Officially trying!

I know me too! You gonna try and learn before baby?
Get your theory done first, so thats out the way then as soon as you are ready you can book your test :)

I didnt watch it last week. Think i was asleep early!
It was on this morning today that they are waiting on the script for ep 6.. its good not even the actors know the ending yet!

Oh my life on a monday haha xxx
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Basically said I'm going to bed early & what clubs do your children do? Lol xxx

My son does drama, squash, piano and athletics and my daughter is in a girls football team and does athletics. Im like an unpaid taxi driver!

How is everyone?
Ive done nothing apart from school runs today!
Was meant to be going to my mums tomorrow but got another school meeting :/
Driving lesson in the morning though xxx

Hope your lesson goes well. Early night for me as didnt sleep well! X
Hopefully yeah!

I slept through it last Monday, caught up on Tuesday :lol: Oh wow how exciting! Think they filmed a few different endings last time too.

Oh Melly your kids seem great! I bet it's costing you a fortune! :lol:


Unpaid taxi driver hahaha. Tbats whaf my mum says about me! And im 27!

Had a pregnancy dream last night again! That i couldnt remember when i had conceived and i was running around everywhere to try and find out. And i found a date in June 2015.. but was panicking as that couldnt be right as its 2017! Haha xxx
Work has been so tiring today! And someone else is pregnant!!! There's a big joke going round 'cause about half of the staff are getting pregnant! Lol

Oh that sounds funny! Haha I've been having horrible dreams again.

Hope you both have a nice day :) xxx

Omg! You announcing at 12 weeks? Or do they know?
Driving lesson was good! Hate bloody dual carriage ways though. Its full of them here. As town is built on a grid..

Oh no :( its your hormones playing tricks isnt it xxx
Hello girls, sorry I've been busy at work the last couple of days and then ferrying kids to different clubs. Going to collect son from squash at 5pm but then back for the evening! I hope your horrible dreams settle. I remember having those when I was pregnant and they really upset me. I found telling my DH what the dreams were about helped and they settled down. i think a couple of people will announce they are pregnant soon, think the signs are there. There must be something in the air!

My sister lives in Bedfordshire and whenever I come to visit, I hate the dual carriageways too! Glad your lesson went ok x
I have a very good sense of people telling me they are pregnant.. just want to know when im pregnant haha.

There is alot of babies around atm! Even my driving instructor just told me his wife is due in april! I didnt know she was pregnant (not that ive met her) ive been having lessons with him properly since September. Considering i took my test last december! And had a 3 month break.. so not really that long xxx
Yeh deffo a baby boom! Lol

Hope you girls have a nice day today. I'm off work and we're going swimming this afternoon. :) xxx

Hello. Have a good afternoon swimming starchild :)

Are you at work melly?

Ive got my volunteering wednesday going on today haha xxx
Hiya girls just back from work now. Kids are walking home from school on their own tonight. We only live 2 mins away so can see them from the window ha ha! They feel very grown up! Off to drop son at piano at 4.30 then off to drop them at athletics at 7pm and will then cook our dinner to eat whilst they are out and then have to lick them up at 8.30pm so busy evening! How you you girls? Had a good day? Hooemvoluterring wrnt well MissRosie? I hope enjoyed swimming starchild?
You deffo are unpaid taxi driver. :lol: it's great how your kids are so well rounded :)

Swimming was great LO learnt to kick her feet which is a good step towards learning to swim.

Our gas has been off all day so had to order a pizza for dinner. Early night now!

Got my doctors appointment tomorrow & LOs 2 year check up!

Hope you're both well xxx

Hello hello,
Sorry I disappeared. Been on 12 hour days lately and now I'm ill.

Been winding myself up with my only ever negative OPKs. Do they always work?
I have a 7 month window to get pregnant. No pressure.

How are we ladies? Star child, sounds like everything is going well so far
Morning girls! Sorry to hear you are unwell Dr hopeful. Hope its short lived. In sure my opk the month before last didnt work as tested for 2 weeks and line didnt get dark. Last month tried cb digital opk alongside opk strips and got solid smiley on cb the day i got lh surge! Its possibly i didnt ovulate in the previous month but ive heard others wondering whether opks sometimes dont work. Also surge might only last few hours so easy to miss it if youre are testing once a day.
Starchild...i hope your gas is on now? Pizza sounds good! are you. Hope your volunteering went well?
Anyone got plans for the weekend? Weather looks a bit better!

We book flights last night to naples for summer hols! Hopefully get an apartment on the amalfi coast been there before, its beautiful! Counting down the days now. Got 4 x return flight from manchester for £260. Cheaper over the boarder as scottish schools break up end of june! Yayyy!
Have a good day girls x
How often are you taking them Dr Hopeful? It could be you have a short surge and you're missing it. I did that the first month I used them. I also started OPKing earlier and found I got my surge before I should have (according to average cycles I should get it CD12-14 when I get it CD10) so perhaps try earlier?

Gas got switched back on at 7 last night, that's all the work done now too so they can fill the hole up in the garden!

Can't believe it's almost the weekend again! Nothing planned as of yet, hoping to go see Logan :)

Sounds like an amazing holiday! Reminds me, LO needs a passport!

Hope you're okay MissRosie! xxx

Hello! Im good thanks. How is everyone? Im soo looking forward to no work this weekend. Wish i could be paid for being at school and didnt have another job! Haha Volunteering has been good the last 2 days. Going back tomorrow to help more.. xxx
I would try and apply for a teaching assistant job if I had your experience. xxx

I think im gonna try and do the college course! But its £900 that i would have to pay if i cant find the funding! Got such a negative remark from my so called best friend! That i always land on my feet apparently.. its what she has wanted to do but she has never been bothered to even volunteer! Or go to college to do! Because i told her that ive been asked to take on lunch time duties and go in on a friday..

You at work today starchild? Xxx
Oh my that's terrible! People who just expect things to happen and work out for them, are jealous of those that get out there and make it happen. Don't let it bother you!

Yeah, that's the problem it's so costly. Would the school not fund you?

I'm not no, because I went on Monday & Tuesday I'm off today and Sunday. Just dropped LO off at school and now having food! Starving lol xxx


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