Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Quick update: I am taking today as being cd8 and the seems to be no blood, yay!! :dance: can't believe it has actually stopped.

Got a bit ahead of myself calculating due dates earlier, if I fell pregnant this cycle I would be due 11th may. But if my cycles go to plan and I catch it next time I would be due 7th June, which is the 8th anniversary of my mum passing away! :shock: I was originally due the 8th jan, 5 days before my mums birthday! Very strange how the dates line up!! Plus I caught on my second cycle last time!

I'm off for a nap as was at work at 4.30am, and relatives will be here soon. Not sure how much I will get on today or tomorrow so have a good few days ladies :) xx
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hey :) good morning.

stressing here....my oh forgot to tell me that the in-laws coming this saturday....omg so stressing. i never met them before and they have to meet me now that i am a big whale....instead of 1 year ago when i was 49 kg....they will have such a sock and they will never like me :( also i have to clean the house, make arrangements for sleeping, cooking and i am sure loads more that i cant even think :(

any advice welcome...

its o cute you kanga picking things for your Lo before you were pregnant, a little positive visualizing can do loads :)
i love the idea of slings and i want to try them but because of the bad weather here i will probably need a pushchair too. i like BLW maybe combined with traditional method if those will work ok together, i like breastfeeding combined probably with expressing but secretly i wouldnt mind at all bottle feeding but its sth almost not acceptable in Norway. i would like the baby to have its one room from the begging that we will hand paint a theme on the walls. i would like my Lo to speak fluently all the 3 languages that we speak and i am curious about the cloth nappies mostly for the money saving but not so sure if it will not be too much for me...
all set now i only need my LO back :(
i need to make a list with all the things that i need to do before the in laws come. Omg i will never survive this weekend :(
hey kanga thats wonderful :) i really hope that was it for you. planning dosent go so good with babies, we all demonstrate before lol. just relax and let it be. :D :hug:
Hi girls,
sounds like you both have the relatives to deal with this weekend. I'm taking OH to the south downs for his birthday, we've both got tomorrow off so we can go early. I found a dog friendly pub that does b&b so going to disappear just him and me...bliss!

Have spent half the day without internet although it finally seems sorted now, what a pain! better get back to it. Hows the studying going Hope? bet the in-laws will love you! xx
bet the in laws will hate me because i am lkie a whale for now but thats other topic.....

now do tell what present did you get for the oh?????pictures too please :p

the studying was nt so bad till i heard that in laws are coming...
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Well taking him away for the weekend is his present cos I can't afford more than that (and a hotel for 2 nights and dinners etc not cheap). Made him cupcakes to take to work, got him a silly gift (a desk tidy shaped like a pencil sharpener made out of wood) and photo book of our holiday. Also I've a sweetie cake waiting for him at my parents for Sunday (a cake made of sweets, not cake!). I'll post a pic of the cake on sunday!
sounds wonderful :) cant wait to see pictures :) i hope you will have a lovely time and good weather too <3
afternoon ladies, hope everyone is well? seems as though we have all been quite busy the last few days as not much chatting happening, :)

I decided it would be best to try and avoid moaning on here as that's all that is happening just want it all to be over and done with now.

On a good note though I went out last night with some work friends and had some drinks and really enjoyed myself, shame that I was a bit of a bitch to my oh before I went out. Not sure why, I knew I was doing it but couldn't stop myself if u know what I mean?

It was quite funny on friday night as he went out for drinks for his leaving party as he has a new job from tomorrow. He came home quite drunk and chatty. Telling me how much he loved me and how he wanted to get married but thinks my family doesn't like him. Well tough shit, I have been with him 9 1/2 years, he is here to stay. Although most of them have got used to it, but then we don't see them that often anyway.

He was also talking about how happy he was when I got pregnant, saying he had 'super seed' :rofl: He never opens up this much ever! Think I need to get him to drink more often!

I have decided that I am going to concentrate on my bookkeeping studies and did my Level 1 exam on friday, it is an online exam. I passed with a distinction at 99% :dance: Was well pleased with myself, now just trying to practice with mock exams for the level 2 exam.

Anyway I have rambled on, so I'm going to stop typing now :)

p.s the diet has gone out the window this weekend, back on it tomorrow hopefully xx

p.p.s Hope u have enjoyed ur weekend away dysco :)
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Kanga 99% is awesome! keep going with it you'll be so chuffed when you get the full qualification.

having a fab weekend, lovely to have some quality time with OH. pics to follow xx
Can't wait to see some pics dysco :)

I phoned the doctors surgery at 8.30am when they opened and spoke to the reception told her I spoke to dr Harris about my mc and bleeding, she said she is unavailable for an appointment til September :shock: I said that I just wanted a blood test done so didn't did to see her specifically, she said we can get u in for next Wednesday! I said to her I can't wait that long its already been 7 weeks.

I then got a phone call back from the triage nurse, explain to her she said I will have to put u back on the list for a doctor to phone back!! As I was typing this up I got a call from the doctor and I have an appointment at 11.30! Yay I am actually getting somewhere! :dance:

I will update when I get back. Xx
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kanga if they tell you that this is normal after 6 weeks tell them that was 4 weeks ago....dont leave before they short you out properly. i am very happy that things are going somewhere at least :hug:

dysco amazing weekend you say? we want all the details and photos :D

i survived the in laws lol. it wasnt so bad after all, i didnt have the occasion to explain them why i am so fat but they seemed to like me like that anyway. i could never believe in my life that someone can get pass of my current weight....

kanga sorry that you couldnt follow your diet this weekend, yeeey for new beginnings this week :), i thankfully managed to stay on track though i dodnt see y scales moving :( i think my hormones are not all back to normal yet making loosing weight difficult also. oh well we will see :)

have a nice day :hug:
I'll be posting phots soon, although too them on my nice camera and they are too big. I need to scale them down so will pop them on tonight :)
Well ladies I am back from the doctors, I have been given a course of antibiotics to take in case I have an infection causing the bleeding and I am booked in for a blood test tomorrow morning at 11.30. So hopefully by the end of the week I should have some answers.

Glad the meeting of the in laws went well Hope, I know it can be a bit daunting. I find being around my in laws a bit strange even though I lived with them for 6 years!

Got to be at work in an hour, boo, I have enjoyed having 3 days off from that place! :) xx
Brilliant news, progress at last! hope you feel a bit more positive now! :hug:
Yeah I'm very happy to be finally getting some help, I let them fob me of for too long. Xx
What a hectic evening after work, I went out to my car and saw the I had a flat back tyre so had to put my spare on. So i was in the middle of changing my car wheel to my spare in the car park outside work when a guy came up to me and asked if I needed help! I just said I'm ok to do it myself then he said ur doing a good job on ur own! What is it because I'm a girl I'm not meant to know how to change my wheels over!! Lol :)

Off to bed now as at work at 4.30am, boo! :(
Hiding I'm shame..... I have no idea how to change my wheels....and even if I knew I would probably prefer someone else to do it so I don't get dirty lol.

Poor you after work to have to do that instead of heading home :(

Have a nice day everyone,catch with y later
They took my blood this morning and the results should be back by Friday. If I haven't heard anything then I will phone them lunchtime Friday. I also got a phone call back from the epau this afternoon to book a follow up scan! :shock: got to phone them back tomorrow to get a time for Monday next week.

Hope u have had a good day xx

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