Officially trying!

Oooohhh fingers crossed then! I have had similar before with pregnancies but I don't want to get hopes up and I know with Imogen I had pinching pains but also had a couple bits of red spotting which I don't have atm lol. I probably just have horrid pms lol. Haven't miss all the up and down hormones throughout the month!!

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I ate maoms pregnant too haha xx

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I bet you haven't! It's good tho that you're on track for conceiving. :)

I'm starving this evening OHs mum gave us money to go for a meal, but we decided a takeaway was a better idea :lol: all I could face was dry plain rice. Yum! Lol xxx

Yeah glad my cycle is looking good! I was worried they'd go back super short. Don't wanna speak too early though haha. I might have to start the cheapies soon haha I promised myself I wouldn't do this but it's so tempting lol!

Aww takeaway does sound a much better idea. Sucks when you can only manage a tiny bit though when feeling so crap :( hopefully will go soon then you can eat again! Xx

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I think it's important to let nature take it's course so you're not putting too much pressure on yourself.
So I just had one wipe of red and brown cm! It's gone now. Ahh now I'm impatient lol!!
8dpo now. I think anyway! Had near positive opk for a couple days then I had ov pains then I had a positive opk next day then ov pains again lol so sometime around those days I ovd xx
Af here at 9dpo! Lol my body is such a tease with that one spot I had at 7dpo xx

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Oh no sorry millielaura. A Christmas baby would have been hard work perhaps a nice new January baba? Good luck xxx

Lol that is true! I wouldn't of wanted to miss Imogens first Christmas either. If i get pregnant this month they will be due a couple weeks before Imogens birthday haha!
It's a very heavy AF so I think that may be a good sign? First af was quite light. Hopefully I'll have a proper length cycle next month :) only got 3 or so opks left argh. I don't want to spend money ordering more but not sure if I'll regret it if not lol. I may just go by my ovulation pains because I had clear twinges and then ewcm and then very sore pains so if that's the same this month I'll know. Xx

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I just bought mine from Wilkos like £1.50 for 5 I think.

Hopefully yeah sounds like a good sign. :)

I've gone downhill again sickness wise. Threw up in my dinner last night, (actually in the bowl) and in the garden this afternoon. :( xxx

Oh no :( did you get the tablets?
Ooh do Wilkos do them! I have one near me so can get some if i need more than the ones I have :).xxx

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Haven't seen the doctor yet & working Monday so will Tuesday at earliest unless I go to the care centre again but don't think I will as they didn't care last time. Wilkos & Savers do them cheap yeah :) xxx

Aw it sucks when they don't help.
Great thanks, will go there if need to then :)
This af is insane!! So heavy and feeling sick and dizzy. Not had a period like this in years! My cycles were fairly regular when I had periods like this so let's hope they will be back regular again lol. I think I'm a little more impatient than I was with ttc Imogen already because I know how much I love having a baby now and really want her to be able to have a sibling. It's no where near the same as when ttc her and wanting to be a mummy, that was so hard. I just don't want to have to go through everything I did when ttc her even though it was more than worth it. Xxxx

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Yeah I was more impatient this time as I expected to fall right away on the first cycle and didn't. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and get pregnant soon! xxx
I got tablets today, the ones that dissolve in your cheek & gums xxx

Oh thats great you have them! I had some like that can actually take them even when you can't keep water much better! Xx

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Yeah I was more impatient this time as I expected to fall right away on the first cycle and didn't. I hope it all goes smoothly for you and get pregnant soon! xxx
Thank you me too! Cycle day 5 today. Will start opks cd 10 or whenever I get ewcm. Not sure whether to do opks once or twice a day?.xx

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