Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Did you poas yet dysco?????

Hey kat sorry for your loss :hug:
Sorry for your loss kat, might poas in the morning, not sure I'm ready for a :bfn: though. :hug: everyone. So sad we are all but loving how supportive you lovely ladies are xxxxx
Good morning

Dysco will you be our first BFP?

In bed with AF cramps and a hote bottle.
Anyone has any positive thoughts today?

Let's see I m determined to finish the chapter I was studying for today so then I cam enjoy my evening with a cup of hot tea and a book :)
Also this cycle was 25 days again so back to my pre mc duration of cycle and that's good, things are heading to the right direction!
Have a nice day !
Thats really good news if your cycles are back to how they were before, means your body has recovered well, even if your mind , emotions arent quite there yet.

I slept pretty well, just woke up!! Went to bed at 10pm.Woke up a few times in the night with MC stuff things on my mind, but went straight off again, So thats good I think as had to have 1/2 bt of wine night before!

I managed to get my house sparkling yesterday,so its a nice feeling to wake up to a fresh smelling house . Bi carb of soda great for getting smells out of carpets!! Tip from my future MIL!!
Im taking my little boy out for the day lunch at friends and park- its a nice day here!! So all good!!!

Dysco - good luck hun if your testing but if not up for it - then just wait.
One thing I am going to try to do when back TTC is try nt to think about it, having it as my focus just somehow kept pushing it away from me. Anyway thats my plan - what will be will be.

Hugs all today xxxxxx
Hey ladies thanks for the idea a memory book or online thing is a good idea. May so sorry you have to join us but yes its so good for support the ladies here are fab. Hope u get to test huni(dysc) and girls whatever goes on its so good u all here today bleeding for me has gotten heavier and I am having lots of cramps last night and this morning hard to focus on other things but am trying. Wish no one ever went thru this had a strange Convo with someone at work yest who had a mc 2 days after being given the ok at scan and tellin everyone their good news :( they knew about last time but not this loss of mine and were asking me advice because due date for her coming up and how did I cope etc I didn't tell her about this time as not want her to feel awkward talking to me and she needed a freind but felt a bit of a fraud telling her how coped last time. Yet thinkin but I'm also going thru it all again right now. Was really the last Convo I felt like having. Got work again at 3.30 till 1am n really hoping the cramps will ease before I leave to go in. Need to clean out the rabbits and do washing but I'm still led in bed I think il go have a shower n try n get on with day anyone else get days they just would rather lie in bed? Wish I wasn't so up and down with my moods all the time.
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ooh i struggled to get up this morning, should have gone for a run esp as its sunny but that will have to wait til tomorrow!
i have to do that with the house cleaning too....i hate housework badly... :(

trying to not think about ttc corinne is so so hard. i can't really do it. i can't stop thinking every day about that. and months later after my mc i still feel a little not so able to concentrate. is it just me? i thought that by now i would be fine. i am heading to the right direction but i don't seem to be completely ok if you understand what i mean.
i have to do that with the house cleaning too....i hate housework badly... :(

trying to not think about ttc corinne is so so hard. i can't really do it. i can't stop thinking every day about that. and months later after my mc i still feel a little not so able to concentrate. is it just me? i thought that by now i would be fine. i am heading to the right direction but i don't seem to be completely ok if you understand what i mean.

I understand what u mean sometimes at random last time I'd think I was fine then would burst into tears just because something made me think about it so I do get it I'm hoping I can move on emotionally quicker this time but I think its a case of everyone copes differently and we all get Down days xx
I know exactly what you mean Hope.
Thats mt plan if I shall succeed or not is a different story!
TTC is all I have thought about since Jan 2010!!
All its brought me is a whole lot of heart ache!!
I didnt think about with my son and I had no worries.
But how do you not think about something you want most in the world,and something you feeling you are running out of time on (in my case).
BLAH xxx
It took me 9mths to let go of my 1st angel Hope!
So NO def not you hun.xxxx
hey ladies, doctor signed me off work till next week so i am going to try and get myself together from now till next tuesday. got some anti depressants too as i cant sleep with out the recurrant miscarriage dreams. Still feeling real down, decided I cant cope with the family gathering in Cornwall this weekend, me and OH are going to go for a meal instead. Sad day again today but my mum is coming to see me yey!
hey lynette, glad that you can get some time for yourself. i hope you will have a lovely day with your mum and a nice weekend with oh :hug:
Is it wrong for me to just want to be alone though? I feel so selfish just tucking myself away
i think you need some time alone to think and grieve, its early days still so it sounds all normal to me :) everyone grieves different really.
slowly you will start to feel better. dosent help much now but the pain will easy off soon and will eventually go away. i promise you that.
it helped me to think things from a different perspective: my lo had a problem obviously, i wouldnt want to bring a baby in the world that will suffer all of its life...
my doctor was so nice today, he reassurred me that there was nothing wrong with me and wanted to sign me off for a couple more weeks but i just cant afford it :-( OH said dont worry about the money but i usualy can cope with anything at all i have never had to have time off work but this has just bowled me over. its the worse feeling ever
offf so so sorry you are feeling so sad lynette. i wish i could make everything better for you. dont worry about work right now.concentrate of getting better. your oh is right.
i know i should take the time i need i just cant kick this guilt i have, its weird. I will see how I am Monday night and take it from there, doc said just come back and he will sign me off again if i need it. I just keep doing weird things ike getting loads of stuff from my catalogue and sending it all back, only thing i kept is a waist cincher and a dress so we can go for a nice meal. I guess i just still like the whole ''waiting for something to come'' thing.
aww glad the doc is being so supportive lynette adn sorry its so rough on you right now everything you feel is normal, because everyone feels and reacts differently we are all here for you xxx
thanks it means so much you ladies are all so wonderful its such a shame you are all not a phonecall away as i am sure we would all have such a lovely night out together! My closest friends are all pregnant so they understand its hard for me to see them so they txt me constantly but i guess its hard for them to understand too

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