Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Oh dysco, I love toad in the hole one of my fav dinners! :)

I had work this morning and the girl at work due when I would have been has had her 20 week scan at 21 weeks and is having a girl :( so sad at the mo, as we should be there too :( xx
good morning, i hear you there kanga about being even near v day...

never mind our time will come heeeh hopefully soon. maybe it wasn't meant to be, maybe next time we will be more prepared, maybe God has a better plan than us... I don't know what to believe anymore, i just pray to find strength and i hope i will not get to live those moments ever again in my life...

rather sad today, i miss Greece, i miss the big city, i love leaving outside from the city but sometimes i do miss it so much. also stuck at home and not been able to go to work is not my favorite :(
this is the first day of the fall btw and we didn't even have summer here :( now i love winter but i missed the warm greek summers.

ok maybe i stop now lol i am depressing everyone...someone to slap me and sent me back to my studying :slap:
:slap: I need a major one of these to stop thinking what if all the time as it reall isn't helping me. I am so excited for the girl at work and I'm glad she doesn't feel awkward to talk about it now as I am interested in how it goes for her. It really is just jealousy!!

I can't even imagine myself with a baby or child, so I know all I am craving is being pregnant because I had it and lost it, not because I can see myself as a mum at the end of it. I really do want to be a mum just don't see if fitting in my life not that I do much anyway, so it's really hard to explain :wall: and not that I don't want my life to change!

We don't get much of a summer here, some random hot days in amongst crap warm overcast days. I am hoping next week is nice as we are going to Thorpe park, so would like it to not be raining!! Xx
finally friday!!!! that was a hard week...

do you have plans for the weekend? our plans are somehow limited because of my back pain, so we will see if we will manage to go shopping and then a lazy weekend at home, maybe grilling outside if the weather will be ok, a tv movie?

how about you?

we got a new computer, well exchanged for the old one as sty was wrong with that so i spend all day today reinstalling everything and reconfuguring things....i hate hate this...you open a document to do sth and you realize that you miss that and the configurations for that program all all wrong and so on...

need idea again for cooking, preferably sth that dosent require me standing for 2 h in the kitchen...

kanga i hope you are feeling much better by now
dysco, how is your busy life, nay lovely plans for this weekend?

have a nice day. :hug: :hug:
My weekend plans suck as usual, I'm having to work both early mornings due to be so short staffed (2cleaners left last week) and no replacements for them yet! It's my days off too :( and my oh isn't around as he is going to a car show in Northampton (3hrs away) and staying over as it's a whole weekend thing. Usually a group of us go and have fun camping but we didn't arrange it this year due to the pregnancy and then the mc!!

I hope u have some nice weather at the weekend so u can do some cooking outside, and that ur back doesn't give u too many problems. I hate reinstalling stuff on to a new computer u always forget something and it takes forever.

I am feeling a bit better about things. Slightly curious as to whether I should be getting so many cramps and clots though after the op, still no sign of it slowing down yet either :( I'm sure I'm getting more and stronger cramps this week than when I mc'ed naturally! Still if I can expect this for 2 weeks post op, I probably have another week to go yet. This must be a record, out of the last 4 months I probably have had no bleeding or spotting for a total of 2 weeks out of 17 ish weeks!! My body probably does know what to do now to stop bleeding! Xx
hmmm, all this bleeding and cramps sounds rubbish hun!

had another busy weekend, had a wedding yesterday which was lovely and then today on the beach meeting up again with the wedding party, time to veg on the sofa tonight with a takeaway, then up to the valley's tomorrow for lunch with friends back from Australia.
phew, and loads of work to catch up on!

Hope you r back starts to ease up Hope. xx
My back still gives me real bad pains but managed to clean around a little and study for a couple of h.
Is raining the whole weekend...

Dysco you busy bee.

Kanga how are y today. I saw that you are worrying a little. Maybe you should ring the doctors and ask?
Glad to hear u are able to get around a bit more now Hope.

Draco u really are quite busy! Lol my life is quite boring really! :)

The bleeding is still quite heavy today, exactly like how my periods go, expect the clots. I was curious so put a fee dated into my period tracker app on my phone and it said this:
30th June - 4th Aug 35 days
4th Aug - 3rd Sept 30 days

This are the dates were the bleeding got heavier than just the spotting I was getting, now I know it is unlikely to be periods I got but strange how they fall in that range. My periods before mc were 28,30,28,30 etc so that is why I am more curious. Probably just wishful thinking, but the fact the bleeding changed completely yesterday is why I have put that date. I suppose I should just see what happens in the next few days xx
good morning ladies :)

kanga i think is a coincindence with the days as a mc or a d&c or pregnancy interrupts the cycle and everything starts all over.
how is it going with the bleeding now? lets hope that this week will be the end of it...
disco you party girl, let us hear the detail. did you have a lovely time?

my back feels a little better; still hurts like hell if i move too much but at least i can breath without screaming in pain...studying went well the whole weekend as the bad weather didn't let us do much anyway. so we stayed cozy we made a fire in the fireplace, we drank coco and we ate sweet corn (well the oh...me dieting lol). we also watch a movie named unknown if i recall and some episode of supernatural lol....oh and saturday morning we went to the town were it was an english trade market that was quite fun :)
off to studying now...as i am up so so early. i got up for a pee at 3 and then again at 6....i mean seriously??? :wall:

have a nice day everyone :hug:
Morning girls, the weekend was hectic and now I feel i need a weekend to get over it! but back to school today and there is lots of it! thankfully i now have a few weekends coming up with nothing planned, which is good cos we need some training time for the cardiff half marathon in 5 weeks time, argh! we are sooooo undertrained this year with one thing and another. I've got paper corrections to do and a textbook chapter to write on autonomic function.....urgh!

Oh yes and after a drunken dtd at the weekend after the wedding am now in a 2WW oops!!!! timing will be horrific if I am pg, will have to postpone wedding :s Probably not, but circumstances v similar to last time and timing of ewcm etc. ah well, i can but wait!

So kanga how are things with you today? I really hope for you that you are getting some kind of cycle back.
Hope I know you said it was unlikely but have you done an hpt recently? how is the weight loss going? xxx
hpt? how come? hmmm no i didn't really but even if i am pregnant then its early days like 5-6 days post ovulation....if i even ovulated and to not forget that not much DTD either because of bad luck this month.

the weight loss is going quite ok but i want it all gone and i want it now....but no possible way to loose 50 kg in a day lol so i am whining every day about that....the good thing is that i am so determined to get back to my nice clothes again and ofc to buy some new to match with the new trends lol :p
But i emotionally miss things like hot coco while watching a movie under the blanket and so on...
all that hormone thing with pregnancy and mc completely messed my ability to loose weight fast though....still waiting for everything to go back to ¨normal¨....

dysco lol for the 2 WW. i wish you to get the results you want :) keep me posted with that.
I know my cycles are probably aren't back yet, just really wishing they were! Still bleeding today and getting a crampy pains but not as bad. The bleeding seems to have slowed down again and the lots have stopped so fx it will be over soon. Thinking of waiting a couple of days before phoning the epau as the bleeding has eased off, see how I go.

Dysco! I can't believe ur in a 2ww! Good luck though, which ever way it goes :)

Hope glad u managed to get some studying done and ur back is easeing off a bit. I'm useless not done any studying for what feels like ages, need a good kick up the bum! :)

I'm doing crap on my plan to try and lose weight, just don't have the motivation enough to do anything about it. I want to lose weight but maybe now isn't the best time for me to try. It's hard enough to try and stop the comfort eating at the mo so that I don't gain weight! :)

To be honest until I'm not feeling that i am still suffering with the mc bleeding etc (sorry to go on and on about it) I don't think I can really focus on anything else. It's on my mind far too much and then I get down and eat, a vicous cycle I hope to break soon! It feels as though it is the only thing happenin in my lif at the mo, everything else stopped months ago xx
kanga those 2 weeks and 1 day of bleeding were awful for me, a constant reminder of what happened and seemed to last forever.
now looking back it was actually not such a long time, considering that others bleed even 1 month after d&c....and i didn't even bleed the whole 2 weeks...every time the bleeding was stopping and i was glad that everything is over, next day i was bleeding again...
i don't think you need to panic yet, not before those 2 weeks anyway. after all they scrapped the uterus to make sure everything is out for good this time and that takes time to heal as any other procedure regardless how much you bled before that.
regarding the cramps i so had them for long long time, almost the whole 2 weeks and then they got easier and i was still having them but not so bad until the day i had my period 30 days later and ten i go even more horrific cramps lol.

i know you so want everything to be over :hug: but i wouldn't be alarmed unless bleeding for more than 3 weeks or the bleeding gets worst or fever or bad smell.
hopefully one more week and you will be completely shorted.

as about you think everything stopped and you can't get anything done after the mc, i so got that too and i am sure i heard disco saying the same. the worst part for me is that even now i still feel like that. i think i will not find peace until i am regnant again and with a healthy Lo in my arms eventually...

comfort eating is the worst ever and the harder to brake. i was never a comfort eater, usually when i am upset i even forget to eat...but try to lower your carbohydrates a bit, like don't seat bread, pasta, rice, sugar, milk and eat more vegetables, yogurt etc, that should do the trick with the weight loss and the comfort eating. easier to say than done i know all about that...

hung in there :hug:
Hope is right, I really struggled the first few weeks after mc, and I only had to deal with the physical symptoms for about a week/10 days. Its only now I realise exactly how much i struggled to focus, now I feel like i'm starting to come out of it and really get on with it. I got precious little work done over the last 6 weeks and people will tell you that that is not like me at all! normally i'm a really self motivated person, I have to be in this job, but i couldn't have cared less for the last few weeks. as I said its coming back now and I have lots of catching up to do! Once your body settles down Kanga I reckon you'll be able to get back on track with your book keeping and you weight. :hug:
Thank u, I knew u ladies could help me out! I just feel bad about bringing it up all the time, as I know u are trying to move on and I keep dragging u back!

Dysco so glad to hear u have ur motivatation back, probably just in time for the students returning to uni! :)

Thank for the eating tips Hope, I will try my hardest to get back on track. I really want to start swimming again seeing as I get to for free at work, but can't start that til I'm normal again!

I'm so annoyed at myself regarding my bookkeeping as my tutor support runs out at the end of the month and I am no where near ready to sit my level 2 exams, which means paying 260 quid to extend the support for another 6 months :( ah well tough luck for me really I just have to find the money from somewhere! Xx
You are not dragging us down, we are here for you whatever! xxx
Thank u so much dysco, I'm a bit emotional today :cry: thinking the 7 early starts I done in a row are making me irrational! Doesn't help that oh came in from work at 5.30pm and went straight back out and still not back so all alone with thoughts! On a good note though the bleeding seems to be easeing off, hopefully this time it stops. :pray: xx
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good morning

kanga you are not dragging us down, stop worrying about that. :hug:

its raining again and it will be for the whole week...i am not complaining about that too much as yesterday we made a fire at the fireplace before we went to sleep (we currently have the bed in the living room because eof repairs in the bedroom and its just in front of the fireplace ) and it was oh so good to sleep listening to the noise of the fire and smell the wood burning :D
woke up at 5 this morning, studying since then :)

i was thinking about shrimp for tonight but no inspiration about how to cook them? any ideas? or maybe i just putm in a frying pan with a bit of garlic and olive oil...hmmm we will see.
how about you lovely ladies? what are your plans? and what is it cooking for dinner?

my boss decided that as i am staying at home for my back i may as well write some chapters and articles.... :wall: as i didn't have enough crap with the grand for this month....

oh well we will see...

have a nice day!!

kanga did you by any luck stop bleeding????? i hope you will not forget to tell us the happy news lol :hug:

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