Ohhh that was 'throw things at the telly' TV that really was!
It ANNOYED ME SO MUCH!!! They made out that woman was a total weirdo for wanting a natural birth! And the other woman who said 'i want to do it naturally' but apparently that means WITH hormones!!
every woman in there had a drip in her arm! Of course they all have epidurals if thats the case a hormone drip gives you unnatural contractions which are uber painful!
I can completely understand the woman not wanting to be 'checked' in the middle of labour! Checked for what exactly? I was checked twice during my 27 hour labour, once to see how dilated i was after not progressing and once when i was admitted to hospital before having my waters broken!
To pull a woman into hospital, rig her up to a machine and a drip and expect her to give birth on her back is just absolutely and completely absurd! It is totally against how we are designed to give birth!
I laboured for 26 and a half hours and pushed for half an hour with Jasper, i was never on my back (apart from the 10 mins when they broke my waters) and it was the most fantastic experience of my life! Trust your body, trust yourself and learn about what labour IS and what your body is DOING! That way you will have all the tools you need to have a relatively easy labour

The pain aint bad until the end when you can push through it anyway - you just have to stay positive, calm and mobile
we are women, we are amazing and strong and we can labour without any medical assistance (though i did LOVE the gas n air
