Our little dream :) Had a mc???

hair cut tomorrow, yey! GOnna get my fringe back I think, but keeping the rest long for the wedding:) prob not the best plan but want to be pampered before the race! Town will be heaving cos everyone is out to watch the rugby in the morning. Will be weird having so many people out at 9 am on a saturday! I'll also be finishing painting the house, think i'll be cream crackered by Monday! hope you all have a good w'end if I don't get on here xxx
The witch came today! 3 weeks!! after my SB...

Who knows whats going on but it must be a good sign because it means my body is back to normal (in seeming record time!)
Don't want to post this anywhere else, but did my half marathon in 2.05, so chuffed! Not a pb but so pleased seeing as had 2 months. Of no training with Malaysia and mc, then a half hearted effort after that! Thank god it's over! Lush Sunday dinner in the pub with 18 friends, several of whom also ran. Oh got just over 2h, so a fab day, just pain anticipated tomorrow!!!
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Yay well done dysco, I was thinking of u earlier! :yay:
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i wish you all lived closer to me i am all the way up in good ol' yorkshire! Having a nightmare with the witch on my 4th tampon since 8 am :-( never had heavy like this before its a right pain, i hope it doesnt continue in the future but hopefully i can get a little snudge in my belly before the witch comes again

Whereabouts in Yorkshire are you? I live in London now but I'm from Leeds originally.
Just saw my ticker in the am I pregnant section and thought wow I was actually pregnant earlier this year! Feels really strange that I feel as though I was never at that stage and felt so rough, yet the loss of my bean still hurts and I am stil grieving but don't feel as though any of it happened to me! Am I making sense or rambling? Xx
good morning.
well done dysco :) i hope you had loads of good time :hug:

kanga it makes perfect sense actually, i constantly feel that everything happened to someone else. can't believe that its being so long since then...

we had a super busy weekend. Norway has an amazing natural beauty and a hell lot of opportunities for climbing mountains, long walks, cycling etc etc. so we have been busy the whole weekend doing those things as the weather was so warm and sunny. coco was with us of course and she keeps up quite ok, the only problem is that gets hyper excited lol and starts pulling all over. i really can't wait for her to be old enough to be trained to heel.
anyway back to work today :( and already dreaming about the next weekend lol... this will be a busy work week with one congress meantime, 2 student lectures and one on duty day-night.
hmm oh yes if we want an LO we better even find time TTC also this week....though i start believing that for this to happen we have to be on vacation....otherwise we will probably never find the time....

have a great day everyone :)
Morning girls, wow I ache! walking the dog, cycling to work and climbing stairs were all epic challenges this morning! hopefully it will ease off over the day! Got my official time as 2h6min so chuffed :).
kanga I have that same surreal feeling a lot of the time, so so strange!
Hope your weekend sounds like fun! I would start training coco now, they are never too young to be taught to heel! once you start the training it will just be habit to keep it going, btter that than bad habits starting now.
My OH is from Yorkshire Lynette, near pontefract, where is that in relation to you?
dysco i was told that 3 months is way too early to heel properly ? what we read on the internet was saying that around 5-6 months you can start teaching heel? the same a book we have? i would love for her to heel now but that puppy is so distracted even by the wind and the leaves that she forgets what she is suppose to do in a second lol :(
hi ladies,
dysco i am from doncaster and work in sheffield so not too far from Pontefract or Leeds.

Had a lovely weekend with a big family meal, its the first time i have seen everyine aside from my mum since the Mc and it was really nice feeling relaxed this week
morning ladies, its been a while since i checked in its good to read all the positives, the puppy, periods arriving when they are meant to, haircuts, half marathons! wow ur all so busy and amazing! :) go girls, i have nothing to report having a nice two days hopefully with my mum who is coming down today to sppend a few days with me going shopping today zumba tonight then ice skating tommorrow! feel like a big kid again and its nice to spend time with her. other than that im ok a few random bursts of crying but by the light of rational daytime i think maybe my period is due its been nearly 6 weeks since the op as i had it on 8th sept. so hopefully witch arrives soon then i will feel more able to move on properly. xx
my period was just a fresh bleed... bit worrying. Am going to phone the doctors right now x
hope everything is ok Fi xxx my witch has buggered off now nearly probably got another day left which will make it a full 7 day bleed........jeez i wanna get back to TTC lol xxxx
Its frustrating and scary :(


1. my cervix is really very sore (might be all the sex)
2. I think I have thrush
3, i have a strange infection in the top part of my vulva, up by where you wee from which has made the skin go puff and spotty.
3. The strange 1 day bleed

Its really really horrid, i am not excited at all about being poked and prodded by a doctor, I imagine i will leave armed with tablet and creams for all sorts of weird things and i just dont know why it has happened all at once :(

Last thing i want is an internal but they are going to have to do it. They said they cant do a smear for 3 months after a delivery and i have to try for a baby again now, so i told them that and they said its fine, just let them know when i have finished with the baby thing for a while and we can do it

I hope its nothing serious :( :(
try not to worry hun, your body is probably still recovering from the trauma it went through. I got little red bumps up by the bit where you wee and i just had thrush sorry nere comes tmi......it made all my ''lady garden'' bumpy and raised and so so sore i thought one of my exes had give me horrid kind of aids but just thrush. It can be well evil sometimes xx

big hugs hunny :hugs: more than likely you have been at it like rabbits so calm it down missus or you and the fanny doctor will be having words lol xxxx
haaha quite right! well, Liam wont be getting any sex til this has all calmed down. I am glad you said that about the thrush causing you bumpy bits, perhaps its just thrush??

that would be amazing, that can make your cervix sore (along with all the hard sex ;) ) and that could possibly cause a bleed... So hopefully it will be a pill and a pessary and i will be free of it!!

I will have to get a pill for Liam as well though, good thing is they work very quickly so we can get back on the donkey whooop
yeah i got it really bad after i had to have an operation to have my bartholins ( your lube gland ) removed due to too much rumpy pumpy :-( all my poor little ( yes it is little ) lady flower went swollen and bumpy to touch i couldnt even shave, it felt like someone had put some sandpaper in there!

ahhh what a lovely start to the day, convo about thrush hahaha
well off t the gym on my lunch ( free gym @ work ) sooooo dont wanna go but my back fat says otherwise :-( wish me luck
aw good luck hun, i'm still aching after the weekend, stairs are still a bit of an issue :( hopefully be back to normal tomorrow :) although might have a week off running!

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