Officially trying!

It's sunny here! We joke about 'which day will summer be on this year, a Friday perhaps?' It's really not THAT bad haha

Enjoy your wine. I know people always if you try and relax and not stress about it it'll happen, and I know last cycle I wasn't as stressed about it, so there could be something in that! I really hope you get your positive soon. Same for all of you guys we might not know each other but talking on here I feel like I do know you all xxx

Thanks starchild. I will enjoy my wine! The locals up here say "you can tell its almost summer as the rain is getting warmer!" Ha ha!
Yep my son is harry potter! (Of course, wouldnt be anything else) minus the wamd otherwise would be spells all day.. i was going to wear my cat ears but i forgot them xxx
Ha two were absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter too! We had the costumes, wand and have seen all of the films hundreds of times! They've read the books too. I read part of one last year when I helped out on world book day!

How are you today? My af arrived too so felt quite down about it...have got wine and a bag of granola bars from m and s for tonight to cheer myself up! Not sure how many more months we will keep trying as it's just so hard going through this every month! I'm sure we will feel differently once my af is over though! :lol:
We are currently watching deathlu hallows part 1..

Oh no melly :( sorry

Im good thanks you? Wine sounds amazing!!
I think its the let down at the end of the cycle. We will get there.. positive thoughts :) xxx
Ha two were absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter too! We had the costumes, wand and have seen all of the films hundreds of times! They've read the books too. I read part of one last year when I helped out on world book day!

How are you today? My af arrived too so felt quite down about it...have got wine and a bag of granola bars from m and s for tonight to cheer myself up! Not sure how many more months we will keep trying as it's just so hard going through this every month! I'm sure we will feel differently once my af is over though! :lol:
Aw you will! I said so many times after either failed cycles or chemicals or miscarriage that I was never ttc ever again and we even went to a fostering and adoption talk at one point. Always changed my mind back again within a week or so though! She was born 3 years and a month after we started ttc and it was all so so worth it! Xx

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I'd love some wine! I haven't drunk in 15 months lol!! I'm a lightweight though I don't feel okay having anything when looking after Imogen yet xx

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Deathly Hallows is my kids favourite! Feel ok but am realising that my opportunity is getting smaller as I get older. I am not sure I want to be a very old mum I thought I could cope being 42 becoming a mum again but any older I'm not sure. Think I worry about what people think which is so stupid really, I should do what feels right for me! I do think we need to have an idea in mind in terms if when we will stop trying as the let down is so hard.....especially this month with me being unusually late! I can imagine we might give it till the autumn. We were talking about if we don't conceive, what we would like to being doing this year.....I think that's what made me feel down as it hit me that it's a high possibility that I won't conceive....not sure I ovulate every month too. Wow! I am super negative today.....sorry! Will be ok later after a glass of wine and a granola bar! Will be more positive tomorrow as it won't be the '1st day' of the cycle anymore! Only a week or so and it is back to dtd...right....and then dpo and SS!! Ha ha! Enjoy Harry Potter!
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Yeah the first week of a cycle is horrid. Fingers crossed for you! Did you conceive your other children easily? Xxx

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Yes we had made the decision to ttc and caught pregnant first month with number one and 2nd month with number 2. This time around we have been trying for five months this will be cycle number 6.....naively assumed it would be quick again, even though I am older! Did you have to try for long? Xxx
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Its okay. Dont apologise.. i know the feeling.

42 is old really. Loads of people have kids at that age and older.
Have you got much planned for this year? Holidays or anything?
I agree the first week. When af has arrived and you cant do anything is the worst time. As soon as you get back into the swing of it :) xxx
Ha two were absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter too! We had the costumes, wand and have seen all of the films hundreds of times! They've read the books too. I read part of one last year when I helped out on world book day!

How are you today? My af arrived too so felt quite down about it...have got wine and a bag of granola bars from m and s for tonight to cheer myself up! Not sure how many more months we will keep trying as it's just so hard going through this every month! I'm sure we will feel differently once my af is over though! :lol:
Aw you will! I said so many times after either failed cycles or chemicals or miscarriage that I was never ttc ever again and we even went to a fostering and adoption talk at one point. Always changed my mind back again within a week or so though! She was born 3 years and a month after we started ttc and it was all so so worth it! Xx

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That's lovely to hear. They are so worth the effort. I'm probably feeling low as first day of af! DH ben wondering how much longer we should try so we will see. I'm a lightweight with wine too...haven't had a glass for 2 weeks (which is nothing compared to you!) ha ha! X
Hopefully you'll start feeling more optimistic as ovulation draws nearer.

Can't wait until my LO is old enough for Harry Potter. I've got the illustrated books so will let her look through the pictures when she's less rough with pages.

Don't worry about what people think Melly41. Hope you're feeling better soon! Don't give up xxx

Its okay. Dont apologise.. i know the feeling.

42 is old really. Loads of people have kids at that age and older.
Have you got much planned for this year? Holidays or anything?
I agree the first week. When af has arrived and you cant do anything is the worst time. As soon as you get back into the swing of it :) xxx

Did you mean 42 isn't old?? Ha ha! Hope so! My iPad always does that to, changes the words! We bought a campervan when we moved to Scotland 2 years ago and took kids to outer hebridies for three weeks last summer...had an amazing time...beaches are amazing there and the scenery is stunning! We had good weather so not sure we would be lucky again. Fancied Orkney but might be too remote. Probably do 2 weeks in campervan around Scotland and then maybe a week in Italy as we love Italy and haven't been for a couple of years. Went to fort William in October and climbed Ben Nevis with kids....was an amazing experience....had only just decided to ttc that holiday! What about you?? Are you going away?
Hopefully you'll start feeling more optimistic as ovulation draws nearer.

Can't wait until my LO is old enough for Harry Potter. I've got the illustrated books so will let her look through the pictures when she's less rough with pages.

Don't worry about what people think Melly41. Hope you're feeling better soon! Don't give up xxx

Thanks Hun....Harry Potter era is an exciting one as you can watch something with them that you enjoy! Ha ha! We took them to Alnwick castle where it was filmed last year and they do flying's s trick but when you take a photo it looks like they are flying...they thought it was so call as it impressed their mates! I know when ovulation comes around I will foolishly get hopeful and more positive again ha ha! Why do we do it to ourselves!

Hope your are feeling better today? Has the sickness passed or is it start or morning sickness? X
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Haha yep. "Isnt old" thats what i meant. Sorry.

We are now watching deathly hallows part 2.. having a harry potter day.
Scotland is amazing for scenery. And some stunning views.
I have booked 2 weeks in zante for july. Ive only paid the deposit and got to be paid by next month. No way thats gonna happen. As ive gone from earning £200 a week to just under £100. As school issues with son and not being able to work during the week. So i think a car is going to be more important. Need to save for that. Even though im 27 insurance is going to be through the roof. As i will be a new driver.

How are you starchild? Xxx
Zante would be nice. I have just been looking at flights.....they are so expensive st the moment! Even though the Scottish school finish around 25th June for the summer so the flights should be cheaper! They go back to school mid feels very strange!
If you put in flying from a scottish airport. They match up to scottish school holidays.. if you put newcastle or something is may come up cheaper.
I love zante. This would of been my 6th time going. Unless i can find something cheaper. But its not just paying for the holiday. Its eating while there and clothes before! So probably a good 2 grand before we even get there! Xxx
Wow that's a lot! It all adds up doesn't it? I've only been to Corfu many years ago...cannot seem to break away from Italy as we have fallen in love with it. Will try flying from another airport. Did that 2 years ago and we go at flights for £400 for all of us which was really cheap! We spent s fortune there but had a great time! Just opened my bottle of red ready for later.,..the sound of the cork was very comforting ha ha! Has deathly hallows finished?
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Alnwick Castle was where I wanted to get married! But it would have been too expensive getting everyone there as it's a couple of hours away from us.

I'm not feeling sick anymore, had a few dizzy spells and almost passed out the other evening, thinking I might have had a bug bc it's gone now. Though I do have awful trapped wind, I've just literally hobbled home in agony it was so bad.

I want to have a Harry Potter marathon now! I've got my book tho, Order of the Phoenix I'm on. OH is having a FIFA night.

Enjoy your evening with wine! My fridge is full of alcohol we go in before my birthday! Lol



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