Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Dysco, I'm not 100% sure if he is on board with it or not as he wasn't home til 10.30pm last night so didn't talk to him for long before he fell asleep while I was still talking! He didn't say no though so that can only be a good thing! Even asked who we would invite? I also remembered this morning that my step mum is a dressmaker and offered to make me my wedding dress, so no need to pay out and I can have it like I want :) really hopin he isn't home late tonight as really want to talk to him more about it and start organising, eeeek :)

Hope glad to hear coco slept through the night, bet ur glad to get some sleep! As for u romantic dinner and book that is the sort of thing I would do fo my oh. It really is the thought that counts an u might be able to surprise him in a few days with a bfp, ur not out yet. Most ladies that have got their bfp had no symptoms!

Lynette fx the witch makes her appearance soon :hugs: and I hope ur oh saves up enough soon so u can get engaged. Xx
Oh yeah Christmas don't even get me started! All I know is I'm cooking this year for me, my oh and the inlaws, also hoping my sister will come down with her lo and partner or a few days. Xx
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What a mice Christmas kanga :) sounds a little stressful to cokok for all these people though.
Actually this will be the first Christmas that me and oh will spent together. Though we are together for 4 years, we had to spent the majority of holidays apart, even in different countries, as our families are all over the world lol.

So I kind of stressing if you know what I mean, that will be the first christmas that I have to organize for our family and I have no I dea what to do lol, or what to cook or how to make the Christmas tree, never mind that greek traditions are different from Norwegian and Canadian ones so we will probably end having a multicultural Christmas lol.

As about the BFP I completely doubt it kanga :( first time I had sore boops, bloating and frequent trips to the loo. This time I have none of those.

Kanga I think you are a lucky girl with that dress. Probably every girls dream to can actually get a dress made only for her :)
Morning everyone!

Hope it should be lovely to have a Christmas with ur oh, can't believe u have been apart for them all. I have spent quite a few xmas's with my oh but last year was the first in our own home. It was fun buying and putting up decorations, can't wait to get them all out again. I'm sure I took a few days to finish my tree though!

I might be getting a puppy! There is a rescue charity about 50 miles away wanting a home for a 12 week old rescue dog from ireland, he is a pointer cross but so so cute! His name at the mo is cougar but might change that. Hoping my oh says yes,ncould be going for a road trip on saturday! :) xx

Omg he is so cute :) so cute doggies our thread has lol !

I hope your oh say yes kanga, though think twice before you get a puppy instead of an adult dog lol. I warned you lol :p

I kind of like it's actual name too :)

Good morning everyone :)

Dysco did I miss any news about that marathon btw?

Crapy weather again :(
no haven't run it yet, its next Sunday and I'm dreading it! having spent last weekend and mornings and evening decorating the front of the house I'm exhausted. We need to do a long training run this weekend then rest for next sunday. Me thinks i will hurt! But good excuse to eat lots of carbs this week :)
I know u warned me about a puppy, but apparently he sleeps quietly in his crate over night and he is on his way to BEng house trained! I do like his name cougar, and I will probably keep it the same as I'm not very good with thinking up names. My rabbits are chomps and leela, chomps was named by the little girl who had him before I got him as he scared her and leela was named by my oh after a character from the tv show futurama. So I will probably chicken out.

Weather is pretty crap here today too after an amazing weekend and start of the week. Xx
Oh is being awkward about getting a puppy :cry: says we dont have enough money every month to keep one :( xx
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Puppy needs a lot of money but you can cook rice and cheap minced meat for it and carrots instead of the special food.though our vet told us to not attempt th at at least until the puppy is 6 month old.
We have expenses with the puppy that we couldn't even think before....besides the vet and shot that are super expensive, you constantly buy treats and bones and toys and new things for it, is like having an LO lol....
We estimate that the puppy costs us around 150 pounds per month, without the vet expenses....but then that's for Norway, everything here is terribly expensive. Maybe dysco will be able to help you with how much do you need per month.
Also how big the dog will be? Large size dogs eat so much food and that substantially will increase your expenses :(
Kanga how about A kitty btw?? Easier to lok after her and much less expenses. Do you like kitties?
if you do get a dog get pet insurance, £15 a month and your covered for all vets bills. Then all you got to do is feed it and cuddle it!
Good morning. There is a storm here...woke up with neighbor tree fallen in our yard blocking the driveway....so 3 h later I just called work and told them that we can't get out of the driveway lol :( waiting for the police to come with a special thing to lift the tree. Bloody storm, never saw such a thing before in my life.
Coco is really happy that we are all home but is afraid to get out of the house for potty as the wind push her sideways lol so she is sitting there pulling on the leash to o back home etc etc...
Such an awful crazy day!
How are you all?
Kanga what did you talk with your oh aout the puppy? Any news?
Dysco you are probably busy than ever with the students back!

Anyone has any lovely plans for the weekend?
We depending on the weather thing of going with the puppy at a park, maybe a grill, shopping on Saturday,movie and popcorn near the fireplace and for Sunday dinner with some friends.
How about you all?
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we need to finish painting the outside of the house, go for a long run (10-11 miles) as a last training run, dinner with my parents this evening, dinner with my lab group tomorrow night 'international/eurpoean' party, thnk more about the wedding, get invites ordered and maybe try and catch up on some work and sleep! I've got 2 papers about to be submitted and grant application to write, oh and another book chapter will have to be thought about soon too. I also need to somehow work out how to set up a website cos i take over as president of our european association in nov and the website as it is currently isn't fit for purpose! It won't all get done this weekend but its all in my head argh!
I think I need to start some BB style lists!
Ha ha younsound exactly like me lol. I ended writing things on a huge paper at the begin of the week anin them on one of those special boards that we have in the middle of our office, so every time that is sth done I cross ot from there. Tried the electronic calendar type too but it ended up too crowded for a proper visualization of what I have to do.....
For the web page, I have an iMac and creating a web page is funny and quite easy.

Now dysco president of uropean association at this age?? Amazing girl. President of European society of cardiology were all been over 60 year old. I can't imagine though the responsibility and the pain in the ....that will be. I would dread the position raping the last of my free time I have left lol. Well dome and good luck with that :) :hug:
well...................came home tonight after meeting sum friends and having a drink ( i am a little drunk ) and coz of the fact that in july OH got arrested for common assualt when drunk and BIT someone so he vowed never drink again, and at the time so did i, now that i have had a few drinks he considers me a liar. i just wanted to forget thats all...........i just wanted to have a good time and be normal...........the girl i saw had a MC at 13 weeks coz of spine not forming properly and we had a good chat about everything and i came home and all hell broke loose.....so great i am thinkin why do bother.........OH has aspergers syndrome so he is very narrow minded and cant see past what he thinks to be the truth...i jusdt think fuck it baby has gone so what is left.......the man i love thinking of me as a liar just coz i decided i wanted to have a good time........so fuck my life no baby and as it seems no OH. just.......nothing sorry ladies but i am at a dead end and i just dont know what to do
lynette first :hug:
second relax step away from everything, go to sleep and see how you feel tomorrow. there is a reason about everything that happens, we just don't see it. i am sorry you feel like that. i wish i could make everything better :hug:
thank u hunny right now i am sat downstairs while he is in bedroom and i am all alone thinking all i wanted is my little baby and for us to be ok. i know i said drinking wasnt a good idea but thats just him that cant handle it not me...........yeah i can be an emotional drunk but not violent like he was for GODS SAKE he bit a lad who said some off the cuff comment and then also bit another girl then assaulted a police officer all coz of drink. so i am sat eating indian alone.......what we shud have shared and i just think well fuck u
Good morning!

How was the weekend? We went shopping during Saturday and dinner with friends on Sunday. Also managed to finsih writing some papers and to clean a little the house.
My AF is 3 days late and negative hpt, that makes me think that I am still so messed up and not back to myi regular 25 days cycles. :wall: feeling quite depressed about that. It's being so so long. I think I finally deserve some normality :(
Why all the baby making has to be so hard? 5 months later and I am still not back to normality. :(
Ok getting g sad and desperate and rining everuones day. Done ranting now, probably also has to do with not so much sleep lately because of the puppy :(
Knave a nice day girls, let me hear some positive thoughts! :hug:
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Chin up hope, you said yourself it wasn't really 5 months of trying because of work and various disruptions. I know its its tough hun and I really feel for you :hug: but stay positive, it WILL happen for you! xxx
Thank you dysco. I am not really upset because of the BFN but for my cycles that are completely irregular. I just wish everything was backto normal already :( once regular cycles are back the BFP will probably come too.
Good morning.

AF is here finally at 28 days. Normal but still not regular every month. I suppose a mc screws your body for much longer that I would ever thought.
I am a little overwhelmed with things that are going on. The papers to write, book chapters, congresses, abstracts, grants, coco, house cleaning, shopping etc etc.
I wish a day would have 48 h....I barely have ime to do anything for myself :(
Rant over again, I suppose the damn AF hormones make me so miserable to last days.
How is everyone?

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