFP....

It took my alomsot 2 weeks to fully recover :shock: :shock:

I couldn't take anything, I wasn't sleeping and being so run down is what started off my gum problems as well ......

Total nightmare and I do really feel for you.

All I can say is make sure you rest and keep your strength up!

thank you all, i dnt know whats more miserable my cold or me making that shopping list lol :shock: my oh will faint :faint: when he sees that :lol:
You've just reminded me I need to do my online shop!

Did i tell you with what my oh came yesterday from the supermarket?

Let's see white bread, cheese, salami, 2 frozen pizzas, chocolate, biscuits, fish ticks and fries :faint: :shock: i am completely doomed when LO is born and he has to cook...
My OH lives on cereal and sandwiches if I am not home to cook :shock:

In think maybe we need to fill the freezer with home made food, in portions so they can get out a lunch and a dinner per day to reheat...
Good thing we have a freezer lol. I think I will start doing that at he beginning of 3 trimester. Cook double and freeze half? Now I only need to find a list with foods that they freeze ok...
We don't have a freezer :shock:

I am sure our folks will pitch in though as both our parents live about 2 minutes walk away!

Lucky you lol... Our parents live in different countries....
She probBky means they don't have a freezer box, a separate one
we don't have a freezer :shock:


She probBky means they don't have a freezer box, a separate one

Nope I mean that we do not have a freezer.

We only have room in our kitchen for an under the counter fridge and the last one did have a freezer box BUT the flappy door broke and each week I had to get the hairdryer out and manually defrost the ice box

We bought a new fridge but as we'd not had an ice box for so long we didn't bother.

All I ever kept in the ice box was Absolut Voka and ice anyway :lol:

My oh would die without ice and frozen pizza lol and fish sticks and all the other frozen things he likes.
oooh can't believe you live without a freezer! Ours is great so stocking up. OH makes a great bolognese, but he can only make enough for 10 people!!! so we make batches and freeze it, perfect for good meals when we are both working, or to make chilli or lasagne quickly :)
Dysco about that bolognese now. Do you freeze the whole thing with spaghetti and everything or you freeze only the sauce and then freshly boil the spaghetti when needed?
When we have things like chilli or bolognese we'll have it with pasta or rice one night and then have the left overs a few nights later on jacket spuds?

There is very rarely any waste and I tend to try and cook stuff fresh as much as possible.

I've never missed having a freezer?

We didn't have one in our place before either :shock:

:shock: I buy meat on sales and freeze it. I would probably need one more doctors salary to not buy meat here on sales or to buy fresh meat and fish everyday lol
Carnat is without freezer and i am without tv, weird people we are lol

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