Officially trying!

Sorry about bfn :( could you of ovulated a little later than you thought xx

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If no af you're not out. Keeping fingers crossed for you x
Yeah maybe! I cant even remember when it was now. Brains decided not to work this morning :( xxx
Sorry to hear that MissRosie, the witch has been rather devious this month I think, there are a few of us which have got our af late when we do not usually!
I have no idea what isn't going on at the moment....thought af had arrived so used tampax and then just before lunch.....nothing on it! Had a bit of yellowish cm with maybe a tinge of beige (sorry tmi) but the usual cramps I get the day she arrives are not there. So I did a hpt and got bfn! I'm 12dpo today. I think she is imminent but feel she is being really cruel this month as I am never late.......even bought wine on way to work to have a glass tonight to cheer myself I don't know what to think.....perhaps just expect af to arrive later to day and if she stays the same tomorrow and the day after...until she decides to put in an appearance, which I am sure she will! Feeling a bit frustrated with it at the moment as can't even hold onto hope as keep getting this cm which makes me think she is building up to it!
Sounds like it could be ib!! Think usually you get bfp 2-3 days after ib :) x

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Thanks millielaura...I thought implantation bleed happens between 6-10 days....I'm pretty sure I had what felt like implantation cramps around 6-8dpo....I reckon it is the witch playing tricks....just feeling very pessimistic about it as was feeling hopeful last night when there was no sign! This morning, I had a little brown spotting, which is why I though this was start of my af as this sometimes happens an hour or two before but didn't progress! I hope you're right....the wait is torture! I thought I understood my cycles having charted for last couple of months....but clearly not! It's so frustrating! Just don't want to allow myself to think it could be anything but af at the moment!
It really does sound like ib :) have you had it before? Thats on average but you can implant at 12dpo still :) xx

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Imean have you had the brown that stops before AF before lol xxx

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I usually get a little bit of darker brown spotting then it changes to red quite quickly. I usually have familiar cramps but not had them. I suppose I am unsure as my cycles are short usually (24-26 max) and today is cd27, 12dpo. I am pretty sure I ovulated on 17/2.....just feeling confused as was so sure it was af! Not had any symptoms really at all!
I have a banging headache and cramps lol hopefully it means af coming soon so we can start tracking my cycles etc. Finally got Imogen settled thank goodness haha. I even did a preg test this morn and ovulation test and negative for both haha. So looks like it means af soon. I last dtd 9 days ago (only have twice since birth)so never know but think its gonna be af lol. Hoping so anyway I would rather I wasnt waiting months for first postpartum AF xxx

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Hope its not the witch melly, i agree with millielaura.. it may well be :) keeping my fingers crossed for you. Xxx
Thanks girls....feeling quite nervous as not wanting to get hopes up....will see what tonight and tomorrow brings! Picking kids up soon so that will distract me for a few hours until bedtime! I can't remember it being this hard last time around! Urggghh! :wall:
Haha i know. I had a friend ask me if i was pregnant. I said no. She made me buy a test anyway and went home and did it and that was it. Xxx
I started off formula feeding as she wouldn't latch at all in hosp. Expressed a few times that first week. Formula fed exclusively for nearly 3 weeks. And then last couple weeks have been doing combination feeding. Defo not enough to stop cycles though I don't think as it can still be very hit and miss whether she latches and I haven't really kept up well with expressing. Xx

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I started doing it with the hope of giving breastmilk instead of formula as she was taking 4-5oz then and I could express 2-4oz. Anyway instead of breastmilk replacing some of the formula it looks like the piggy is just having more or its just coincided with a growth spurt as if she has a totally formula feed now she takes 6oz! :O :O i defo cant keep up with the amount she needs now lol xx

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