One born every minute...


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Who watched it? Is that realistic then?!

Think it gave men lots of tips on how NOT to behave when your OH is in labour!!!:roll:
I didnt like it. All the negative things the MWs are saying and the images of screaming doesnt have to be like that and programs perpetuate the belief that it does.

IMO the whole thing was awful. From the horrific receptionist to the negative language the MWs use to scare the women into submission. Babies heartbeats DO dip during contractions - she shouldnt have used that as a way to frighten that woman in to pushing. It's no wonder so many women (and in particular 1st time mums) are crapping themselves at the prospect of giving birth the way the media continues to portray it. I will watch next week in the hope that they show some positive images of women enjoying their labours.....
well said Lisa.. unfotunetly its programs like these that make women think thats the way it should be.. and it doesnt have to be like that at all...
Well I'm glad to hear you saying it doesn't have to be like that, it looked frigging scary today tbh and that was her fourth! Was considering going back on the pill for the last hour. The clips for future shows containing all these screams is a bit scary too.

My hat goes off to you ladies that have done it before and my thoughts are with those of you who will do it soon. Scaaaaary. U lot are clearly double ard b***ards! lol
so it's not like that then? Cos that looked horrific. I know they said that they were particularly busy, but it did seem like things were a little bit rushed.

And that poor woman's husband was a right knob, I reckon I'd have smacked him well before I even needed the gas and air!! The girl who had the caesarian seemed sweet, but her OH didn't even say one word! She was looking for reassurance and he said nothing! Even my OH picked up on that!
Yeah that fella looked like he'd rather be in the pub, the other bloke, steve well he was just a prize knobber wasnt he? I'd have headbutted him long ago.
I agree it showed no positives but sometimes it can be exactly like this. I've had 6 births/labours and none of them were the same. I had one long and quite panicky and emergency type thing, had a really gorgeous virtually painless one, had one within 10 minutes of arriving in hospital, and the last one was quick but very copeable on gas/air

The only time I had any bother with babies hb was 1st time round and there was a problem causing it. I think with all the dips the scalp monitor would have be best as the other monitors can lose contact easily.

I liked it but do hope we get a diiferent side of it next week :) Dammit I want to see the sheets though :oooo:
I wonder if I can watch this again - does ch4 have an iPlayer thingy? :)
:lol: I am sure it is representative of the view of a MW working in a hospital or labour ward BUT what I dont think it shows is a balanced view of child birth. I suppose it depends what they are trying to portray. If it's how busy labour wards are and how little time MWs have for the mum's at times then yes, it did a good job. But my guess is that the audience will be mostly mum's and mum's to be wondering what it's really like. I think it just taps in to the negative side of child birth that the media seem happy to perpetuate. Showing it as a medicalised 'problem' to be dealt with and that we should be scared of because it's frightening and dangerous. It makes women believe that they cant do it. That they need someone to tell them how to do it right OR ELSE!
Sure it's not a glamorous carry on - birth IS raw and bloody and yes women do wail and carry on but it's not ALWAYS like that. No wonder we have so many women thinking that c sections are a better option than being yelled at to PUSH! or being told 'it NEEDS to hurt!' and 'your baby NEEDS to come out' like she was some how doing a shit job at giving birth.

I really hope next week is better. The trailer for next week alone tells me that this is going one way.....there was a couple of nice images of babies being kissed and one being born without screaming in the background but the whole thing was interspersed with screaming!! Which just reimforces the fear in women. And the fear that they some how cant or wont be able to do it, is just the thing that makes them end up a screaming mess. Please let us see a woman confident in her body doing what should come naturally but we are told cant because what do we know.....

*gets off soap box*
I actually had a nightmare about being hospital last night, not about giving birth, about there and being ignored while someone left blood draining out of my arm :( OH reckons its cos I watched that show lol!
It showed all the bad negative things :( ..where was the good side ?
I know I was quite surprised by how the midwifes were with the mothers. When that young mum having the c-section said "I feel like Im walking to my death" I wanted someone to put their arm round her and tell her everything will be fine, that they do this procedure x number of times a day and we're going to look after you and your baby" You know thats what she needed to here. All she got was a nurse (?) not even turning round ot make eye contact, saying "it's finnne, come on"

My OH was so surprised by that lack of midwife support, he was like "shouldnt there be 2 of them there? that woman's really struggling". I had the opportunity to turn to him and say this is why I need you with me, I dont trust these people to act in my best interests and I need you to look after me! I had loads of opportunities to say, OMG I cant believe her husband is behaving like that I wouldve smacked him one by now (*HINT HINT*)

Im so glad to hear you ladies saying it does not have to be like that, that is what Im afraid of. I dont want all the clips and monitors, I dont want to be told to lie on my back when all Ive read is that thats a really difficult position to give birth in. I dont want to be shouted at and told Im supposed to be in pain, even if its true, I would really like someone to acknowledge it and tell me Im doing well and each push brings me closer to my baby. I reckon if someone said that to her, she mightve felt a bit better.

Did anyone else notice the distinct lack of emotion displayed by the parents when the baby finally arrived. Honestly, the way the midwife was going on you'd think the baby was dying. And she used the use of forceps like it was a threat.

"If you dont push harder Im going to have to go and get the doctor to use forceps"

sounds a little like:

"If you dont do your homework Im going to have to go and get the headteacher to use his cane"

Honestly, Im a speech & language therapist and when training we had to do modules on 'professional skills' which is basically putting yourself in your patients/ parents shoes and interactive with them sensitively, and counselling skills. Do these midwives not have to do that?! They sounded so pissed off that there were lots of babies there. It IS a maternity ward!
I think both of the OH's on the show were terrible, so unsupportive but the dude with the rubber glove just needed a good kicking IMO.

I must admit i did my fair share of grunting and moaning during my last delivery, not the labour, just the last 15 mins or so, but i couldn't help it, it was like i HAD to make little noises when i was pushing but it was in no way what was portraid on the show, my labour was relaxed and so was the delivery to an extent, with only 1 midwife present.

I just felt that the show was alot of doom and gloom and not enough of the good stuff. Call me a weirdo but i LOVE labour :) xx
I'd say lots of mooing, grunting and moaning are pretty standard Toon and even some wailing or shouting but they just played clips of blood curdling SCREAMING!!
I know I was quite surprised by how the midwifes were with the mothers. When that young mum having the c-section said "I feel like Im walking to my death" I wanted someone to put their arm round her and tell her everything will be fine, that they do this procedure x number of times a day and we're going to look after you and your baby" You know thats what she needed to here. All she got was a nurse (?) not even turning round ot make eye contact, saying "it's finnne, come on"

My OH was so surprised by that lack of midwife support, he was like "shouldnt there be 2 of them there? that woman's really struggling". I had the opportunity to turn to him and say this is why I need you with me, I dont trust these people to act in my best interests and I need you to look after me! I had loads of opportunities to say, OMG I cant believe her husband is behaving like that I wouldve smacked him one by now (*HINT HINT*)

Im so glad to hear you ladies saying it does not have to be like that, that is what Im afraid of. I dont want all the clips and monitors, I dont want to be told to lie on my back when all Ive read is that thats a really difficult position to give birth in. I dont want to be shouted at and told Im supposed to be in pain, even if its true, I would really like someone to acknowledge it and tell me Im doing well and each push brings me closer to my baby. I reckon if someone said that to her, she mightve felt a bit better.

Did anyone else notice the distinct lack of emotion displayed by the parents when the baby finally arrived. Honestly, the way the midwife was going on you'd think the baby was dying. And she used the use of forceps like it was a threat.

"If you dont push harder Im going to have to go and get the doctor to use forceps"

sounds a little like:

"If you dont do your homework Im going to have to go and get the headteacher to use his cane"

Honestly, Im a speech & language therapist and when training we had to do modules on 'professional skills' which is basically putting yourself in your patients/ parents shoes and interactive with them sensitively, and counselling skills. Do these midwives not have to do that?! They sounded so pissed off that there were lots of babies there. It IS a maternity ward!

Tiny I wholly recommend that you buy Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth, Amazon have it new for about £7 - it will fill you with confidence xx
I'm so glad to hear it doesn't have to be this way cause last night I told my oh that not only do i not want one anymore I can never have sex again lol, the men were horrific, the midwives aargh I wanted someone to scream at them, I can't believe both women giving birth were so restrained horrible show!
DH is now watching it on sky+... we are only 6 minutes in, 1st comment was what the **** is she doing (the receptionist)
2: would u... would u want ur son anywhere near ur foo

:rofl: later on in the programme he has a sneaky peek!!!
his facial expressions are a picture (DH's, not the son!!) :lol:

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