Our little dream :) Had a mc???

yeeey kanga, so happy for you.

i start worrying for you bleeding so much for so long. cant you go somewhere private if the national system is playing around with you there? not so sure how those things work in UK. or maybe phone the early pregnancy unit again. i mean if the tissue is all out they can give you hormones to stop the bleeding, if not then you need a d&c to remove it all, you cant go on bleeding for so long, soon you will get anemia. also can you get your self seen by a gynecologist? sometimes people that give you the scan can only tell you only what they see not that you cna get progesterone for example to stop the bleeding etc.

i hope you will get it shorted soon.

i am all about getting fitter too :) as i am actually obese. how i got obese is actually a drama story lol.

i got pierced by a needle at the hospital last year. so i had to get prophylactic treatment for AIDS, hepatitis etc for 6 month. thankfully i tested negative for everything but the side effects from those drugs made me pack a hell lot of kg with a BMI >40. since then i lost about 30 kg, and still going strong, needing to loose like 50 more.... depressing completely... i was 49 kg before that story :(

so now, i cut off the carbohydrates, meaning no pasta, bread, sugar, starchy vegetables and i eat lots of vegetables, grilled meat and berries. it seems to work but as my hormones are still all over after the d&c its going slowlyyyyyyyyy. about exercise now...yeees sure, you try to move with 120 kg lol.i do walk and go haking but nth near the daily jogging etc i was doing before.

Lol my life looks like out of a american movie or sth lol...

good luck with you getting fitter, tell me how you are doing that? following a certain plan or just increasing exercise?
Kanga thats sooo positive! Your OH sounds like he really is trying and bless him so glad that you both want a LO. So pleased that you managed to get that time together, you seem more relaxed and positive and that can only be a good thing! PMA and all that! Maybe is bleeding getting heavier af is starting and it will sort everything out. fx xxxx
yey for getting fitter, I'm doing that too, determined that if i get pg before the wedding i'll the stomach muscles to hold the bump in as long as possible. I cycle to work and go to circuits in the park once or twice a week. I'm supposed to be running the Cardiff half marathon in october too :s although training hasn't been easy with all thats happened, have to get back onto it propoerly now.

Hope your weight gain story sounds like a nightmare, 49 to 120kilos is amazing! well done on loosing 30! xxx
nah not even close it was 49 to 150....but i had a really bad reaction with suprarenals etc. not sth that normally happens after those drugs...anyway everything got back to normal with my suprarenals 6 months ago and loosing weight is not so hard as i didnt have bad eating habits. i was used to eat normal healthy portions anyway, i was away from chocolate, chips and things like that. much easier than a obese person that got there by overeating i suppose but its still damn hard job :( i only hope that my patience will not abandon me or sth meantime...
Unfortunately my overweight story started after I left school, i was a size 12 then!! now i'm an 18 and around 100kg! i eat all the wrong things, crisps, chocolate, i snack too much when i am at home alone! Comfort eat! I always told myself I have no other vices as i don't smoke or drink so treated myself! pretty sure the bc pill i went on after school didn't help!

So going to try and cut out all the crappy snacking during the day and eat some fruit instead, also i want to get motivated in doing some exercise. I work at a leisure centre so get swimming and use of the gym free, i made use of it a while back and really enjoyed it. Then i got sciatica and could barely do anything. so i know i can do it! :)

As for the bleeding, it is definitely like a period at the mo including some tiny tiny clots (tmi). fx this is my body finally clearing out. Onwards and upwards at all that :)

Also today I am getting my arse in gear to complete my bookkeeping courses that i am doing from home,only started them 3 years ago, eekk! Ive just sat my level 1 mock exam online and passed so applied to do the real thing, should hear from them next week sometime to do it. xx
i should be wrong but i thin so you get your period you need 2 weeks with no bleeding after a mc, so you can say its your period. but body works in ysterious ways :) fx for you that this is the end of it :)

comfort eating is hard to brake unfortunately. maybe try to not even buy those foods you like so if you dont have them around you maybe you will not crave them. i am quite lucky about that as i am rarely touching those food anyway.

as my oh says i could at least have fun gaining all that weight by eating all the ice cream andpizzas etc i wanted lol but never did lol. last time i ate an ice cream was probably when i was at university...

so lucky youa are kanga that you can go swimming etc for free. the fat i am now i couldnt even imagine wear a swimsuit lol :(

i hope to catch you up soon at 100 kg :D
I know the bleeding probably isn't AF yet, but my body getting rid of the lining that still remained behind. but it definitely is a step in the right direction, at least i hope it is anyway!

Going to start slow with increasing the exercise as don't want to over do it. i will probably try the gym first as it is less embarrassing than stripping off to a swimsuit, and going swimming when i know all the lifeguards!

saying that i must get going if i am going to walk to work for 3pm, takes about 25mins! i'm a slow walker! especially once i get to the hill! lol :)
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Still waiting on my period here. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to start..but nothing. It's been just over 5 weeks since mc.
Well ladies the talk seemed to do wonders, my oh picked me up from work and took me to the harvester pub for dinner! :shock: was pleasantly surprised. Had really good chat about money and plans to reduce our outgoings, including getting me a different car!

Also I have managed to get him to talk about getting me a dog, was going to have to wait til I was 6 months pregnant before he would allow me to have one but now I have persuaded him to have another good talk about it after we get back from the wedding in Wales at the end of the month, yippee :dance:

Still bleeding a fair bit like the beginnings of a period so quite happy there, let's hope it continues until it is all gone!

I'm in such a happy mood tonight, just thought I would share with u ladies as u have had to put up with my moanings! :hugs: :hugs: enjoy ur evenings ladies xx
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So wonderful to have a happy message from you Kanga, you sound so much more relaxed and ok!!! Yey for you, well done! :hug: xxx
That was fantastic kanga :)

How is the symptom spotting going dysco?

Bliss you will get there soon I hope :)

Today probably staying in bed most of the day, having a fever etc etc....

What are your plans for this weekend?we are making plans this afternoon :)

Have a nice day ladies
Hope, poor you! fever is rubbish. hope you aren't missing any good weather?
I'm off to cornwall for another wedding! hoping to get inspired for ideas for mine too :) Hope the weather is good! Sore boobs beyond belief, no other symptoms, v unlikely that I'm pg, not going to do a test til next week at earliest though. Just want af to come!
no worries about missing good weather lol. its raining again. managed to get up, made a coffee and opened my books...
a wedding ooooooo, thats not so bad dysco, lots of ideas there, you have to tell us all about when you come back.
about symptoms now...it was quite accidental for me first time it happened but from what i cna recall i had sore nipples that i realized only when my oh ahem carefully bit them lol (sorry TMI) and still didnt cross my mind i was pregnant lol but anyway...i was also going for a wee quite a lot and i had bloating. back then i noticed none of those symptoms lol i was only wondering why i feel like getting my period a week before....only if i was a doctor.....
i hope you get your period then dysco if that you want but if it is a BFP i will be the first to celebrate with you :D :D
me and oh we didnt do so good with DTD this month i think, me poorly, he tired lol, like 70 year old couple or sth. also nobody knows when ovulation was or it will be as i didnt get any signs of that....(maybe my hormones still screwed and i ovulate late or at all??? ) i will be quite surprised if i get a bFP this month...

can i ask you sth ahem personal girls??

you and oh are you DTD when you feel like it, or when you know ovualtion is about to happen? we usually have to be up next day very early for work, resulting that we mostly DTD at weekends and maybe meantime if we both feel like it....i was wondering if i would force the things or leave it as it is and we will see.
knowing me and how shy i am with those things i will not evne know how to seduce my oh to DTD as mostly this is his job... (now i sound like a 15 year old again lol)....
Heya, I'm Belle and I am 19 from Kent and I MCed 3 weeks ago at idk how many weeks (although the test said 3+ - it was a clearblue digital haha). Very gutted but trying my best not too blame others for what happened... Hope everyone is okay today xo
Afternoon ladies, hope ur are all well. I have had a long day at work, and glad to be home.

Omg hope that is exactly like me, it's my oh job to start things uh going if u know what I mean too. I think if I push it too hard he would get suspicious that I am tracking ov too much! Lol :)

But to be honest I will just be glad to be able to dtd anyways! We have only managed to dtd 3 times in 3 months, now that's scary! Cd36 and still bleeding relatively heavy, looks like my lining has finally decided to shift, woo! :dance:

Enjoy another wedding dysco, I'm going to one bank hol weekend in abergavenny. Definitely a busy month for weddings. I hope u get some good ideas.

Welcome to the group hopeandfaith, although I am so sorry for ur loss :hugs: xx
Welcome hopeandfaith, and :hug: we don't forget here but help each other get through it!

Trying so hard not to syptom spot cos my body is all over the place. Sadness hits me when I least expect it to aswel, like last night on my way home from circuits. I'm so determined to get on with it and I've been so busy that I think I've made myself think I'm ok. And I am, just still so sad. I miss my lo x
Good morning ladies, I am feeling rather bored today as I have a day off but my oh is working all day! It's not even nice outside so sat indoors. It's not raining so I might go for a walk, if I can get motivated enough!

Sorry for keep going on but I am getting really fed up of bleeding now, still going strong, ergh! Just want to get back to ttc!

I know exactly what u mean dysco, I think to myself all the time I'm ok with everything thing, this is just a really long annoying AF. When deep down I think I should be 18weeks tomorrow, would I have a bump, would I be feeling movements yet! So so sad all of it!

Sending big hugs out to everyone today :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xx
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Hey everyone...
I feel so awful today... trouble with my on/off OH, and all sorts. :'(
There is little point...

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