Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Hey ladies, i had a fab day on all the rides, got some pictures to upload for u!! Went on all the rides we wanted and twice on most of the rollercoasters, so not a bad day. the longest wait was 40 mins for colossus the first time and we ended up at the front on the queue the second time as everyone left because they were having technical problems. they got them fixed within 20 mins tho :)On the last ride of the day i managed to bang my ear on the harness and i now cant hear! :( I also nearly lost my glasses on the lovely and wet tidal wave ride, they flew of me as we hit the bottom!! luckily they landed in the log and not in the water surrounding us and they didn't break either! Which is why I don't have them on in any of the other pics!!

Also the bleeding has stayed away so really starting to beleive my body is getting back to normal! :dance:

I agree lynette, the thought of us being in tri 3 awaiting our beans arrival keeps me going. my bean will never be forgotten but the pain does get easier to cope with. Even 12 weeks later i still have down days :hugs:

1. Colossus - 10 loop rollercoaster

2. Nemesis Inferno - fast rollercoaster

3. Stealth - 205ft High rollercoaster that goes 0-80 in 2.3 secs

4. Stealth - from floor level

5. Loggers Leap - trying to keep my glasses on

6. SAW Ride

7. SAW Ride - 100ft vertical drop

(sorry about size if huge!!)
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glad you had a great day hunny pics are great!!
hope you doing ok lynette, thinking of you tomorrow xxxx
Kanga it looks like so much fun!!

Either I am pregnant or I am crazy....

Still going to the bathroom in the middle of the night and now my boobs hurt, well at least one of those lol. Still 4 days until testing but I am so convinced that I am not pregnant. I think is my body screwing with me after the mc big time :wall:

Lynette i hope you will be back home soon :hug:
Oh fx for u Hope, some ladies are getting pos tests 4 days before AF! I really hope u get a bfp, I've not had any of my pregnancy symptoms since my mc so u might not be crazy!

I'm still blood free and finding it very strange every time I go to the loo, I got so used to it every time! But excited anyway, according to my ticker I should be ov'ing today but I have none of the signs plus a neg opk yesterday. Thinking ov is going to be delayed because of the 12 days bleed rather than my usual 7 days! Fx for ov during next week though!

Lynette, I hope everything went ok last night and u are back home resting up :hugs: xx
Oh just remembered I'm going out to lunch today with my grandma, cousin, aunt and my other 19week pregnant cousin! Should be interesting, not sure how I feel about it at the mo. Xx
apparently has been a warning for the first 3 days of the next week as the hurricane katia will reach us here...whaaat???

since when we have hurricanes in europe? really???? as we didn't have enough wind here, it will probably blow everything away that storm :( getting worried a little now
oh kanga, i am sure it will be fine, just think that one day it will be you :hug:
well we and some friends are going down the river on inflatables this weekend, will post phots, should be hilarious! then skittles in the pub, ah the high life hehehe

kanga your thorpe park phots are fab, nice to put a face to the name too :)

oh so sad on here right now, is it me or have there suddenly been a flurry of mmcs and mcs???
yep it seems so dysco....hopefully a big BFP month will follow also for all those long TTC ladies.

disco your life seems so interesting, going down the river girl lol !!!!!! sounds scary and so much fun :)

have fun :)
I know I can't believe how many new people we have in here! So so sad! :( Strange as it was just us 3 for ages! Not that I don't like having new ladies to talk to, just wish it was under different circumstances!

Sounds like u have a fab weekend planned dysco, I have nothing going on at the weekend as back in work, training up new staff on my own! So it is going to be fun getting all the jobs done on time, can see me doing overtime!

Oh no, I don't want more wind! Is it hitting the uk too or just Norway? Xx
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scotland, is hiting scotland begginign this sunday night
Oh that might be ok then, I as far south as u can get :) not that it is good for u though!

Off out now to meet up with some of the family, some I haven't seen since my mc so actually quite nervous, especially if they are talking babies! Xx
have fun with the family kanga, and shelter in with that cocoa and fire this weekend Hope, trust us to be doing something mapcap on a windy, stormy weekend, we've just had the tail end of irene and stormy weather coming in sunday so not looking fab for a weekend out and about! but for now, MUST GET CHAPTER WRITTEN ARGHHHHHH
good luck kanga :) it will eventually affect all uk but not with the strength of a big storm more than lots of raining.

have fun and i am sure you will be ok with the family :)
oh yes i finished 1/10 of a chapter lol.......:wall:
Family meal was good, but the my pregnant cousin didn't show! Some sort of drama about being late to be picked up or something like that. So it was good to not worry about any of that sort of chat.

Just been trying to do some clothes washing but my machine keeps tripping the electrics so looks like we need a new machine :( xx
i am glad that you had a good time :)

sorry for the washing machine, we had that too...

what are your plans for weekend?
Working both early mornings this weekend and training up a new member of staff, joys of being supervisor! Only downside is it's just me and the new girl so going to be a mad dash around to get all the jobs done I think. As for the afternoons not got anything planned, probaly go looking for a washing machine tomorrow but unsure what else to do! Might see if I can persuade oh to take me to the RSPCA to look at adopting a dog :) xx
ooooo exciting!!!!!

i always wanted a puppy but i have no time to look after it and no time to train it :(

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