Our little dream :) Had a mc???

we've got fajitas tonight, an easy meal after a long day for both OH and me. He was up at 4 and I couldn't sleep after he left plus I'll prob be working a long day to get stuff done :(
usually i do cok an easy meal but i have phases of enjoying complicated cooking so have got back into it all. My butternut squash soup is delicious and soooo low fat its ace! I am out my house 12 hours a day 7am-7pm so cooking pisses me off when i get in sometimes as all i want is a brew and the telly lol
lynette when we have made babies, shall we sack off the OH's and i will stay at home and cook for you and you can go out to work :)

(okay okay, maybe we can keep the OH's in the basement for fun times :D )
yeah sounds good to me hun, do ya likes my new piccy lol! this is what you could be having fi.........allll of that fine ass stuff the OH's hahahaha

Unfortunately i am a lardy bum-face... But what i lack in physical beauty i make up for in other ways ;)
So nice to hear a bit of light banter I'm off to work in a bit n finish at half 9 so taking a ready meal lol so exciting ohhh your soups n risotto ideas sound yummy I think I need to get cooking again I love cooking (just as well as Tom can't cook anything more than a pot noodle) lol my favourite is baking half my weight problem comes from baking tho I'm sure lol :) x
how was the risotto Lynette?

k8 I want to come to your house for tea :D i'll bring a soup starter and Lynette can bring the main and you can bake us all a lovely pudding :D
me too me too me too!! I will bring wine and food and my bootylicious self MROWL!!

I didnt make the risotto in the end had fishfinger sarnies DOH may try tonight lol.
dysco that smiley made me laugh that is sooo like me ( the one falling down ) hahahaha
I can't come as I am on duty again but please save some desert for me. You can have the food and the wine. Bring on the chocolate !!!
morning ladies, the witch seems to be easing off for me now THANK GOD i have ruined loads of knickers :-( I hate the bitch lol

hope your are all ok today, are we all ready for xmas??
We couldnt be LESS ready for christmas lol

Jasper wont remember this year but i would like to buy him a marble tree...

we are just sooo skint and Liam is insistant that i get this tattoo tomorrow

oh well, i get a present i suppose!
we couldn't be less ready for christmas indeed. actually thats the first christmas we will ever have together as in the same house and i have no idea what to cook or how to decorate. plus as we are both from different countries and we live in a 3 different country we have a hell lot of different traditions...lol we may as all mix them all or sth.
in greece you cook kebab in norway you cook lamb and in canada turkey for Christmas....so nobody still knows what we will even eat for christmas dinner. i may as well make hamburgers and stuff ourselves on sweeties instead :p
do you have Sinterklaas in Norway Hope? My friends lives in the netherlands and i wondered if you shared traditions?
nope, i don't think so, i just moved here this year so they may have it and i don't know? in bucharest where i lived in 2009 if i recall they had saint nicolas that brings gifts to the kids, and santa that brings more gifts to the kids lol. in greece saint vasilios brings gifts to the kids at 31 december,looks and dresses exactly like santa but it comes to visit kids on 31 december instead of 25. here they follow the normal american english whatever they are traditions with gifts on 24-25 night.
i think we will have a mix of everything with a christmas tree and present that we will open some on 24 and some on 31 i think lol. cooking kebab on christmas eve and turkey on Christmas day and lamb for new years eve. oh and boiled wine that is so yummy, ginger cookies and cinnamon pancaked and cinnamon-honey traditional greek christmas sweeties!!!

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