Officially trying!

I told everyday around 2pm? As morning could give false positives.. best to read the net though xxx
I have really strong ov pains this morn! Xx

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Ooo let me know what you opk looks like. Af arrived for me this morning! Xxx
Its okay. If i get the job im gonna stop ttcing for now anyway
Interviews are meant to be thursday and i havent heard anything yet.. xxx
Opk had both lines the same colour just before lunch :). Tested again and gone back to how it was the other day so guessing thats my surge? Not sure when to take ov as, as I felt strong ov pains this morn but always thought ov comes after a positive opk xxx

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Yeah it comes after the surge. When I conceived I got a positive OPK at lunch time then DTD that evening. OPK was still positive at night & by morning was negative again. Good luck!

Hopefully you'll hear something back soon MissRosie! Really hope it works out for you!! xxx

Feeling stabs around ovary area again so guessing actual ov is this morn. Dtd yesterday morning last and will try dtd later tonight so hopefully we are covered. Xxx
Thank you :)

How is your sickness now? Xx

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I thought it was easing but this evening proved otherwise. I'm just counting myself lucky it's not as bad as with my first.

Hopefully you'll be feeling just as yuck soon :lol: xxx

Oh no I'm sorry :( it's so so horrid feeing so poorly! Hope it eases many weeks are you now?
Haha I hope so! Xx
I'll be 9 weeks on Friday. Had it all the way to 20 weeks with my daughter. It was much worse though. This time I've only thrown up a handful of times. It does seem to be getting worse though. Thank you xxx

Did you get the meds? I was sick to 24 weeks with Imogen :( it did get better after 16 weeks though! Glad it's a bit better than last time for you and hope it stops getting worse.
Wonder if you're having a boy since it's not as bad lol soo many people swore I was having a girl because of the hg lol x

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No I wasn't allowed anything apparently because I wasn't 12 weeks. Which is odd as I got them before 12 last time.

Nope I'm 100% convinced it's another girl. Secretly want a boy (wanted a boy first) but I have a feeling I'm just not destined to have one lol! LO is obsessed with having a sister tho, so if it is a girl I won't be disappointed.

Are you worried about getting HG again? It's common to get it again (I wasn't aware of this till after I conceived...) I said to other I'm never putting myself through this again xxx

That is weird!! I got mine at 6 weeks. I had to really fight for them though. I was fed up of ringing doctors and getting told there wasn't any other tablets safe when I knew there was! Cyclizine on their own just didn't work. Before I got sent to hospital on the drips a doctor told me to just eat what I wanted to help the sickness and how she had pizza daily. Just her saying pizza nearly made me have a vomitting episode. If i could of eaten or even drank I wouldn't of been there lol they really wound me up. This time I'm booking same day appointment the day of bfp and getting cyclizine at least as cannot get that bad again with Imogen to look after. Yep I'm terrified of getting it again and think to mysekf everyday if I'm doing the right thing but I so want her to have a sibling with a small gap and holding onto the hope that it was just all the fertility meds that made me so bad.. none of my pregnancies where I miscarried where quite as bad but then again none of those worked out. I can deal with the sickness and having to have tablets and feeling awful as know how worth it it is now but I think if I didn't rhink it was the fertility meds that made it so bad then I would never have another lol. I couldn't walk around 7 weeks..I remember an awful awful day I had a hospital appointment and MIL was picking me up for a lift but when I tried to get out of bed my legs just gave way and I managed to crawl into bed but was sick all over then wet myself too and I was too poorly I just couldn't move, I had to call OH to come home and get me out of bed and dressed and MIL had to push me in a wheelchair at hosp. It was so bad. But the peak was at 6/7 weeks then gradually got better. Once I stopped progesterone I could come off my sickness meds. I also tried to not have tablets and ended up so dehydrated. Defo wont let myself get like that again. Once I'd started the tablets 3 times a day I still felt awful but I could eat small amounts and keep fluids down so if I do that from bfp think it'll be okay. I didn't shower for 6 weeks or brush my teeth or hair for that long :(. Not told anyone I know really that we are wanting another as I think they will think I'm insane! Lol. I really do think it was the meds though.. at ovulation I was already feeling sick and dizzy and awful because of all the stuff I'd taken . Haha sorry that message is soo long!

Awwww hope you do get a boy but yeah would be lovely to have two girlies too :). I think I feel the same! I'd love a boy but two girls would be lovely. Xxx
I got them on my birthday I'll have been 8 weeks and into my 3rd week of not being able to keep anything down, never even got my urine checked for dehydration. My first GP offered me nothing but a sick note at 6 weeks, at 8 weeks another GP offered me tablets and reassured me they were safe. Now they're saying they can't be guaranteed to be safe and 'they probably won't work anyway.'

Yeah exactly. I can't drink water. All I can drink is fresh orange juice which is now making me have stomach pains (haven't drank water for almost three weeks) and all I can eat without it coming back up is bread.

Yep it's a lot more difficult with a little one. They don't understand and I'm racked with guilt as I can't play like normal. But that's our reasoning too. It'll be worth it in the end for her to have a sibling.

Sounds like you really suffered! It's crazy what we'll put ourselves through. I'm struggling to shower, or bath my daughter, I'm still managing to brush my teeth this time real quick, (last time I couldn't, and with all the stomach acid my teeth really suffered and I had two removed.)

Last time I couldn't stand being near people, (except my parents which was really weird) OH included, everything about him (hair smell, natural scent, breath) made me throw up, which was ridiculous. This time isn't half as bad, I don't wanna snuggle anymore but I can kiss him goodbye at least :lol:

Oh I can't wait for this to all be over. They're such long days waiting for OH to get home from work. The house is a mess, hoovering / sweeping gives me period pains, laundry makes me vomit, I'm literally waiting to go and throw up. It's good to talk to someone who's been through it, I feel like if I were to call in sick at work or complain to friends they'd think wow it's morning sickness stop complaining. Only OH and my parents really understand as they seen me going through it.


I got them on my birthday I'll have been 8 weeks and into my 3rd week of not being able to keep anything down, never even got my urine checked for dehydration. My first GP offered me nothing but a sick note at 6 weeks, at 8 weeks another GP offered me tablets and reassured me they were safe. Now they're saying they can't be guaranteed to be safe and 'they probably won't work anyway.'

Yeah exactly. I can't drink water. All I can drink is fresh orange juice which is now making me have stomach pains (haven't drank water for almost three weeks) and all I can eat without it coming back up is bread.

Yep it's a lot more difficult with a little one. They don't understand and I'm racked with guilt as I can't play like normal. But that's our reasoning too. It'll be worth it in the end for her to have a sibling.

Sounds like you really suffered! It's crazy what we'll put ourselves through. I'm struggling to shower, or bath my daughter, I'm still managing to brush my teeth this time real quick, (last time I couldn't, and with all the stomach acid my teeth really suffered and I had two removed.)

Last time I couldn't stand being near people, (except my parents which was really weird) OH included, everything about him (hair smell, natural scent, breath) made me throw up, which was ridiculous. This time isn't half as bad, I don't wanna snuggle anymore but I can kiss him goodbye at least :lol:

Oh I can't wait for this to all be over. They're such long days waiting for OH to get home from work. The house is a mess, hoovering / sweeping gives me period pains, laundry makes me vomit, I'm literally waiting to go and throw up. It's good to talk to someone who's been through it, I feel like if I were to call in sick at work or complain to friends they'd think wow it's morning sickness stop complaining. Only OH and my parents really understand as they seen me going through it.

Oh god yes! No one understood at all. My hen do was when I was 9 weeks and my friend had to change all the food plans to cold food and have me not eat. She was really moody about it! It was soo hard to even go lol.
I remember that well about OH, just the smell of him used to make me so so sick I couldn't have him or the cats near me.
It must be so hard with a little one to look after but it will defo be worth it to see them bond in future :).
Oh the docs are so annoying when they say that...I found it tended to be the older ones?? I guess as they were around as doctors when the whole thing in the 60s happened. They are safe now but they must just remember that.
I hope it ends soon for you :( I found it soo hard feel like you can't enjoy it and then you feel guilty.
The smells are the worst..I hated my house so much lol I hope the same doesn't happen next time, we plan to move in October to somewhere bigger again so hope I get pregnant very soon so if the same does happen then I wont be stuck here haha. (We moved last October too lol but now Imogen is here it just isn't big enough oops) xxx

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Bad they didn't test your ketones :( mine were +++ when I got admitted to hosp the first time and that was after 2 days of no fluids at was boiling hot weather though lol! My aim is defo to avoid hosp next time..I couldn't be away from Imogen I'd be heartbroken. Hopefully I wont get any awkward doctors.
Urgh water lol I couldn't drink it from the tww till after she was born! I lived off diet coke once I could keep fluids down. I never even drank it before I was pregnant with her lol! Xx

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