Oh no not me. Just saying starchild was sick last night![]()
Im sneezing though! Please not another cold!
No af as yet!
My test isnt this week. Just lesson this weektest is in 3 weeks today! But first lesson since i failed my test
nearly 3 months ago. Cant wait to get back behind the wheel xxx
Lol baby brain defo exists doesn't it! XxxBaby brain already! When i was pregnant with my son i worked at mcdonalds and apparently baby brain wasnt a thing to the mangers. They were dicks anyway. Just i sent an order wrong on the drive thru.. they went mental i tried to blame it on the baby brain and they didnt like that excuse.
Oh no Dr hopeful!
Lol i thought i was the only one who did embrassing things! Used to look at others and think why do i do that. Others seemed to have it together haha.