Our little dream :) Had a mc???

I can understand that hun, you;ll be be back there soon enough.
Can you postpone exams if not ready?
i can but that would give me an excuse to drag that thing even more...i just had to :slap: myself and stop finding excuses for my laziness. after all i am not the first or the last that mc...
The free gym membership is great, but I never use it! Can't be bothered to stay at work any longer than I have too :) xx
Get to it then girly and get of this forum - ummmn need to take my advice too! My house is a tip! xxx
hey just checking in with everyone n seeing how you all are, iv actually had a lovely morning and work last night was good.
this morning out of the blue two very old freinds who iv not seen in about 8 years got in touch randomly and seperatly, one had an abusive relationship at the time we lost touch and he stopped her seeing family and friends she has been out of that relationship for a while now apparently and is now with a lovely bloke who is helping her re get in touch with all her close friends (he sounds lovely!) cant wait to meet back up and catch up properly she said she was worried people would think she was stupid for not getting out sooner etc, but we ended up having a heart to heart and it was as if no time has passed told her about pregs going wrong and she was lovely! hopefully meeting up soon :):) and then the other random fb chat message i got was a guy i knew at my old work we were more than freinds for a short while but not serious and remained freinds for a long time after, when his brother committed suicide he called me and i stayed with the family for a week looking after his little sisters and generally being a support for them all so suffice to say we were close no real reason for loosing touch just time and life gets in the way, anyhow he and his fiance are now living not far from my mums so iv promised tom and i will visit next time we are down that way, and go for a drink again told him all about stuff and he was just sorry he hadnt been there for me before bless him, was so nice to talk to good honest friends who i fort i wouldnt get a chance to be back in touch with, tom knows iv wanted to speak to both for a while but didnt know how to approach either of them so it was lovely to have that today when i needed someone. also yesterday at work my 2 colleuges who do know about my losses were in and gave me a big hug and said they are around whenever i need them bless them, so all in all its been a nice few days, am now bleeding but its not to heavy and cramps are mild, feel glum sometimes but i have really reminded myself this morning that freinds and people i know have been through worse and come out the otherside and actually i can be strong and can find a way through this ! :) sorry for such a long post just wanted to share with someone. hope you all are ok and that returns to work have been as easy as possible and everyone is getting the support they need right now. can i ask for those who have previous scan pictures before the mc where did you put them? i was thinking of maybe doing a memory box up but it seems silly when i have just 2 pictures equally they feel too special to just put with the other filing? and obviously i dont want them on display any ideas girls? x
how about you upload them and make a memory page for LO with the pictures and the way you are feeling?
Ahh thats nice K8,
old good supportive friends mean so much. xxxxx

A memory box, a diary of feelings, a book, or as hope suggested.

I put my first MC scan pic away in baby book, it is nice to look back at it , I did the other day.
This time I didnt evn get a scan pic, the news I found hit so hard so fast I just didnt even want to look at the screen.
So I have no memory only in my heart this time. xxx
i didn't get anything from the scan, i was so thrown by it all i think and they didn't ask if i wanted one. i wish i had something tangible. a memory box/book/page is a lovely idea xx
i never saw my baby or had a photo :(
i so hope next time will be different.

taco today for dinner :) its quite chilly here. how about you lovely ladies?
I never saw a baby either so never got any pics :( the only thing I have is my midwife notes hidden away in my spare room :( although I did buy some clothes the other week but not for my bean I lost!

My attempt at studying isn't going to well today either, just can't focus on it. Ah well I suppose I better try and get back to it! Xx
i saw my baby but never asked for a photo i thought it would be too hard. Just looked like little bubba was sleeping
Feeling deflated today as been to the loo and had some red blood! Is it possible to have a false lh surge after a erpc? Maybe I'm not in a 2ww at all! :( xx
Every hormonal variation is possible I am afraid. :hug:

Don't worry kanga things will get back to normal soon.
its just so frustrating! hoping the witch arrives in 2 weeks though, so i know if this is a normal cycle length or not!! xx
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I hope it arrivres though it may be a few days late. I was 5 days late
need someone to slap me :slap: need to stop being so negative! need to get my mind on more important things!! like finishing and applying for my 2 bookkeeping exams before the end of the month before facing £260 pay out for renewing my tutor support, arrgh why cant I concentrate on anything! :wall: xx
send some :slap: this way, must get this chapter done! some to you too kanga :slap:
Really don't know what my body is up to, i'm so sensitive to every cramp and achey boob. might do an hpt soon, just to see, but not holding and kinda hoping for negative, just cos wedding plans will go up the spout!
This is such a lovely idea. I had a miscarriage this morning. Its amazing to see how many people are so supportive out there. Sending lots of hugs to everyone that has suffered a loss. I'm thinking of you all and sending you all best wishes xxxx

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