Our little dream :) Had a mc???

we just got to think that our bodies knew we needed a bit longer to recover and will be ready for us to have babies soon :)
I'm good, sooooo jet lagged, overslept this morning, NOT a good start! Weird being back here actually, last time I ws pregnant and so excited, really weird feelings, dreamt of baby last night, :(
Hi ladies
God its quiet now the kids are back in school i dont know what to do with myself
Hey ladies, sorry I have been awol, but i feel bad posting in here :( But I do miss chatting to u all so thought I would pop by.

Hope sounds like ur work is pretty stressful at the mo. I really hope u caught the eggy, its still early days yet.

Dysco, I bet malaysia was amazing going back but I guess it would bring back memories from when u were there last time :hugs:

Lynette ur still early on in ur 2ww at the mo, my boobs didn't start to hurt til after my af was due!!

Fi sorry to hear the witch got u :hugs:

Amy sending some hugs to keep u company :hugs:

Forgot to add my wedding plans in :wall:

We have booked up the church now for Monday 5th March 2012, our 10 year anniversary. Just need to get my grandma's marriage certificate as we are getting married in a non-parish church but because we have connections we can still get married there, they just need the prove.

As for the reception I am talking with a lady over email and she will organise all the decorating and the food etc so a huge weight off my shoulders, I dread to think of the price :shock: But it will be so worth it! :) xxx
Hi Kanga, lovely to see you here. its been weird, very reminiscent of last time, and all those memories for my excited pregnant me, watching everything I ate and feeling sick, and thrilled inside at the thought of having a baby. that I should be no heavily pregnant now is a surreal thought, I wouldn't be here if I was still pregnant. I;m sad but OK. I'm so excited for your wedding! our plans are coming on and am looking forward to the wedding fayre at our venue on the sunday i get back (if i'm awake for it!).
:hug: AR, must be odd with normally so much everyday ruckus suddenly gone again!
still got everything crossed for those BFPs soon girls, hopefully next month Fi!
Morning all x

am feeling a bit glum today, i know i shouldnt because we have our house and i should be really chuffed about that.

but i wish SO much that our little girl was going to be joining us to share in it :( :(

I want, so much, to decorate her nursery

:hug: Fi

good morning. crappy weather today....so not in the mood for anything...i wish christmas would hurry up now...

dysco you are back :) any lovely pictures? i am sorry that it was so hard for you to remember about being pregnant while there last time. i was thinking about you. :hug:

kanga glad to have you here everyday :) we miss you too

have a nice day everyone. probably not even chocolate will fix my mood today and that means its really bad lol!
Morning all!
Fi I'm so chuffed you got your house well done Hun. I'm so sorry your little girl is not with you to share it but I'm sure she is watching over you I'm thinking she has a little part to play in you getting it. Xxx

We had great fun wig the kiddies last night but god it was so hard to get them up for school this morning little buggers

I'm due to ov in the next 5-10 days depending on weather I have a normL 28 day cycle or a 32 day cycle lime last month. It's so strange to think my due date is this month. Chrustmas and roses birthday are keeping me going but I'm sure I will have a lite moment on the actual day.
thanks Amy, thats a really lovely way of looking at it x

Your right too, on both levels, if i hadn't had been pregnant, we would have stayed on at our old place, Liam would have started his apprenticeship and i would have had to work in the evenings (which actually is just unfeasible, i spent all day working in the house) We would have been poor and worried and hating it

I feel like this temporary house has been like a grieving house, its given me the opportunity to say goodbye to my little girl without having those awful memories mar our new family home... or mar the wonderful memories of our old house (including all the chats about having a little girl and how utterly fabulous it was going to be.

We were thinking about money last night actually, Liam is on such a low wage now that we are able to claim a large portion of our rent in HB, but next year he will be on a similar amount as he is now and we will only be able to claim £35 per week... Which is not a lot when your rent is £600!!!

So moving into a council house is really the best thing... it means when we are earning more we wont be lining the pocket of some rich barstard and its OUR house, no one can just evict us or tell us not to paint the walls or whatever.

Plus its on a great road (on a really rough estate) but you can see from google maps that the houses are newer than a lot of council stock in Salisbury and also, that a lot of people have bought their council houses on that street, which means they take care of them and the front gardens look nice.

the neighbours next door to us seem to be a family (or they have a strange addiction fro footballs, kids bikes and trampolines!) and there is a green in the middle of the road which all the kids play on :)

it will be grand, we will make more babies there...
Still here, still jet lagged and cream crackered. gave 3 lectures and 2 2h meetings so no break at all, I'm earning my pennies out here! its a lot crammed into a week but couldn't be away for too long cos of work at home. as it is i've been working evening to keep up with stuff with my phd students at home. miss OH, miss my baby, grumpy!
sorry i know i shouldn't moan, I really don't have much to moan about compared to most, xxx
offf more bad news, one of my dearest friends lost her baby at 29 weeks gestation. the baby stopped developing at 21 weeks, 25 weeks she was measuring 21 weeks, they gave her a treatment that didn't actually work and they decided to deliver by c-sction the baby girl at 29 weeks gestation, measuring 22 weeks. she lived 3 days...
i am so devastated for her. on top of that because of the c-section they told her that she has to wait now 1 year until TTC...
oh how awful, my heart breaks for her, really. how unfair is life sometimes.
it took her 6 years to fell.tried in vitro 4 times and finally she managed to get pregnant alone...and now this. such a nightmare. i can't even imagine the pain that someone feels to deliver an alive baby knowing that it will probably die and that your body betrayed you in keeping it alive...i would be suicidal by now in her place i think....
thats heartbreaking hope, how awful i just cant imagine it. To have your baby live then lose it is devastating. My nan revealed she lost a boy at 8 month to cot death and i just dont know how she got through that
Hey guys I am still about but keeping busy so not been on forum much finally had my first period start 3 days ago (7weeks after op) I have been cramping and very heavy n not "normal" for me but hopefuly will improve just glad its finally arrived as was terrified op had sterilized me or something! Which is pretty fact to worry about when we still don't know if can have children in future anyway and would be content if had to adopt but stilll stressful. Hope how very sad and distressing your news is my thoughts n prayers go out to her. I have an appoint on 8th to see consultant gynacologist for a post natal bereavement. Donna the lady from wexham hospital fetal abnormality team has phoned me personally twice to see how I am aNd has emailed genetics to see if i can start looking for answers she is a diamond so caring. I am hoping consultant will be able to shed some more light we will see. In other news I'm possibly going to Paris for 2 days later this month iv never been before hubby is on a day business trip but says he will book me. Eurostar ticket to join him plus an extra night at hotel which will be nice. I'm just going to try n catch up on a few threads n send some hugs out to you all ! I have missed u all n hope that possibly some of you are feeling better n having more good days since we last spoke xxxx
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nice to see you k8, paris sounds lush i'm jealous. my OH has been hinting at taking me to the south of france next year and i thiink he may just pop the question as its something we have spoke about before as he calls me frenchy coz my name is totally french so its kinda a gay thing we have lol
I really hope you get some answers though k8
nice to see you k8, paris sounds lush i'm jealous. my OH has been hinting at taking me to the south of france next year and i thiink he may just pop the question as its something we have spoke about before as he calls me frenchy coz my name is totally french so its kinda a gay thing we have lol
I really hope you get some answers though k8

Cheers babe oh wow that will be so romantic if he does !!!! :) how are you doing at the moment lyn, hope coping ok? Ty re answers the problem is we don't know if answers are there to be found but will try!!! X
sometimes i wonder if i should have asked for an examination of my baby to see if they could give me an answer but i dont think it would make me any better im torn really

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