

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
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My fertile window is when I am working nights - when should I do my OPKs? I can take them into work if need be.

Also I usually get my positive OPK CD14/15 which is near the end of my fertile window. This time would be Sunday which is my last nights shift. I am still in with a chance if I BD Mon & Tues as they say you ovulate 24-48 hours after your positive.

TIA xx
It can be as early as 12 hours after Ive herd. But just do the opks as you normally would but on the night lol. Id it were me I'd just do an extra few per day. I used to work days and nights as well, so it does seem a bit difficult! Some days I do opks every time I pee!! Lol maybe do that if your using cheapies? X
Thank you. Will see how I go this cycle. Thought I would be completely out this month as we are passing ships when I work a week f nights but we both have the week off after together so hoping my positive OPK is Sunday then can BD mom, ties & weds lol! Xx
So i have decided to do OPKs 0200, 0600, 1400 and 1800 lol! alot of opks, thankfully i stocked up just dont want to miss the surge and dont know how my body will be with me working nights. arghhh bloody work! if i dont catch on this month then my next window is over my next set of nights!
Hey, I'm exactly the same. This is my week of nights and I'm sure I'll be ovulating right in the middle of them. It's definitely my fertile week anyway, I already have ewcm. I'm nights till Friday when I'll be on cd13, I think I'll ovulate on cd12 this cycle! We've dtd cd 6, 8 and will tomorrow morning on cd10 then if my opk is looking near positive we will again on day 11 & 12. That's the plan anyway but we'll need to squeeze it in in between me coming home from work, sleeping and then going back out to work. This will be fun :lol: I usually get up about 4 so I'll do an opk in work about midnight then again about 6am. If I get a positive while I'm in work ill have a quickie when I get in before I go to sleep :lol: if you can try and do the same, leaving it till Monday might be too late hun xx
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Its so hard when working nights. OH is off Weds, Sat & Sun so will BD them mornings before i go bed. wont see him any other time apart from the week off. TBH that will be more than we normally manage so have high hopes this cycle.

What job do you do MrsS? xx
That would be perfect if you manage to squeeze it in at the weekend, I think it would give you a much better chance hun. We going to try and do every second day in my fertile week then the day before ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after. Hoping that works!

I'm a children's nurse hun, you? Xx
We only seem to do 2 days before positive opk and either the day of or day after so hoping abit more BD and especially after the positive OPK, think we giving up to early.

Do you do nights often? xx
You're best to dtd before ovulation hun, because the sperm can live up there longer and be ready for the egg. After ovulation you risk missing it. Have a wee read about it, there will be better explanations than I'm giving lol! How long you been ttc?

Yeah I do quite a bit of nights. This week is 4, next week I have 3 then the odd 1 a week for the rest of the month in between day shifts! Xx
this is our 11 cycle trying :( we bd last cycle with ewcm and day of positive but didnt work. defo sticking to weds, sat & sun. then hopefully Mon Tues Weds as i am sure my positive opk will be Sunday.
i cant stop reading about ttc especially when working nights.

I do 7 nights on then 7 off. ours varies between 1 set every 4-6 weeks :( with days inbetween. messes my body clock up :( xx
So sorry hun, it's such a hard journey isn't it! I think if you do wed/sat/sun/mon you're in with a really good chance this cycle. Those days cover all basis! Wishing you so much luck. We'll be in the tww together too :)

That's a really tough rota. I completely get you on the messed up body clock, mine is all over the place and I'm tired all the time! They say doing shift work makes conceiving a lot harder too :( not much we can do about it eh! I can do a week of days and nights together, it's horrible! Xx
It is hard, never imagined i would be were i am now. i honestly thought that as soon as i stopped the depo that i would fall quickly. I think i better knowledge of ovulation/pregnancy should be given to women and men.
Throwing baby dust your way. how long have you been trying? Hate the 2ww lol! its OH bday on the 11th so will prob test then. AF due 14th.

I am constantly tired also, its horrible. yep i read something about that yesterday! when i do get my BFP i am refusing to do nights, will go to my GP especially in my line of work. Wish i could get away with not doing them now lol!

Wishing this week away, we are hopefully going camping middle of next week so something to look forward to and not SS haha! xx
Come august we'll have been trying 16 months, on cycle 19! I never in a million years thought this would happen :( I agree there should be. I just don't understand how some people have a one off and get pregnant. It baffles me! If I ovulate when I think I'll be testing about the 7th. What a lovely surprise that would be for your OH, everything crossed for you!!!

I was thinking about doing the same but it'll really affect my wage. I'm hoping by then my body will be so used to them it will be okay. I might just ask to split them so I'm not doing so many all together!

Camping sounds great fun. I love camping! Definitely keeping busy in the tww is the thing to do. I turn into a Google obsessed nutter in the tww :lol: xxx

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I know, all of my friends with children hadnt planned they just fell pregnant! Have you been to the GP at all? Mine wont do anything til at least a year of trying due to contraceptive and also have to lose abit of weight. Which i am doing well on :) nights help as i dont eat much apart from fruit lol!

I dont think it will affect my wage as i will still be doing late shifts and weekends, will only be whilst i am pregnant.

I cant wait to go will be nice to get away and spend some time together. Nights are terrible for me and googling etc. i read all diff forums etc whilst on nights. keeps me occupied but drives me nutty haha!

CD 10 for me now. Did OPK at 0000 as couldnt hold my wee anymore lol! seems very light to the random one i did the other day? xx
Most of my friends are the same :wall:
Yeah I've been to the gp, mainly because I've had 2 early losses too. Basic bloods and scans all look okay. Still need hubby to do his SA but doesn't seem much point when he can get me pregnant. I'm going to go back after this cycle though. I'm getting so disheartened!

Good for you on the weight loss. I'm the same on nights and just eat fruit, I never have an appetite!

Haha I do exactly the same when I get to sit down. My search history would get me locked up :lol:

I'm cd10 today too, how funny! I'm having really strong ovulation pains tonight though, I'm so confused. I bought different opks and I don't trust them, the test line is really dark at the top then fades as it goes down the way. My urine is so diluted though I don't think the result will be accurate! I don't know what to think/do xx
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I will be going back around end of Sept and putting my foot down for tests lol! I feel positive after AF then go down in the dumps into the 2nd week of the 2ww. I am going to try take my mind off it as much as possible this time around.

What is your usual cycle length? which OPKs have you got? i am using one step ones atm. Can you hold your urine for a few hours then try again?? Hope you can squeeze a BD in the morning just to cover you.

Haha cycle day buddy!! love it! xx
I'm like that, my mood is so manic throughout the cycle. Definitely go back the minute the year mark arrives, although fingers crossed this is your month and you don't need to :)

I usually use the one step but got these all test ones when I ordered preseed and I think they're shit :( worried if I did ovulate at only day 10. I used to ovulate around day 12,then after my first loss it went to day 14 then to 13 then last month was day 12. I'm hoping it's not jumped away down to 10, that seems to early! Done another opk and a good second line but not positive. I feel so confused. It was definitely ovulation pains I felt last night :( my cycle was 26 days then changed as my ovulation date changed. No idea when to expect it this month! Managed a bd this morning and will again tomorrow. Really hope I've not missed it!

Yip cycle day buddies :dance: xxx
I think you have still covered your bases with the BDing :)

How are you finding pressed? Can I ask what made you buy it?

I am shattered today, slept terrible. Hope it's a quick night lol! Xx
Well I think I'm back to square one, opk and CB digital monitor are both negative. I don't know if my body tried to ovulate then gave up, or if I did ovulate but just never got a positive ovulation test. So annoyed trying to second guess my body! I'll keep doing opk's and BD in case I'm yet to ovulate. Hate this bloody game!!

We used preseed before and I got pregnant the second month we used it. I hadn't used any since so thought I'd give it a try again! Hubby likes some lube so at least its a ttc friendly one. It dries in on men so quickly but good for women with the applicators!

Me too, I'm already so tired and dreading tonight. Roll on friday!! xx
I hope it was just a false surge and you get your positive OPK so you know where you stand. Well done for th BDing tho :)

I keep thinking of trying pressed. I do produce ewcm but not much and practically no exsistent around my positive OPKs. Don't know how Oh will feel about it tho. He already made a comment about my thermometer that I had been hiding.

Roll of Mon morning lol! Xx

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