Our little dream :) Had a mc???

she sounds odd just form the description!

Lynette I did the half marathon on Sunday (2h 6mins), but OH (who did it in 1.59) now has plans to do a marathon so I might so some training with him but I have NO intention of running a marathon this year (she says, I had no intention of running a half either! and that was 3 years ago and I've done 3 now). My legs were in bits monday/tuesday (up and down stairs was pure comedy!) cos I didn't do enough training cos of mc and holiday before that etc. I can move freely again now woohoo!

One thing that did make me think. ALl these people were running for charity (I run for one, Parkinson's UK cos thats what I research) but I saw NO ONE running for still birth or miscarriage charities. Its like a dirty little secret none wants to share but that means no research, we are out own worst enemies sometimes. I might be bold and run for one of those charities next year, does mean everyone will know or guess about the mc though if I want to raise any real money.
dysco, i would say you should go for the marathon, that way you will have a purpose and a motivation to keep training, it can't do anything else than good, not bad for the nice wedding dress either !!!!

as about mc money...its so common and can't really be prevented (besides medical reasons) that nobody will bother :(

dysco when are you starting TTC? somehow kangas BFP made me anxious and stressed.
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research does still need to be done into stillbirth and miscarriage though, regardless of wether its preventable, we still need support groups etc

plus some stillbirths can be prevented.
i was only saying earlier that it is shocking the lack of knowledge and help you get for losing a child. I appreciate that making a human is beyond anyones expertise and we dont fully know how the heck we manage it but still i dontthink enough is done to actually find out.

its kinda like oh well we dont know owt about MC so go home, sorry for your loss
dysco when are you starting TTC? somehow kangas BFP made me anxious and stressed.

also seeing kangas bfp made me sooo happy for her but makes me yearn for it so much more!!! and another girl who i was in tri 1 with has got her bfp aswell

we will get there soon!! i am dtd all week as much as i can i want that BFP in november

Fi, when are you testing? same as me?
I agree, my friend lost her little boy at full term, they couldn't get him out in time. It was awful! I think raising money for charities like that is a lovely idea hun x
omg thats awful Kat, i am sorry for your friend how distressing! it is so like a dirty liuttle secret though none ever wants to talk about it
am testing on the 11th lynette - you? you should join the November testing thread, its good to see how people are getting on :)

One of the worst things about MC is, i think, that you can have three or four before they start investigating properly, there should be more research done into how to predict these things and work out how to stop them happening again i think.

And with Stillbirth, well one needless loss of life is enough to warrent a charity i think and there are so many for stupid reasons, medical negligence, people not listening to the mother among other things.

definitely good to do a marathon to raise money and awareness for those things xx
I know, I've had 3 miscarriages and have hardly told anyone, I don't know why its like I should be ashamed. I'm not, I just feel I can't talk about it. This forum has been a god send. I wish I'd joined something like this for the other 2 miscarriages, I would have coped a lot better x x x
yeah this place is better than any couselling. I dont know what i would have done without these lovely ladies.

Fingers crossed for sticky beans next time around!
I have miscarried twins and had my mc back in April and another a few weeks back. I never even told al about the last one I never knew I was pregnant until the doctor told me I was having a mc. I didn't feel the need to upset him anymore then he had been.
Ah, sorry to hear that hun! I know exactly what you mean hun. It's the fuss I don't like, my mc last month I just wanted to be on my own and not speak about it. It's so different on here though, everyone is so lovely and understands its easier to talk about it X x x
next time i get pregnant i am not telling anyone until i am about 25 weeks. Literally, i am a big girl and i can cover it til then so i am just not going to tell a soul (apart from Liam, my besties and you guys)

i just cant handle the having to tell everyone... it was horrible
Right decision made, I actually feel quite shitty for not doing it this time but next race will be for an mc or still birth charity. Has anyone had any dealings with any in particular? I only know of the miscarriage association. I'll need support girls, declaring my loss to the world!

I won't be TTC until February, I reckon I can get to at least 16 weeks without showing and still get into my dress! Lots of sit ups between now and then!
I wondered about then, I think they might be! Will do some finding out x
good morning!!!

omg i can't believe it, weekend is finally here lol!!!!!!!

somehow that was a hard week, can't wait for nights near the fireplace a movie and hot coco!!! (and possible some DTD, hopefully around ovulation time....)

anyone saw a nice movie lately ??

dsyco february is just around the corner :)

kanga you have to tell us everything about how oh reacted to the news etc etc.

have a nice day everyone :hug:
I think he is a bit freaked out by it as I'm I. He is happy but doesn't want to get excited about it though :( I showed him the digi test and he said "are u happy now?" what? He did apologise and say he was scared, so I forgave him! :)

He also told me I'm not allowed to get morning sickness again! I only had 2 days off because of it, not sure what he means by that! Although my work did know about it so changed my shifts around. Not sure if I get ms, how I'm going to keep it quiet!

Eh men, u never really know what they are thinking!!

Hope sitting around a fire sounds lovely, can't believe how cold it is now.

Dysco running for a mc charity sounds like a great idea! :)

i think i would have burst in tears if he was telling me ¨are you happy now?¨men don't really get it i suppose.....

do you have any symptoms already? i hope you don't get any nausea this time. i feel so happy that at least i didn't have any nausea last time...because full symptoms and a mc it must be a real pain :(

i have a good feeling about your bean :) are you getting an early scan?
No real sypmtoms yet, stuffy nose in the morning, sore back, and my boobs have just started feeling sore in the evening. I do have a good feeling about this little roo! I am hoping to get an early scan done on the HHS, but if they won't do one I will get a private one at 8-9 weeks. ( only 4-5 weeks to wait!) it only costs £60 at a place near us too. :)

I think I am very scared going into this pregnancy because I know how crappy I felt before, really not looking forward to that part at all! My oh did get a telling off for saying that don't worry, I was very close to tears! But then he wasn't over excited the first time I told him! I showed him the pos test and he said what does that mean? Like I would give him a neg test! :) xx

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