thanks Amy, thats a really lovely way of looking at it x
Your right too, on both levels, if i hadn't had been pregnant, we would have stayed on at our old place, Liam would have started his apprenticeship and i would have had to work in the evenings (which actually is just unfeasible, i spent all day working in the house) We would have been poor and worried and hating it
I feel like this temporary house has been like a grieving house, its given me the opportunity to say goodbye to my little girl without having those awful memories mar our new family home... or mar the wonderful memories of our old house (including all the chats about having a little girl and how utterly fabulous it was going to be.
We were thinking about money last night actually, Liam is on such a low wage now that we are able to claim a large portion of our rent in HB, but next year he will be on a similar amount as he is now and we will only be able to claim £35 per week... Which is not a lot when your rent is £600!!!
So moving into a council house is really the best thing... it means when we are earning more we wont be lining the pocket of some rich barstard and its OUR house, no one can just evict us or tell us not to paint the walls or whatever.
Plus its on a great road (on a really rough estate) but you can see from google maps that the houses are newer than a lot of council stock in Salisbury and also, that a lot of people have bought their council houses on that street, which means they take care of them and the front gardens look nice.
the neighbours next door to us seem to be a family (or they have a strange addiction fro footballs, kids bikes and trampolines!) and there is a green in the middle of the road which all the kids play on
it will be grand, we will make more babies there...