Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Good morning Hope, sorry the witch caught u. At least u didn't have to wait too long after she was due. U do sound super busy, I wish I had more things to occupy my time!

I agree a mc really does screw with ur body, I didn't ov until cd18 this month, so only 1dpo today. Seems to take forever to come around.

I forgot to mention that my oh has agreed to set our wedding date at 5th March 2012! Gonna have my work cut out to get everything ready :)

Having a hard morning at work this morning, not seen the pregnant girl due around when I would have been for a few weeks. She has the hugest bump that can't be hidden by our baggy polo shirt uniform! So very jealous/ angry/ sad etc that I'm not the one with a bump like that. :( ended up going off to have a cry!

I hate feeling like this, I should be so excited about getting married but I suppose we are allowed our down days. Xx
you are allowed your down days but try and get involved in the wedding, it will help, promise, although its not a cure all, I still have those down days too when everyone in the world seems to be pregnant effortlessly and I can't even TTC. I'm tired and achey, we did an 9 mile run on the weekend and its wiped me out, goodness only knows what I'll be like after 13.1 miles on sunday! wish me luck!
hey ladies how are you all, still waiting for the damned witch but not a sogn of it, no sore boobies nothing :-( rubbish

had a bad day yesterday crying alot but its coz i had day off and was alone i got super mad at everything!! and smashed my fave cup :-( but feeling brigher today just want my friggin period
lynette hope things pick up for you, did your issues over the weekend get resolved? sorry I missed bits of that thread and only just realised! You def deserved some proper time out. Hope the witch comes for you. I'm feeling a bit miffed about the whole ttc thing. I wish we were properly on it. I know feb is just a few months away but it feels like forever!
big hugs for you lynette and everyone else who might need one :hug:

Any more wedding plans Kanga?
yeah we made friends, i just had a blow out on wine and ended up being teary and agrumentative. Then last night he went and suprise purchased me a brand new gift set of GHD straighteneres and is taking me to have my hair done..........going brunette eeek
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to check in what everyone is doing and say hi.

Kanga - Big congrats on wedding plans ! sorry your having a down day - I think the emotional roller coaster of MC goes on a long time after and reminders always hit us where it hurts.

Hope - you sound like you have a lot on, so you have a puppy now? And yes MC does really screw up our body and emotions.

Dysco - glad wedding plans are all going well, and Feb wont be long crimbo inbetween (tho when ttc I know every month seems like foooorrreevver!!

Lynette - glad oh is making it up to you. That witch will be here soon enough. Someone said to me it is 21 days after you stop bleeding and this was pretty much to the day for me.
Witch showed her face this morning and although so glad to see her, I feel pretty emotional and down with it. Then up I can ttc, then down, what if goes wrong again. So hey the roller coaster.!!!

For wedding plans, i need my oh to organise 'favours' from people who cars he works on to do the catering, photography, and wedding car. I think I have chosen my church, it is the church my mum and dad got married in 26 years ago. Unfortunately my mum won't be there it see me get married as she passed away 7 years ago, but this will make me feel so though she can be there with us.

I am still undecided on a reception location. I have told my twin sister she is my maid of honour and my little niece is my flower girl :) she was so happy! I am going to ask my step-mum to make my wedding dress and the bridemaids dresses so should save us some money. I was thinking lilac and white as the colour scheme?

Dysco, the thought of a 9 mile run scares me, to be honest i could probably only manage 10 steps outside the house before i was out of breath. Good luck with the 13.1 miles this weekend :)

Lynette glad to hear u have sorted things out with ur oh, i know it is so easy to fall out over little things, me and my oh do sometimes but they always work out. Sorry the witch hasn't arrived yet either :hugs: fx she is here soon!

Corrinne I am glad and sorry the witch has arrived, but it really is a step in the right direction. :hugs: I am so up and down about ttc, think i'm on a down about it at the mo but its a bit late for that one seeing as we bd'ed loads over ov!!!

I had a thread in ttc as i was worried about my luteal phase being short and causing my mc. Plus I think I had a chemical pregnancy last month as I had a pos hpt then AF showed on 13dpo and was so so heavy, worse bleeding than with my mc! So I have been beating myself up about everything and somehow got into my head that i am going to mc again! :( xxx
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hey corrine nice to see you, know what you mean about rollercoaster lol never thought i would yearn so much for my period? madness

Kanga wow you have alot on weddings are complicated I cantwait for mine whenever OH gets around to proposing lol
kanga if you ovulated on cd 18 and your cycle is 30 days means your luteal phase is 12 days that just the limit, probably 13 is better but hey not every cycle is the same so dont worry about that. it dosent mean that you will always ovulate so late in a 30 days cycle. as you cna see from my cycles, that they were always 25 days, not even 1/2 day later, it takes long time of everything to get back to normal.(i now had a 30, 26, 25, 28 cycles after mc....) but 12 days is ok for a viable pregnancy so relax and let it happen :dust:
as for your last cycle, your first after the mc, i really dont think it was a chemical. i was getting faint positive lines even 2 days before my cycle on that first cycle after my mc and indeed my AF was horrible and much much heavier than the mc.
your wedding plans sound fabulous, cant wait to hear more :hug:
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hey i hope i am allowed in here ;)

i had a very interesting few days! ended up in A+E with a suspected blood clot sunday night, then back to hozzie monday to have it confirmed that i DO NOT have a blood clot!

baby girl is being cremated on Thursday at 10am so just waiting for that really

spent loads of money on sperm friendly lubricant! so hoping that i can just get going and make another one!
welcome to this thread BB, this is where a few of us are hanging out who are in that inbetween stage, moving on from our mcs and talking about anything and everything! (often weddings at the moment:). I'll be thinking about you on thursday.
and good luck with the baby making! :dust:

I have loved planning my wedding, and honestly its not been stressful, just don't let it get to you Kanga, don't let anyone else get to you either ;) ! Don't forget flowers, you'll need to book in with a florist tomake sure they have the date but for a march wedding you should be ok. As a rough price guide I've been quoted about £200 for bouquets for me and 2 bridesmaids, 5 button holes and a corsage (for best man who is OH sister!) and flowers for the 2 mums. Hope thats useful! The rest of the flowers we are growing ourselves (to the amusement of pretty much everyone else!)
argh, I broke my golden rule and bought the first packet of biscuits I've bought in months and just want to keep eating them! grrr lesson learnt!
BB of course you are allowed here you silly face lol!! xxxx

guessss what.................my period came wooooooooooooooooooooooo

but no sore boobs or anything....wierd i am sooooooo pleased yipeeee now i can start making another angel
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Yayayayayay Lynette i am SO chuffed for you!!!! Yayayay!!

Thats great we can be TTC buddies and hopefully 1/2/3 tri buddies too :)

I am getting my tattoo coloured today and my friend is coming over at 11 to see me and the baby :)

Lunch is made (leftovers) and i have to make a big spagbol for everybody. So a busy day but good, Liam is home early (around 3.30) and then off tomorrow so thats nice
woohoo cant wait for it to go away now so i can take OH to bed hahahah i hope we can get to tri 1 together, all of us lovely ladies deserve a bubba. I am so happy its amazing how the witch can change my attitude. I feel positive now, buying some ovulation tests today eeeeeeeeeeeek

WHOOP WHOOP lynette, fab news on the witch on her evil broom. I'm so pleased that you can get beck on with TTC now, hope its a fleeting visit! :) :dust:
good morning :)
off everyone is welcome here.

unbelievable we have a sunny day lol :D

yeeey lynette for AF :)

how is everyone?

dysco how is the training going?
i wish i had a sunny day dreary old rain in sheffield today :-(
:dance: for the witch lynette!! Glad u are able to be positive about it :) I know I was, sort of but then I was trying straight away!

Its raining here too and it seems really cold but that might just be me :( xx
I am having a good day, saw a lovely friend and the sun is coming out a little bit... Jasper has started toddling :)

all very cool

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