Our little dream :) Had a mc???

i know the feeling with papers and chapters and grants. I have them coming out of my ears at the moment! This morning I've rattled off a mentor review of a student teacher, 2 peer reviews of journals and marked a stray exam paper that appeared randomly and have the extenuating circumstances panel meeting in 10 mins for the exam board tomorrow. argh! must get this ****** book chapter written too, argh! and grant submitted! and see photographers for the wedding.......hmmmm back in a happy place :p

Kanga, what new??? hope you have some good news for us!
It's raining here too and blowing a massive gale, apparently it's the tail end of hurricane Irene that hit New York last week I think? I would love to have a proper fireplace, it must be lovely. :)

With all ur grants, journal and chapters to write I'm quite glad I have an easy job which when I leave for home it all stays at work, plus no writing involved!

One of the pregnant girls at my work is going for her 12 week scan today and I am finding myself so nervous and scared for her. I really hope it goes well for her, but I have this irrational fear that everyone gets bad news at there scans.

Now for last bit of news!! *drum roll please* I have STOPPED bleeding :yay: :dance: :yay: :dance: quite happy about it as had none today what so ever after 69 days post mc and cd12 since erpc, so fingers crossed it says that way!! Xxx
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yeeey kanga :) so happy for you. now remember bleeding can start again and its normal for this to happen until it completely stops. so don't be scared if that happens. but you are most certainly in a good way :D

so so happy for you !! :hug:
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Just found out yesterday I lost the baby and no bleeding or anything. I am almost praying for some pain or blood as I keep thinking maybe they made a mistake :-( all you ladies give me hope though, i am so upset today i was up at 3am clutching the silly little cuddly cow that Cow & Gate sent me crying my eyes out, this is hard
Hey Lynette. So so sorry for your lost. Dysco here had a similar case like yours and she will talk to you later probably.

It is hard, so hard, but we can all promise you here that will get easier....

There is hope, life goes on and one day you will have a LO in your arms.

Come and join us here, I swear these girlies here helped me so so much :hug:
Lynette we've been hanging out here for a while sharing the pain of our mc's. Mine was just like your as Hope said and there is little we can say to help but we are here and understand everything you are going through. We all manage in our own ways, I know that I am able to deal with it much better now than a few weeks ago and time does help. But I will never forget. Simply being on this site and even if it sounds corny being able to remember my LO and have smudge in my ticker means so so much. Message or post here and you will NOT go through this alone :hug: xxxx
Welcome to our little group lynette not that it is under ideal circumstances, we really do help each other through the tough times. I don't think I could have gotten through my difficult mc without the ladies on here :)

It is really useful to chat about it and remember. I admit the pain is not as raw now but still difficult due to my problems. I don't think I will truly move on til I am pregnant again with another lo.

As for my bleeding it has started up again but as pink tinge only. Hopefully it won't last long, I will not get down about it! It will stop! :) xx
hey ladies

how is everyone today??

me nth much to report as i ams tack at home in front of my pc studying and writing articles etc etc :(
but we do have sun today lol for how long nobody knows, probably only for a couple of h and then back to raining...

kanga did the bleeding stop again?
have a nice day everyone
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hello all, sorry to say im back in the group again, but wanted to throw some hugs around i know iv been feeling i need them im sure you all do to so giant hugs everyone.... HUGS xxx
Hey everyone I enjoyed a nice lie in this morning and my first day off since last Tuesday. Went to see a friend this afternoon and we went for an hour and a half long walk, was quite good, must try and keep it up with a bit of fitness, might go swimming at the weekend as not goin into work on my days off even if it is to use the facilities. :)

As for the bleeding I think it has stopped just got this funny yellowish discharge? Is that normal? Got no pain, bad smells or fever so not thinking infection?

So sorry to see u here k8, sending some great big hugs back to u :hugs: :hugs: xxx
kanga you sound more postive which is great,
big hugs k8 :hug: can never have too many hugs!
boring day spent in a freezing cold lecture theatre going through exam resits ....yawn (and no further forward with that flamin book chapter)
ok, so i mention a couple of days ago that dtd whilst a bit tispy without protection on friday night. today I'm crampy and had mucky discharge (sorry tmi). Feel v bloated, trying not to think anything, but hard not to! Would be the worst possible timing, but at the same time would love it! argh! a few days to go before i can test. Could just be i'm still messed up from the mc.
Poas poas how many days till that? Maybe it's ment to be :hug:

What day post ovulation are y?

Kanga no idea for the discarge but wait until you don't have it anymore just in case....good news though :) and yes as dysco said so good to see you so positive.

K8 :hug:
I am feeling quite happy today, also I'm going to Thorpe Park tomorrow! :) can't wait to go on all the rides :)

Yey for symptoms dysco, hope many dpo are u? Fx for some good news :)

Ok I will see how it goes ref the discharge hope it goes away soon, I feel back to normal dispute this though so excited to be ttc again. Xx
hope thorpe park is fun, years since i've been anywhere like that! oh i feel old and boring!
i'm confused, and wish i could poas but wouldn't say anything. normally i ovulated at about CD21 on a 35 day cycle but this would be ov on CD14. I didn't use OPKs cos we weren't trying so just going on physical symptoms. I may be totally out and no where near pg, just got a little freaked by the excm and then discharge yesterday which i don't normally get. I suppose post-mc anything could happen!
good morning!

kanga how exciting, have fun and show us some pictures when you come back.

disco how is it going? any other symptoms besides bloating? i bet you are stressing, i hope you will be bale to test soon so at least you will know :)

nth new here, studying and things like that, being so fed up being in the house all day...it was fun while i was on vacation but now is not fun anymore.
no pregnancy symptoms either to report, besides my frequent trips to the loo, but i blame the tea that i drink all day for that...anyway AF should be here in 5 days (if ofc that will eb 26 days ilke last month lol)....that mc messed me so much.
its quite unfair that even after we suffer a mc we have to face all short of changes in our life for so long time...

anyway i hope everyone is having a good day :hug:
ok i can type but i am too sleepy apparently, sorry for all those typos :p
hmm yes i forgot to say that i dreamt i was pregnant it was a beautiful and positive dream but when i woke up i was panicking and stressing what if i mc again....

i mean really???? i am not even pregnant and i am panicking??? that will be fun when i will be pregnant again...that pregnancy will be the death of me probably. maybe i should postpone ttc on ntnp for a couple more months, maybe my brains will not me so screwed by that time...
I am panicking about next time, in a way i am glad i didnt have an early scan as it would have been harder seeing bubba alive then being told no heartbeat. But nect time i know i will want a scan early to check, then what if this happens again? All I have been dreaming about since monday is me miscarrying, me sat on the toilet bleeding and crying, then thats all i am doing today its like being in a living nightmare.

I know time will heal and i know that when bubba comes it will be so much more special and theres nothing that could have been done about this. My heart goes out to all you ladies as i feel your pain and it upsets me to know that other ladies are sat feeling the same heartbreaking feeling i am, so hugs to you all and we will be ok. One day we will al be sat in Tri3 waiting for our girls/boys to come into the world and the pain from now will be all gone. But our little dreams that neve made it will always be in our hearts forever, never forgotten

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