OPKS detecting early pregnancy - help!

so do i, i wish you all the baby dust in the world :)
Thank you hun. Just been to the loo and noticed a thin line of pinky red. The plot thickens! Lol. Could be a sign of OV, AF or IB. Hoping for the more positive outcomes but who knows. Just waiting for my OPK to dry out then will get a piccie. x x
Here it is. I peed at 5 and dunked at 25 past - gotten into the habit now!


x x
Ta hun, wondering whether I had my surge yesterday. Would that explain the pinky reddy in my undies? Sorry, TMI! x x
I don't know hun but wouldnt you be too far in your cycle...like you should be due AF soon xxx
No idea cos last cycle was 65 days so I suppose there's a chance I ovulate pretty late in my cycle. Agh!! So confusing! x x
so what cycle day are you on now? if it is ov then the line will fade after ov if this is the case then the lines you have been getting will indicate that your body is realeasing the hormone to release the egg but then the egg doesnt release so then your body keeps trying giving you the 2 lines each time so by right after the egg has released your body will stop the hormone that the opk picks up hope this makes sense it did in my head lol
still time yet then to ovulate going off past cycles :) glad it made sense haha
Yup, hopefully in the next week or something like that as hubby still under the weather and working all sorts of hours which means he's shattered when he comes home and in bed within a couple of hours. :(

Looking forward to him getting some time off! x x
Hi girls got two more tests to show you. Yesterday's was same as what the others have been but the day before was DARKER! :yay:

We BDed both yesterday and day before so hopefully, if it was OV, we've caught it. This morning though, I had pink cm - thought it was watery but I had peed (lol) so assumed it was CM. Hoping its IB and not *whispers*... AF! :pray:

Just uploading piccies. x x
Oh and not forgetting the slight pinky red in my undies..I had brown discharge a couple of days ago too, then the pinky today. Weird!!

Here's the piccies!!!

Day before yesterday's - CD43.



CD44's (yesterday).


CD43 is darker in RL. Buggering camera! :(

x x

Just an FYI lol, yesterday's opk was done at 9.30 pm as we were out late and I had a lot to drink at my sisters, wine, tea etc about an hour before doing the test. Will have to see what today's is like!

Feeling v. lightheaded yesterday and today so who knows? FX its the start of something good! ;)
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I feel like poo! Lightheaded and just crappy. Been sleeping a lot for the past few days as well. Was hoping to zonk out when hubby went to work but have been invited out so can't really. Ohhh! :( All I want to do is fall asleep lmao. x x

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