Our little dream :) Had a mc???

just spoke to one of the epau nurses and she is going to get my notes and talk to the consultant i saw yesterday. I started crying down the phone, how embarrassing!! I said i just cant keep waiting, and she asked if i wanted to go down the surgical route? I said whatever i need to more on and stop playing a waiting game. So i should get a phonecall back later this afternoon. xx
i hope they will have some answers for you :hug:

i will tell you how my d&c went. i was asked if i want to wait to natural mc after 2 attempts of a medical one failed... but i had no signs of bleeding and i wanted it over soon so i said yes to the d&c and the next morning i was at the hospital. i didn't drink any water or ate since 12 o'clock the night before. we had to wait until 2 at the night as unfortunately lots of emergencies came and as i wasnt bleeding i was pushed behind and that was the only uncomfortable thing...waiting and oh so thirsty i was lol.
they gave us our own room at a different wing than mothers with newborns, though i start walking around the corridors looking at the beautiful babies without any problem. the room had everything inside including a tv and lots of journals and newspapers, the gave me clothes to wear, it had pads, wet wipes, shampoo, shower gel, body cream, hair conditioner, clean towels it was like a hotel i suppose. at 2 oclock at the night finally the emergencies stopped and me, an exhausted surgeon and a tired anesthesiologist headed to the surgery room. i fell asleep and woke up 20 min later back to my room with oh caressing my head. my tummy was hurting a little and when i said that mw gave me soem meds and that was all. 1 h later i was given toast, peanut butter, tea, milk and left to eat. 2 h later we were in out way home after the mw gave me some pads to put over the matress just in case i bleed the first night, a small blanket so i stay cozi in the car in my way home, a hot tea to drink in the car until we get home and sth just in case i get sick. 30 min later we were home, went directly to bed, woke up next morning when the surgeon called me to check how i am doing, i had no pains, i didnt bleed at all during the night and that was the end of it....

though not sth pleasant ofcourse it was really not painful or dangerous or uncomfortable and it somehow put a real end. i hope you dont have to go down this way as you already waited so long but if you have to there is really nth to be scared about it.
Thank u hope, I am not too worried about having an op, I have unfortunately had 4! 3 on my right arm as I broke my wrist, forearm near the elbow and dislocated my elbow all one accident. I fell off an inflatable slide and landed full weight on my right wrist! First op put a metal plate in my arm and pins in my wrist, then 2 days later I had another op to reposition my wrist as they weren't happy with it. The 3rd was about a year later to take the metal plate out as it was causing me pain. Then the 4th was last august to have a wisdom tooth out, that was the quickest op I had. In and out in a day, home an hour after the op!

Just want anything at the mo it get out what's left so I can move on! Scary thought that I could be in tomorrow for an op though! Xx
ouch kanga, awful thing with your wrist :(

nah it shouldnt be scary at all :) me an you had a mc around the same time, its the second AF that i have now. it will be like a huge weight is lifted from your shoulders.
but lets wait and see maybe its not even necessary.maybe its almost over and the bleeding you are having now is unrelated somehow...next time you see a doctor dont leave before you ask a million questions and you get a clear answer.
I know, it's taken me a long time to get sorted, I've been hiding in a small bubble of my own unaware how much time has past! I was thinking earlier when I saw daniphs 2ww post, that is her 3rd 2ww since my mc, where did that time go! Then ur on ur 2nd AF too, and dysco has her first AF and her mc was 3 weeks after mine! I really have burst my bubble today and I will get answers, please keep poking me til I do! Xx
dont worry kanga we can :slap: you if needed :p waiting to see what the brilliant nurse and doctor will say this afternoon :D

and now someone to :slap: me i am too lazy to cook or do the laundry or study....and my garden is full of vegetables that i have to go harvest at some point....

what are you having for lunch and dinner today?? need ideas sth fast and easy lol and no omelet is not an option we had this yesterday :p
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Still waiting for answers, going to phone them in a bit as they shut at 4pm!

I have been quite good today, cleaned bathroom, polished upstairs, tidied down stairs, put washing away and washed 2 loads of washing. Still got to wash up the pots from yesterday and hoover if I can be bothered. my garden is still full of apples that have fallen from the tree all over the grass, haven't the energy to clear them up, although it's not the nicest of weather outside.

I didn't do well for lunch I had a sausage sandwich, yummy :) as for dinner im nit sure what I'm doing either! Although omelette sounds good - don't think I have enough eggs :(
So just phoned the epau and spoke to the nurse again she said the consultant has been in surgery all day so not been able to talk to her. But she should be in tomorrow from 2pm, she also said from looking at my notes she doesn't see why she won't refer me for a dnc! So fx tomorrow I will have some more answers. Xx
just made a yummy morocan lamb for dinner with couscous and salad, soooo simple and sooo yummy! btw my favourite quick and easy dinner is rolled out puff pastry, some kind of pesto spread over it, then the fruits of the fridge, roast veg or left over meats, one my friends does a lush goats cheese and fig one, cheese on top, any kind I've got, in the oven for 20 mins and then serve with salad from the garden :) YUMMY!
good morning :)

dysco those sound so delicious!!!!! and not easy to make lol :p

we ended having schnitzels and risotto, made double portions so today we are having the same :p as no way i would cook again. and for lunch probably creamed broccoli and cauliflower with salmon.

kanga any more news? its raining again....but really dont mind it as its easier for me to study when it rains. i only hope i ill not be so tired after work to do that...

does anyone has serious problems concentrating??? yesterday was all set in front of my mac with hugenormous books all around me, pencils and markers lol everything ready, my oh was near me (we have a huge desk from one side of the room to the other full of computers, books etc) writing a paper, it was impossible to concentrate to study.....i was thinking all kind of things than my lipoproteins...and then i didnt have a pink marker near me to highlight and then a pdf wasnt working and then i got a coffee and then i got thirsty and you get it lol, i abandoned the idea of studying and went with ohin te kitchen where we lighted an old oil lamp and drink hot cocoa under a romantic light. that seemed to do te trick and i finally relaxed and was able to fell asleep 1 h later but please someone to :slap: me i cant go on without being able to concentrate on my books :(

rant over lol...have a nice day :) :hug:
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No more news yet, other than the bleeding has started up again! Hopefully around 2 pm I will get some answers from the epau.

The sun is out here but I'm nit doing any bookkeeping today as I'm am going to my friends straight from work.

I know the feeling about being distracted, especially after u get everything out sit down and realise ur calculator is upstairs, u retrieve it get ready to start again and like u said need a drink!! By the time u sit down again I'm like sod it I can't be arsed now! :)

Hope u get some studying done, the rain outside always get me in a tidy do stuff in the house mood xx
Got my phone call back today from the epau and I have another appointment tomorrow at 2pm to discuss the surgery. She said I can have the op on Friday afternoon if I want or wait til next week :shock: think I will ask for Friday just to get it done with.

How's ur days been so far? U better have done some studying Hope? Lol :) xx
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Finally!! Go for Friday. I am so happy that you will get shorted :hug:

I am going to study soon I hope....just ate tortillas filled with leftovers :D also oh so so sleepy.

Your d&c will be so easy.no need for dilatation either as your cervix is already open.:)
I know I can't believe I am finally getting somewhere!

Oh yummy lunch, I've just had a cheeseburger and chips at a pub with my friend, yum!! Xx
good morning :)

no studying yesterday, we went shopping at the supermarket and at a bookstore for office supplies and then we spent the rest of the evening restocking the office and making order. all set today hopefully as me and oh both have papers to write.
waiting exciting to see how your meeting will be with the doctor today kanga :hug:

dysco how are you doing? any new lovely wedding plans? how was your AF? did you notice any difference than before the mc?

any plans anyone for the weekend yet? i cant believe that i am already thinking about the weekend lol.

we are going for more shopping on saturday morning and then probably i will study as oh has to go for a team building thing.... and then sunday no idea yet.

did any of you see any good movies lately? maybe i movie for us on sunday :D

my ovualtion, fertile days are approaching and i suddenly panicked thinking of maybe i wait one more month, what if sth will go wrong again. almost had a panic attack yesterday night and almost asked oh to use a condom but then i calmed down thinking that not in my fertile days yet and have more time to think a bout it????

excuse me????? i must be completely nuts.... i mean the fear of a mc will never go away....how the hell i am going to ttc if i am petrified that i may mc again.

i mean really??????? :slap: anyone else feels like me or i am the only over hormonal irrational one here????

i hope you all have a lovely day ladies :hug:
ooh kanga got everything crossed for friday for you, never thought I'd want someone to have a d&c so much! it really should have been done a couple of weeks ago I'm sure! glad its finally happening now though :)

Hope I'm as irrational as the next one at the moment, don't want to apply for a grant cos I don't want to fail at something else, I know i haven't failed at motherhood or anything that dramatic but just don't want more bad news!

Saw registrar yesterday so wedding all booked and we are all legal, heading up to caterers tonight to sort the food out, found a few bands online that i like, one that does acoustic slots during ceremony and drinks then more upbeat 4 piece band for 2 sets during the evening. Sounds perfect huh?!?

Found a couple of dresses on 'sellmyweddingdress.com' that look good too, posh dresses at half the price!

just done a second year phd exam (glad its over, was really a struggle of my limited brain power today). now to plan camping this weekend, really can't see how i'm going to get this bloody grant written when I've also got exam papers to mark from resits....argh!!!!
wow dysco :) those are some plans!! sounds perfect and so exciting!!! screw the grant, just submit it and whatever happens, you are getting married girl :D :D dont you have a student or sth to write some part of that grant?

and did you say camping??? i want details ! believe it or not i never went camping in my whole life lol.
Hey ladies I have my appointment in about an hour, scared! I only got 2our sleep before going to work this morning for 4.30am, luckily it was only for 3 hours and I came home and gt another 3 hours kip in. I hate it when things play on ur mind so much that sleep is impossible. So feelin a a bit crap today!

I will try and update as soon as I can but I have to go straight to work after the hospital appointment to sort things out with my boss and do another 5hours of work :(

As for the weekend on sat if everything goes to plan I will be having a lazy day on the sofa with some DVDs probably and Sunday we are traveling to Wales for the wedding on Monday! Hoping the journey isn't going to be to bad after the op on Friday.

I think I will probably feel the same way when ttc again, I think it is going to take a while to get over the fear of mc. But then even when I am pregnant again it is going to last until I least have a good scan at 12 weeks, even then it might not calm my nerves!

Dysco u are getting well organised for ur wedding sounds amazing with a live band and everything ! Oh cool about the cheap dresses online I really hope u find the one on there!

That sucks about having to grade exam papers! Urgh! Was it u sitting the exam or were u the teacher sat at the front or wondering around to make sure no one cheats?

So the appointment went really well today, she explained the procedure and all the risks involved :shock: I signed the forms and she took my blood too. So I have to be at the hospital for 12pm no eating after 7am. I should have the surgery sometime between 1.30 and 4.30, knowing my luck it will be the later time! I get to wait on a proper ward though with a bed and I'm allowed someone to wait with me, which will probably be my good friend as my other half can't get off work, which sucks :( xx
good news kanga :D you will be back home before you know it :hug: get stocked on some pills for the cramps after that when you go home, though not horrible they were quite unpleasant the first couple of days.

your oh has to definitely spoil you the whole weekend.
let us know how did everything go . good luck :)

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