One cup of pee, 4 different brands of OPKs can you guess the results??


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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As it says above...

I cup of pee

Then I dunked in

1 x FR OPK
2 x One Step 'internet cheapies' OPK
1 x Asda OPK

The FR gave a strong positive result within a minute
Both One Step cheapies gave negative results - very faint line
The Asda test gave a negative result - very faint line

So what do I trust? Go with the majority and class today as negative? Go with the "trusted brand" FR results and diregard the rest?

Ohhh thats a tough one hun! I havent really had much look so far with any cos i hve PCOS but im gonna really try get my head around them this month. Why dont you try the clearblue smilies? they are a little more expensive but you cant mistake the smilie face xxxxx
Talk about confusing!! My instinct would be go with the trusted brand BUT surely it's 3 against one so assume it's a negative?! Just bd anyway Hun then you're covered! It shows that they're not always reliable though xxx
Might be worth checking out how sensitive the FR is. Might be more sensitive than the others.
ooo thats a toughy, makes u wonder tho doesnt it...all my opk's said negative this cylce...the closest i had was a fairly dark line but it was slightly paler than the control line so i dunno....i dont think im gonna use them for a couple of cycles at least until my cycles start to get more consistent and i can predict ovulation day easier and use them then.

its hard tho for you to judge as on one hand u have a trusted brand saying positive, but on the other hand there are 3 others saying no...hmm confusing. I agree with Blandy Id BD just in case xxx
happened to me tha morrisons cheapie n ebay cheapie morrisons was positive, ebay was neg wel confused iv had 2 postives this cycle one cycle day 17 and one cycle day 20 jus dont no wer im uptoxx:wall2:
its so frustrating - took your advice though and bd anyway. Im just watching for a temp spike on my charts to find out if the FR were correct as I suspect.! thanks all.

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