you can usually predict dilation of a labouring woman by how spaced out her contractions are, and also what sort of noises she is making
This is something midwives in this country are very trained to do (hence me not needed loads of internals) just by sound and sight they can tell so much.
As for medicalising birth, some of the lowest health insurance plans dont cover childbirth at all, that costs extra and some only cover ceasarians.
to put it into perspective, if you are on the highest level of medical insurance available in america and your baby has a very low survival rate or quality of life when you have your 20 week scan, your insurance will pay for iron lungs, drugs and treatment to keep baby alive even if it does not have kidneys or a bladder or has a massive skull deformity which means its brain is outside of its body and it will suffer immensely with whatever life it is given.
If you are on the lower health care schemes in america, and your baby is found to have a hair lip, which in most cases means it will need a small operation costing around $200 when it is born to correct the slight issue, then the insurance doesnt cover that, so you have some babies born with no quality of life and kept alive with medical treatments on one side, whilst small minor issues on babies have to be aborted as the health care doesnt cover it.
Its ALL about money, if you can afford it you can get ridiculous things, if you cant afford it you are not even allowed to give safe passage into this world to a health newborn baby
Absolutely warped! And they think WE are socialist nazi's for having a public health service and almost overthrew the Obama government for trying to put a similar thing through.
so you can see how silly it is to compare the service we receive in Britain to what goes on in America, where nearly 50% of their births are ELECTIVE Caesarians! Its an entirely different kettle of fish!