Our little dream :) Had a mc???

It's all down to u lovely ladies keeping me sane :) :) xx

I know the feeling I got work in an hour and I'm not even dressed yet! Lol
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ooow you make so much sense Hope, I kinda knew that but hadn't been told by anyone. Well, we'll see, whats done is done now :)

OMG Kanga I was sooo the same as you, convinced early pregnancy pains were just a bad af, it was after 3 days and no bleeding that the penny dropped and I did a test!
aw kanga I'd be loopy without you girls (although probably would have got a lot more work done)!!! :dust:
he he dysco, i was so terrified after that broken condom that i didnt DTD again this month lol.
Ok then:

Hope return to ur studying :)

Dysco do whatever work u were meant to being doing :)

And I'm going to get washed and dressed for work, finish at 9 so won't be on again til then!

Enjoy the rest of ur day :) xx
now thats better someone to make order here lol :) have a nice day at work kanga :) i will private message you guys my email address if someone needs a talk and we are not online.
Ladies, I had 2 early scans (one to rule out ectopic and another a week later as I was spotting). The second scan showed everything was ok, saw a heartbeat etc....I mc the following week.

I guess what I'm trying to say is perhaps pushing for an early scan could be giving false reassurance. I had relaxed a bit and got my hopes up.
studying is not going so good today lol :( and oh decided to go upstairs to keep fixing the babys room so he is bumping and whatever on my head.... so taking a brake from my books until he tires himself out.

meantime i am making a list, ok almost a list, just putting my ideas together and feel free to add things.

i will do everything i can to avoid a sec mc (ok i know that its not really depends on what i do but let me sleep better tonight lol)

1. keep taking my prenatal vitamins
2 .have to remember to not take any pills other than paracetamol after ovulation
3 .i will dye my hair this week and not after ovulation
4 .staying away from liver, pate, blue cheeses, tuna and other big fishes
5. maybe next time around i dont go hiking again on the mountains while i am still 1 trimester...(me and oh like off roading a lot climbing mountains like little goats he he)
6. keep loosing weight but be careful of artificial sweeteners on all diet foods etc.
7. i dont drink coffee but i do enjoy black tea, may ditch that and drink only white and green tea?
8. light a candle every night and pray every day to God for all of us to be healthy and get a healthy LO?

now i do look like a girl that has control of her life dont i lol????
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Bliss I'm so sorry that even with early scans u didn't get good news. I think if I get to 7 weeks and see a bean on the screen something different must have happened as never got to see a bean this time, they stopped growing well before they were visible. At least I would know it was progressing further than last time. Xx
Men really know how to bring u down. All I want is some of his time and I get nothing! I know his mum is ill in hospital but it's like she always comes first with everything! And manages to try and out do anything I do!

Just copied and pasted this from my thread the in laws just to prove my point:

Usually on a Friday I have to go to the in laws for dinner, and as today is Friday they decided to come up to us. The oh hadn't told them that the miscarriage had started so they turned up and asked if I was ok, I was curled up on the sofa as the cramps have started to get strong again, I said not really! That was that, didn't even think it was strange I was lying on top of a dark blue towel just incase!

My mil then started to complain about her shoulders hurting, she likes to be centre of attention! I just thought this was so insensitive as it was obvious I was in pain and they knew about the myiscarriage!! Felt so hurt by this that even with me losing my baby and their 1st grandchild, that they would care a bit more and try and not out do me!

This comes after the day we told her I was probably going to miscarry, that she replied with I went to the doctors this morning and I have sun stroke and a bad back!! I am so fed up of this attitude and would have thought at times like this she could do without being in the lime light.

Not that I want loads of attention, but some acknowledgement would have been nice!! I have now retreated upstairs to my bed just so I don't have to spent time with them , which is just as ridiculous as this is my house.

Now I know she is in hospital with a valid reason this time but it just sucks so much that as I need support from my oh he isn't here for me because of his mum!! Now I don't know if some of it is jealously because I'm not his attention or because I don't have my mum anymore to get any support from. :cry:

I am now sat alone at home because he is out at a car meet I was supposed to go to with him but because his phone has died he couldn't tell when to be down there for. So by the time I get down there now it will be to late to get food in the pub like planned. I know I shouldnt ge upset about it but I am sat here crying because he thinks I'm pissed off at him when actually I am just so upset, just feel although I am going through this alone even though I live with him! :cry:
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Love how I put a status about how I'm feeling and everyone facebook thinks it about my mil! No actually I'm sad for myself at the mo! :cry: xx
*hugs Kanga* I was the same, everything had gone but the hormone stayed in my system for a week or so afterwards. Hope you're ok xx

Dysco, lol same! I've been engaged since February last year. We did intend getting married on halloween 2013 but when we found out I was pregnant he insisted we push the wedding forward because he didn't want to have the baby out of wedlock. Even after the miscarriage he just decided we should move the wedding forward anyway just cause he wants to marry me hehe. I actually proposed to him though, couldn't be bothered waiting lol.
We get to go view the room on Tuesday!!! SO EXCITED!!!! Hows your plans going lovely? xx
Oh kanga, :hug: how come he can go to car meet but not your scan. Has he got his priorities straight! You really need some support right now. That's so rubbish, wish I could be there and give you a hug hunny xxxx
Sorry kanga :( men sometimes really dont get it.....

My oh managed to make me cry yesterday, though that wasn't his intention....
We were watching a movie and it was a girl that was about to have a mc, after the end of the movie he was tellin me how we will have out LO soon and everything will be ok. I told him how afraid I was of a new mc and how he can say that everything will be ok, there is again a 25 % chance to mc with every new pregnancy and maybe myi eggs are all old and we will never be able to get a healthy LO...after all I had a blighted ovum meaning that sth was terribly wrong with the embryo and couldn't develop at all. So he make me forget all that he tried to make a joke saying oh crap I hope not a mc again, 18 h again at the hospital and not even a baby at the end of it....(as we had to wait in hospital without food and water for a day as emergencies were keep coming taking my place for a surgery...)
Ok silly but that made me cry for first time with this story. Though he didn't mean it like that in my head sounded like I wasn't able to give him a baby or sth like that. Actually no idea what was my problem, typing it now down it feels even more a stupid reason for me to start crying....my poor oh lol was looking aat me and hug me without a clue whyi I am crying....
He was keep asking me, hunny tell me what's wrong please lol...men really really don't get it sometimes...

On the in laws front kanga I suppose I would be feeling jelous if my oh was paying so much attention to it's parents. In my eyes I should be the only one who should love....maybe I will be jelous also of our LO or sth when I will see my oh cuddling it lol. But she is his mom after all and it's normal to be worried and to want to be with them.
I never met my in laws btw as they live in Canada. I am going to meet them this summer when they are coming to visit us and I am terrified of the idea. I hope they will like me...and I will like them...

Let's be more positive now, let me hear it, what are your plans for this lovely weekend?

For us, going to the lake tomorrow mornig to feed the duckies :D, then shopping and then a barbecue and a movie. For Sunday maybe a short hacking on the mountains? We will see about sunday, am open to suggestions :)
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My OH is the same doesn't realise that I am still so sad about it all. I know he does care and he does really mean half the things he does. I think most of my issues with his relationship with his parents is jealously! I don't have a that relationship with my family.

On a separate note, I did a hpt this morning and it's NEGATIVE!! Yay :dance: :dance:


As for the weekend I have to work both days 5.30-10.30 am! The joys of being a cleaner! As to what I am doing after that depends on my oh, still want to see the Harry potter film so might get him to take to see it, if he isn't with his mum the whole time xx
i watched the harry potter movie last week :) wasnt so bad :)

i am so sorry that you have to work all weekend :(

and yeeeee for the hpt, good news, hopefully now the bleeding will stop soon :)
so pleased for you on the hpt Kanga, now you can really get inspired :).

Talked to OH last night about leaving at least one cycle and he agreed, anything to help us not go through this again. I'm not bragging, but feel so lucky he's been so amazing and understanding through all this.

This weekend we are off to a wedding party in Plymouth at Stonehouse Barracks, OH is ex Navy and its a Royal Marine friend who got married in the US and in having a party back here to celebrate. Should be fab but am a little worried cos I know they've been trying for a LO and would find it v hard if she announces she's pg. I'll be really pleased for her of course and if it had been the other way round, me going to her party pg when she's trying would have been hard on her. there's no winners. Only one of the other guys, OH's best mate, knows about the mc so at least I can just get on and enjoy the party :)
Hope you guys have something fun planned:)
sounds like fun dysco, not much of party style here in norway, people are so spread that we barely meet with friends :( here the main fun time equals be close to the nature meaning go fishing, climbing mountains, at the sea with a boat etc etc.
me that just moved from a big city in greece here in a village outside a small city in Norway seems so so weird.... well it will probbaly will not last long as because of my work we will have to move to a big city with university hospitals etc and i bet that i will feel sorry when that will happen. i may miss all the city noises and 100000 malls but i love nature and trees and the safety that Norway provides. well malls too ofc just not the 10000000 i was used too. Speaking of which i am going to treat myself with a new bra this weekend and maybe some new panties :D Bring up the shopping :) i will make oh feel sorry that make me cry by dragging him all around the malls tomorrow :p

dysco i hope that you will have fun there regardless if you friend is pregnant or not. wise decision to wait one month before you try and your oh sounds so good :D are you buying a present or sth for the party??love presents :D
I'm sure we will have fun tomorrow, just one of those things I can say on here and nowhere else!

We got them a lovely wooden George Jensen cheeseboard with funky cheese knife, cos he loves cheese and I love danish design stuff! love buying nice things for other people! :)
I think part of my problem is I find it very hard to tell my oh how I'm feeling so it comes across as though I'm angry and annoyed at him when I just expect him to know I'm actually sad. But because I haven't told him what he continues to do the same things. When I do tell him things he really is lovely and caring. so I just need to open up more to him about everything. Probably doesn't help that he isnt much of a sharer of feelings either!

I really hope u get to enjoy ur party dysco! Xx

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