Our little dream :) Had a mc???

feel a bit down in the dumps. shouldn't really, i've had a lovely day wedding dress shopping with my mum, found a couple of gorgeous dresses but ridiculously expensive and really can't justify the expense. OH is away for the night, and i just feel a bit poo. I've had a dodgy belly and cramps for the last 2-3 weeks, really sore boobs and sicky feelings and soo tired all the time. I'm unlikely to be pregnant but have done hpts last friday and before and all negative. I'm still waiting for my first af after mmc and think thats why I feel rubbish. I've got so much work to do and am hideously behind because i've procrastinated so much since the mc, haven't been focused on work at all (suddenly other priorities, like weddings and feeling sorry for myself). I;ve got deadlines coming up which I am likely to miss or be fulfilled in a rubbish way. work is coming second, third, fourth at the moment and in my job I just can't sustain that kind of slackness.

Sorry for moaning, I just need to off load. listened to that song tiff posted and that just made me sad.
U are welcome to moan all u want dysco, I sure know i have. Glad u had a good day dress shopping, they are ridiculously priced considering u are only going to wear it once. Maybe u can find the dress u like cheap online although not sure if u can. I just think of the friends episode where Monica is getting married and finds her dress cheaper in Brooklyn! Although I know we can't do that here lol.

As for work I have no enthusiasm there either, my house is a mess, washing basket is overflowing and I can't be bothered to do any of it. Luckily at work I can get away with not having to do too much being a cleaner, I don't really have to try hard, if u know what I mean. I have got my motivation regarding my bookkeeping though, but that might be because I only have til the end of September to finish then i will have to pay £130 each for two courses to have an extra 6 months tutor support!

I haven't listened to the song yet but I know it will probably upset me. Not sure if I want to listen with the oh around as he might think I'm being stupid. Although saying that at work I keep listening to a song with the lyrics: it only seems like a moment since the angels took you away. No one knows the pain you left behind, like the piece if my heart I will never find I get upset every time I listen but can't stop myself from putting it on loop!

Anyways slightly off topic there, but try and keep ur chin up and rant away to us whenever u need to big hugs :hugs: xx
Dysco I hope y feel better today, did y pick a dress? Sent us a link if you did, I love wedding dresses :)

Kanga how are y? Well done for sticking with the bookkeeping. How is it going with the bleeding?

I listened to that song too, a little sad :(

Back to work btw and I feel so tired, work, studying, housework,on duty nights.....I feel like my work comes second in my priorities and that can't really be acceptable....I really have to do sth about that but my brain refuses to cooperate.

I miss my LO. I would be finding the sex of my LO this week :(

Oh well, enough ranting, have a good day ladies :)

Dysco did you poas yet btw?
nothing really has changed, still bleeding although my supply of cheapie hpt has been restored :blush: So had to poas this morning! I think I can still see a line but it is definitely a lot fainter than last friday, Yay! Added pics for ur comparasion please, order friday's first the 2 of today's test.

Being back at work sucks doesn't it Hope? Duty on nights, boo, that's horrible. Really feel for u. This week is my best out of my 3 week rota as i was off Fri, Sat, booked Sun off, worked Mon and Tues then off again Wed and Thurs!! But does mean I have to work Sat and Sun this week!

I feel as thought the time I was pregnant went so slow, probably because I felt sick all the time but these last few weeks have flown by. I would be around 19 and half weeks now, nearly half way! makes me so sad :(


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I know I should have been 16 weeks and i'm still waiting for af, POAS and BNF, which I know is a good thing but don't feel normal yet, sore boobs on and off (and I mean really achey like i don't remember having before i got pregnant) and strange cramps in my belly (but not like when i was pregnant). I have to be so self motivated at work and I'm just not!

Ok, wedding dresses, check out these links
these two are love but are insanely expensive so a definite no, but sooo gorgeous (my mum wants to pay for my dress but can't possibly ask her to pay what these cost!)
look at enchanting in new collection (love it, and made my waist look teeny tiny)
or maiden in the classic collection (soooo pretty)

This one is more in the price range i think is reasonable, and i think its soo pretty
The problem is I have quite a specific idea in my head, kind of a merge of these, which might sound odd as they are very different. problem is i can't find it anywhere (at least not at a reasonable price!). Ideally i want a fitted, lace capped sleeved dress with bodice and sweetheart neck line with very little train. I'm not bragging but i'm a size 8 with boobs (not huge but a 32D) and waist, i want my dress to be the one time i can show off my assets without looking like a porn star!! Opinions girlies please! oh and here is a terrible pic but its me in the maiden dress (and its a size too big).


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those dresses are gorgeous hun, the enchanted one is very elegant. You look very pretty in the maiden dress, and if it was the right size it would look so good :)

It is so nice of ur mum to buy ur wedding dress too, i think i would be the same and not want to take the mick too much with the price. xx
:doh:coming back from work to lovely wedding dresses is not so bad :D!!!! (early day at work today some short of anniversary hospital day sth :) :) )

the first one is very elegant, the second one i liked better but also depends if you want a more traditional look or not. :) i am more for traditional weddings but i liked both dresses.

also i love the combination of size 8 with D :) unfortunately before the damn needle incident i was a number 4 with B....looking like a 13 year old rather than woman but you girl you will look perfect in any dress.

now if you want a more not so modern approach (porno star lol as you named it) that you will probably get with any mermaid like wedding dress you probably have to wear a ball like dress to bring some symmetry BUT i would say that you look perfect in that dress already :)

i tried lots of wedding dresses for my cousins wedding (i couldnt resist but join her to the fun) and though i thought that i hate traditional too big fluffy ball dresses i was looking like a doll in them out of a fairy tale or sth lol so i fell in love with them. i tried some mermaid like dresses too and i looked nice in them to but it was missing the fairy tale element :p i was looking like going to music awards or sth lol :p

BTW did you try any dresses without straps (sorry no idea if those are named straps actually) those D may look even more perfect in that kind of top.

How excited you should be !!!!!!!

kanga those look like becoming lighted. was about time. i will be more happy if they were negative by now but you are getting there hopefully soon :)
and yes going back to work sucks big time....duty nights i cant even express my feeling about them....i feel like dragging myself around and so major tired and i am not even pregnant....

off to cook, i have some minor tummy pains also, maybe my period is over the corner meaning that things getting closer to normal??? (CD 25 today and previous had 25 days cycles) i would be please with anything under 30 days and hopefully next month will come with ovulation also.... :think: :doh:
So thinking my bleeding had stopped, I have had a couple of crampy feelings this afternoon and some more bleeding, wish my body would stop teasing me now! :(

I have been really naughty food wise, eaten nearly a whole tub of pringles :shock: why are they so moreish!!

Fx for u Hope that AF is round the corner and u get back to a normal ttc cycle. I can't remember if u were using opk's or not? If not, will u this next cycle? Xx
hey kanga, i never used opk and i dont think i will use next cycle too because i dont want to have sex jsut because the opk is positive and also i cant see me seducing my oh....but thats a different subject of discussion lol....sometimes you should swear i am 15....

it happened once even unplanned it will eventually happen again. i had pretty regular cycles until now so it shouldn't be such a a problem to predict when ovulation will happen.

i am mostlu sure i didnt ovulate this cycle because of the lack of mucus (TMI) and ofc because its common to not ovulate for a couple of cycles after mc.
hopefully next month will be back to normal.

i had some very light spotting, only once and the cramps completely stopped. :( so unlike me....i usually get them pretty hard even 2 days before AF. so i am a bit confused about if AF is going to happen soon or not :(

BTW thats how i tested last time with BFP i had bleeding , spotting like, for 2 days and no cramps lol. i never have the luck of no cramps so i got a pregnancy test and BFP.... now i know that i am not pregnant but be my welcome to stop my brain from thinking it....offffff
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I brought some cheapie opk's but not sure if I will use them as it gets closer to possibly being able to ov. I have used loads the last few weeks all picking up on left over hcg. I am about as able to seduce my oh as u then! Definitely not my 'job' in this relationship. I think if I got a positive opk, unless he wants to dtd , we will miss it cos I won't try, then I would beat myself up for messing up the cycle! This ttc lark is awful, wish it could be easier! Xx
goodmorning :)

raining, AF is finally here, 26 days so its heading to normal i would say...quite happy about that.

so i am having a crappy day with cramps, diziness, feeling sick, my back hurts and you know....lots of things to remind me that i should be a happy bunny right now shopping for pink or blue little cardigans....

oh well...

i hope you lovely ladies will have a perfect weekend. we wait for father in law to come again to fix sth that needs fixing (sth with the house roof ) so one more reason of being unhappy...i barely have time to see my oh and saturday is the only day that we cna enjoy going shopping together and maybe a dinner downtown etc... and thats the second weekend that we cant do that and the 3 is about to come as next weekend my oh has to go to a social meeting that will last almost all saturday... :(

ok ranting over, tell me your plans for this weekend :)
DIY for us this weekend. actually i'm looking forward to it. its our first weekend we've had on our own in cardiff with nothing specific to go and do since about May time. We've had soooo much on its been really knackering and we desperately need to do stuff like go to the dump, sort out the spare room so that we can decorate the study, so that we can decorate our bedroom etc etc. So tonight its the supermarket, OH's turn to cook so something easy from Tesco, wine and movie then hitting the DIY tomorrow. he's going to the rugby, Wales vs argentina so i'll probably try and get some work done cos i'm so behind, then more DiY when he gets back. same on sunday, with a few dog walks and runs in between :)

As Kanga you are working aren't you? and Hope at least you are getting stuff fixed but its tough when you don't have time together, what does your OH do btw?
I am working but not all day, just 5.30 til 11.30 am, so I still get the afternoons free. I might try and get out into the garden if its nice, got to mow the lawn and pick up apples from our tree! Nightmare job! Also go to try and keep on top of my bookkeeping work, which i am enjoying at the mo! :)

If u ask my oh he is a motor vehicle technician but when i explain its he works on cars :) usually at the weekend he is helping his mates out to fix their cars. Not sure whether he is this weekend or not. He used to bein late from work as well, he was meant to finish at 5 and I would be lucky to see him before 7pm! He always got asked to start jobs 10mins before closing, because some idiots didn't gi e the workshop the job card and the customer had come to collect their car and the work hadnt been done! He started a new job on Monday this week, and he was home at 5.30 yesterday! It was lovely to have a whole evening together. Xx
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Just got our 2 free tickets for Thorpe park in the post today! Got them through the sun newspaper, going on 8th sept! So excited! :dance: just had to share! :) although I'm not allowed to get pregnant before then am I? :(
oh is a doctor. sorry if i am stupid but what is DIY ??????
DIY- do it yourself. It is doing decorating and building stuff in ur own home without getting professionals in. Foe example ur oh and father in law fixing ur roof xx
why you are not allowed to get pregnant before? though with all the troubles you had i would wait one cycle to assure that everything is properly healed. is there any other reason?i dont know exactly what this park is but sounds about fun :D
i wish we werent DIY lol, i just want some professionals to come and fix everything and if possible clean also lol....but my oh loves fixing things...
It is a theme park with lots of roller coasters and other rides, im sure I've read somewhere ur not allowed on rides like these pregnant! I think I would be too scared in case any of the rides hurt me, if I was to mc again I would blame going on the rides. I suppose I should wait til I have had one cycle, which would be after this date any way. It is probably going to be the only thing stopping me from wanting to ttc straight away! Xx
nice :) i suppose its referring if you are like 3 trimester pregnant with a big bump :) i cant see how it could harm your Lo besides you getting nauseous and maybe sick at the beginning of pregnancy. i am so jealous!!!
how come you have free tickets?

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