Our little dream :) Had a mc???

argh, i thought you had to catch herpes? I know it can remian dormant for years though with no evidence its even there other than when it flares up

God i f that had happened to me, me and OH would be at war arguing whos fault it was. Glad you can clear it up though, you just have to stay away from each other when it rears its head so as you dont spread it.

is yours gone now hun?
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Mines gone, Liams is waining (he didnt get it as bad, probably because he has coldsores so his body is used to dealing with it)

it might not come back for another 10 years! I think i got it from Gilbert so i have to let him know.
Which two? me and Liam or me and Gilbert? Lol

we are all fine, i spoke to Gilbert about it the other day anyway so have just sent him a text saying its herpes... just so he knows incase it sparks up

as for me and Liam, well... i know full well that man hasnt had sex with anyone else, he doesnt have the time and hes a bit of a flayling idiot when it comes to women...

he definitely knows i havent had sex with anyone else. We are both so pleased to be married because we dont have to bother with all that crappity crap of dating and flirting and what not

so the thought of it being a infidelity issue didnt even come up... especially that close to the stillbirth! i mean can you imagine!
Yeah you're right, glad all three of you are ok lol. I had a cyst on my flange a while ago and doctors said i may have had syphilllis ARGH but it wasnt that thank GOD
Well Gilbert might not be okay but he is fine with me... i mean he might be immune, it might never present itself for him but i thought it was better to tell him rather than him go through all that, it just means if he ever gets it, he will know what it is rather than having to get his bellend out for all and sundry!
Glad to hear everythin ok with u fi and that u got an answer even if it was herpes. So embarrassing and difficult to have any probs down there anyway but especially so close to such a sad time. I too am sad to hear that we have more returning members to this section. Hope everyone is ok at the moment. I had a lovely weekend with some girlfriends in bournemouth n went for a walk on the beach this morning, so calming n really peaceful wish I could always live near the sea. Anyone been out to see fireworks? I have my appoint on tues n am starting to feel aprehensive about it even tho I don't know why. My period finally arrived n was heaviest ever but has finally started to subside to "normal" (sorry tmi) but it Sortv feels like I'm able to mentally cope with looking for answers a bit.more now how are the rest of you all coping ? X
i felt better once the withc had come and gone after MC, felt like i was ready to move on and my body was recovering thus i could TTC again. But on that note...........ladies I am still waiting for the witch but 3 x BFN on cheapy 99p tests.....should i get a CBDigi
good morning :)

lynette my AF still is not perfectly regular (from 23-29 days duration) so it may be only AF a little late i am afraid. i should wait a couple more days and test again with a cheapie if AF not there yet as if you get BFN with those i don't think you will get a positive one with a digital.

how was your weekend?
dysco are you back yet? i suppose you are still recovering :)
i feel like i need 48 h per day to maybe have time to finish everything i need to do. so much stressing :(
otherwise i had a busy really weekend that it didn't even feel like weekend lol.
AF was here and its over now...off we are for a new TTC cycle...if we will even find the time for that lol.
i so need a vacation and we still have loads to go until summer. i just saw what days christmas and new year is and got a little depressed lol.
have a nice day everyone :hug:
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yeah i think it is a little late too so i am not getting my hopes up xx i still have chance for a christmas conception and that would be the best present ever! xx
Hi girls, I'm back and glad to be home. it was a good trip but full of pregnancy memories. Tough not being able to talk to anyone about it, I only spoke to OH twice while I was away. feel like i can't dwell on it too much. Hope you girls doing ok, have everything crossed for your BFPs xxxx
hey ladies, Dysco hope your feeling ok x

Well the witch came yesterday! So here goes a new cycle!
just re did my ticker and it reckons that if my cycle stays the same I could be in the implantation stage on Xmas day! Wouldnt that be lovely :) :dust:
aw I hope its a xmas bfp for you lynette, that would be amazing! hanging out for your guys bfps is keeping me going till I can start trying for my own, 3 more AFs and I'm getting on it! :)
how come you have to wait 3 AFs, sorry hun i must have missed the conversation hope you dont think i am rude lol xxxxxx
good morning.

sorry that AF is here lynette.

dysco has to wait for proper wedding timing.

i hope for a christmas BFP too, that would be a perfect christmas present :) but i have a feeling that i am probably waiting for dysco to go to trimester 1 together :p

speakign about christmas presents...what are you thinking of getting your oh? i am properly stuck with ideas for this christmas :(

have a nice day everyone!
oh right the wedding of course lol!

I am getting OH a watch this year, and he is buying me one, also getting him a new wallet ( i get him one every year as he always breaks them no matter how expensive ) and an electric shaver..........ooo and hopefully a baby lol

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