Officially trying!

I wanted to see Logan tomorrow!!! But OH friends coming round for the fight. *eyeroll*

Hope you enjoy your dinner tonight Melly41!

We have zero plans, my throats sore & my ears hurt when I swallow (?) so shower & early night for me, again.

Eek MissRosie!! That's adorable. I seen one in Tesco and got uber excited over it and OH was like you're weird... but it was the cutest little baby with some gorgeous little hair, crying its eyes out tho... lol xxx

What fight?? Is it a boxing match? Can see why youd prefer to see Logan! Just been oyt to american dinner and stuffed myself with crispy prawns, pulled pork burger and sweet pot fries and a malteser milkshake. Could hardly walk home afterwards! Ive been spotting babies out and about loads....think im just noticing them more. Dont think there's been a babyboom??
A boxing match yeah, Haye and someone else. Oooh milkshake sounds nice!

I feel like a there's been a baby boom yeah. There's lots of people at work having babies at the mo.

I'm in bed already! Lol xxx

Yeah theres loads of babies about. Whens it gonna be my turn!

I just sat and cuddled her for hours... gave her mum a break though as her husband isnt the best helper. He has 3 older kids all teenagers, 2 over 16, and she has one that isnt his then they have the two youngest together. Mad house!

Im just heading to bed. Dreading work again. Want the weekend to fly past! Xxx
That's a lot of kids! I dunno how women let them away with not helping. It's their kid too.

Hope you have a good, quick, easy day at work MissRosie & hope the rest of you have a nice weekend! :) xxx

Had a good day at work, ended up painting as splash was closed. Fine by me! I found it so relaxing..

How is everyone? Xxx
I'm fine thanks, actually enjoyed last night, my cousin came over too & we ended up watching the big fight! Lol

How are you?

I'm actually feeling depressed at the thought of OH going back to work tomorrow. I've became really clingy lately. :( xxx

Aww :( suppose spending the week together you rely on him to be there. And now you're pregnant its easy to become like that because of changing hormones.
Im okay thanks xxx
Yeah, I remember he had 6 weeks paternity and when he went back I was a wreck. Thinking it'll be better this time if he doesn't have so long off.

What were you painting at work? I can't remember how to do my job I've been off so long. Can't wait to get back in.


I've been called into work tomorrow which I'm quite pleased about. :)

Hope everyone's had a nice weekend! xxx

Skirting boards and a door. It was like a horrible yellow colour. Now its white gloss. So much cleaner.

Haha yeah you will remember when you get there..

Just cooked an amazing roast dinner, actually escaped from work at 3 today xxx
Hi girls, we've had a chilled weekend sorting the garden out and shopping. Working Mondays for the next 3 months so have Monday morning feeling now! Hope you've all had nice weekends x
Oh I could just eat a roast dinner! We had Swedish meatballs with veg, roasties and Yorkshire pudding so almost a Sunday lunch lol

I've such a busy day tomorrow now I've agreed to work, it's making me tired. Waiting for little one to go over and I'll be getting into bed myself :lol:


Gets you out though :)

Does your daughter go to nursery tomorrow.

Have never had that monday morning feeling as monday has always been my day off xxx
LO is in nursery tomorrow she went to grandmas today. She couldn't get there quick enough she loves going!

Just got in from work and the gas board are digging up my front garden!!!

Hope everyone's having a nice Monday! As mondays go.. lol xxx

Hiya starchild. Hope you are feeling less tired? My Monday is a very average Monday. Picking up kids in a bit, helping with their homework and then off to various clubs before coming back to cook dinner! At lest the sun is shining finally! Hope things are well where you are x
I'm okay actually, better than I thought! :)

It's been sunny here too! And quite warm in the sun. Cold wind tho.

It deleted the rest of my comment.... lol
Basically said I'm going to bed early & what clubs do your children do? Lol xxx


How is everyone?
Ive done nothing apart from school runs today!
Was meant to be going to my mums tomorrow but got another school meeting :/
Driving lesson in the morning though xxx
I'm gonna start learning too I think. Tired of walking places in this cold weather! And OH said he'd buy me a car. Lol!

Broadchurch tonight, is anyone watching it? xxx


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