Our little dream :) Had a mc???

awww how cute, but now you will have to chase after him all the time lol my brother just used to run full tilt everywhere when he learnt to walk
ladies i want an ovulation ticker but what the heck is my luteal phase :-( and i guess i am going to have to wait fvor my next period to see what my cycle length is arnt i?
just get any ticker lynette, and put like 13 days luteal phase and you will see how t will go. i changed my ticker one million times until now...as 4 cycles later and i still don't have a regular cycle....so if you are desperate to TTC right away you should get some ovulation tests maybe.

we chose to not do that because too much stress for me to handle, so we are more ntnp and if it docent happen in like 6 months then i will buy the ovulation tests.
i am in 2 minds whether doing ov tests wil stress me out we will see, i dont want to put too much emphasis on just having sex for a baby. Last time i had almost forgotten i wasnt on the pill and bang i ended up pregnant. Just got to relax i guess xx
good morning.

winter is definitely here, it was light snow on the grass this morning :oooo: but otherwise is a beautiful sunny day :D :D

yesterday we went for a 2 h haking and took coco with us too. she absolutely loved climbing up a very step hill, she was jumping from rock to rock and all the way to the top so fast that me and oh we couldn't catch up with her :oooo:(never mind pulling on her leash and almost get us killed on those rocks lol- can't wait for her to be old enough to teach her to heel) and go figure she is afraid to climb our stairs back home to the second floor, demanding to be picked and carried every time lol.
That puppy!!!! anyway that spend all of her puppy energy. i could never imagine how much energy a small puppy can have. every afternoon she starts running in circles like crazy in the yard or even worst in the house mouthing and nipping and bitting everything and everyone...a 2 h very intense walk did the trick lol to calm her down. too bad we dnt get more often nice weather to do that :(

enough for me, how is everyone doing? (look at me talking so proudly for my puppy, go figure when i will have an LO lol) kanga any symptom spotting? dysco probably training for sundays marathon? and lynette how are things going?

have a nice day everyone :hug:
I am symptom spotting even though I said I wouldn't. Mainly a dull ache in my lower abo, feels like I have been doing sit ups or something! This morning I have a stuffy nose and backache, but the stuffy nose could be because of the weather! I also also rather snappy at my oh yesterday for no reason! Only 3-4dpo though so super early yet :)

Hope it sounds like coco is a right handful, but once she has learnt a few things I'm sure u will be able to do the walks scare free!! :lol: it is so funny that she would jump all the rocks but won't climb the stairs :rofl: xx
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well..........all my postiivity has gone down the pan today. Team meeting at work to re-jig our businesses we handle and my boss goes '' well this would have all been sorted but lynette is not going on maternity now so things never stay the same''

tears all morning, is it just me or is that totally insensitive
no that is clearly him being an insensitive wanker and i would have strong words about it myself
BB believ it or not my boss is a woman but a ''career'' woman no kids. Selfish cow
Oh my god Hun that's awful! Can't believe someone would say that! Esprcially a women :hugs: xxx
well shes a twat. If i were in Doncaster i would come and fart on her head
hahahah big bump i love you xxx

screw her anyways the stupid biatch, i ought to take a crap on her desk before I leave see how she likes that
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Oh dear :hug: people's stupidity knows no bounds....
OMG I can't believe she actually said that, what an utter cowbag! hehe BB, i think you should hop on over to doncaster and fart on her head anyway! try and ignore her lynette but i have to say i'd be completely in bits, how not to inspire confidence in your staff to say somehting like that!

I'm rooting for all you girls, I want to be stalking you in tri1 or tri2 by the time i start trying! :dust: :dust:
Meanwhile I'm dreading the 13 miles I have to run on sunday especially as its likely to rain, grr, there won't be any spectators if it rains either how to make 13 miles even tougher!

On the up side OH has booked 15 of us in for a late lunch at a lush pub near by so after showers and a quick snooze we'll have a proper UK style Sunday pub lunch :) can't wait (if nothing else gets me round, that will :)!
Goodluck dysco!

That uk style Sunday pub lunch sounds so yummy and relaxing though no idea what it is :)
wow dysco i cant run 13 metres never mind miles i am not a fitness kinga gal more of a '''ooooohh go on then i will have some cake'' luckily i manage to keep around a 10/12 but i am sure it will all catch up with me soon enough!

hope a uk style pub dinner is basically a little peice of sex on a plate lol meat, 3 veg, yorkshire puds, roast tattys and gravey mmmmm jealous of you dysco!
good morning everyone :)

i had a lovely evening with oh. we stayed outside for 2 h drinking hot cocoa and looking at the moon and stars with a telescope :)
today afternoon we will be very busy rearranging the kitchen as we have a new fridge that we have to make it fit in the kitchen and also move everything from the old fridge to the new one etc :(
but weekend is finally here and it will be even sunny so i really can't complain :)

what are your plans for this weekend?
we will go for the usual shopping tomorrow and then with some friends that they have an LO (thats the first time i will be near an LO after my mc) and with coco we are going at a natural park for some play time, hacking and grilling.
on sunday we will be hopefully at home studying, cooking, cleaning etc for the week.

have a nice day everyone :)
hey ladies, the weekend is here woop off to see my mum, nan and grandad tomorrow for a lovely dinner and a few drinks i cant wait.

The witch is bleeding me dry i swear was anybody elses first period a bitch?
yep, don't worry about that, first AF, even the second one i think were horrible, that the first one was even worst than my mc lol.
thats exactly what i said last night, i had to just go sit on the loo for half an hour its so heavy argh! hopefully its over soon

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