Officially trying!

They may do! But i need to wait to hear from the college to see if i get a place. Have to have an interview first and that..

You still very hungry? Xxx
Ah right, well good luck! :)

I'm very hungry atm, we've been eating healthy & so I'm hungry again 1 hour after eating, lol nausea has been on & off today but I'm still not 100% from my cold/sore throat/cough ect

You got anything nice planned for the weekend?


Awww :(

We have been invited to a party tomorrow. Its a mum from the campus i volunteer at. My son hasnt met her children. Dont know if thats weird or not. Haha and need to go to the guiding shop tomorrow. Its only open saturdays 10-1 and im always at work!

You doing anything on sunday? Xxx
Hope you are all getting on ok :)

Think I had leftover hcg or something tried to implant but didn't as I got faint lines last weekend but bfn now. The doctor said the hcg wouldnt last so long but I don't think it was a chemical as not bleeding or anything.
But good news is if it was leftover its now gone so I can start ovulating again :) xx

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Hope you start ovulating again soon millielaura! xxx

Not all that much planned OH wanted to go to the woods or to the farm with LO but I don't feel up to sitting in the car for more than 10 minutes. Feeling very nauseas. Really hoping this isn't the start of 15 weeks of hell again! One thing having morning sickness when you aren't working & don't have a child to look after, don't think I'll cope this time. Feeling a bit down today.

Hope you girls are doing okay! xxx

Hope you start ovulating again soon millielaura! xxx

Not all that much planned OH wanted to go to the woods or to the farm with LO but I don't feel up to sitting in the car for more than 10 minutes. Feeling very nauseas. Really hoping this isn't the start of 15 weeks of hell again! One thing having morning sickness when you aren't working & don't have a child to look after, don't think I'll cope this time. Feeling a bit down today.

Hope you girls are doing okay! xxx
Hope you don't have it again :( xx

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Starchild sorry to hear youre feeling down this morning. Try to stay positive as it might be different this time around. Might be worth talking to doctors just in case they can offer you anything or give you some advice? Hope it gets better for you x

Have a good weekend girls x
Thanks guys. Last time I was put on tablets but refused to take them in case I was causing harm to baby (probably would be causing more harm from starving and dehydrating but just how your mind works) however this time I may have to take them, I don't get sick pay at work so sick leave isn't an option. I'm just so worried how I'll cope. OH has taken LO out for the day and I'm so sad and alone. I know I know; I should feel blessed & I do. Just having a bad day I guess xxx

The doctors would weight up pros and cons of prescribing. Dehydration is not good so meds might be better option. Making sure you are trying to eat and drink even small amounts regularly might help. I'd heard dry crackers. If the meds were harmful in any way the doc wouldnt prescribe them hun. Maybe talk to doc about your concerns as they can reassure you. Try and do something to distract yourself as focusing on your nausea will make yoy feel worse hun. Hope you feel better soon x
I took a few lots of different tablets 3 times daily until 16 weeks and Imogen is fine. I tried to not have them and ended up in hospital twice on a drip. Next time I'm getting the drugs from the start lol! They are safe now I promise :) xxx

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At the mo I'm totally okay as haven't been sick, just feeling sick. So I'm fed and watered at least.

I've come to bed and put Harry Potter on, gonna go shopping for plain crisps and fresh orange juice & polos later, they made me feel better last time. :)

Thank you xxx

millielaura that sounds dreadful! I got my tablets on my birthday, great present huh. I'll have my booking apt around 2 weeks time so I'll mention it there as it'll take me as long to get in with the GP xxx

Ahh hope it stays okay until then! Fingers crossed. Xxx

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how's everyone's weekends been??
I've had a lovely weekend,
7 mile walk on sat then see a friend and her daughter today at McDonalds for breakfast then we went shopping xxx
Yikes 7 miles lol!
We've had a good weekend :) not done much just wandering round the shops etc xx

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I'd do anything to wear my 7 year old out haha!

did you buy anything nice?

I got a few more bras, none of mine fit since having Imogen lol! And a dress for my friends daughters christening next weekend :). I desperately need new clothes haha my pre pregnancy stuff doesn't fit at all I've had to get rid of it haha. There is a few bits I've bought but I don't want to go mad when we want another baby lol I could buy lots and be pregnant again very soon (hopefully lol) . So just been buying the odd few things haha. Xx

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Sounds like a nice weekend for you girls. :)

I never done much, can't believe it's over. OH is getting ready for work and I'm wondering how I'll get through the day.


I've actually been sick this morning, so it's officially started. :( xxx


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