Officially trying!

Oh yes can you imagine having to go for a driving lesson after just finding out your are pregnant! Better off waiting as you say till weds. You don't want to crash or knock anyone over! Ha ha! :lol: Testing Weds...That is less than a week away though and that will fly by as we have the weekend in between.....which always flies by! I've noticed some veins on my lower tummy today...not sure if I've had these before af in previous months but I guess I haven't been SS before so I am noticing all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms that have probably always been there but I've been obvious too! Ha ha....I've still got at least 4 days to test and that would only be 10dpo so might not have even implanted at this stage as can be as late as 12dpo that implantation happens! Argghhh! :wall:
I was 11 days after positive OPK. So either 10/11dpo. He's been a bit insensitive about it, which is annoying me! Even tho I know he's just looking out for me. I feel like it's a 'I told you so' so he's in the bad books at the mo lol

I already told my doctor I was TTC and she knows when my last period was (when I went about my leaking boob) so that wouldn't wash lol

My dating scan was basically the 12 week scan, I had a few afterwards (bump measuring small) but none before.


Maybe it's his weird way of showing you he cares? He is probably bricking it but doesn't want to say! :lol: it's hilarious when men read a book and they are suddenly experts! :lol: the main thing is to stay positive, your 12 week scan will come soon enough. I can't believe they got rid of dating scans....probably all the cut backs! And I guess to the doctors, they can tell you this at 12 weeks so this avoids the extra scanning!
I think they say the 12 week scan is a dating scan now.. unless you pay for a private scan. Which arent that much anymore.

Bless him coming home with cake!!

Bloody storm today nearly got blown away walking between the 2 schools haha xxx
Haha! We've had it here too, not that bad though. We went into the lakes to find the Gruffalo today and got soaked though! Lol

Yeah I think I remember them calling it a dating scan although my date never changed from what they worked out originally from last period.

I've worked out the date to be 3rd November.

I've got killer heartburn tonight and some awful stomach ache which feels like someone squeezing my stomach.

OH has put a boring movie on so looks like another early night for me lol xxx

Hows the bed transition going?
Oh no! Its just the wind been so strong here. Im glad i didnt ride my bike today!
Haha what film has he put on?
I love early nights! Xxx
Brilliant yeah, 6th night tonight she goes no bother and stays until morning.

Something about a movie inside a movie.. Last Action Hero or something? I dunno. He's giggling away tho. Lol his friends calling soon so I might sneak it off whilst he's talking :lol:

What's your plans for tonight xxx

Aww thats good :)

Sounds like a load of rubbish.
Im lying on the sofa, Im watching eastenders. Oh is working late and Ive got a headache.. :( think im gonna go to bed and watch tv. Hoping to just fall asleep soon.
Im going to get 1 year old and baby cuddles tomorrow. So excited :) xxx
Awwww! :) I wish my friends had babies! Lol

We're gonna go up now, nothing on TV. We were asleep by nine last night. :lol:

Hope you feel better soon! xxx

This was this morning. Feeling less anxious as it's loads darker isn't it? xxx

That's definitely darker Hun....hopefully this will be reassuring for you and you can start to relax and enjoy it more xx
Thats definitely darker!

Lines are looking good :)

Did you get an early night?
How are you both today? Xxx
Hiya im ok thanks...justbdashing kff to work. Been at my son's school assembly this morning! Not really any symptoms apart from the sore boobs which I had last month...going try and hold off till early next week to test if af doesn't arrive on Monday! How are things?
We went up and watched a movie. I didn't get to sleep until around midnight. Had a really bad night.

We're emptying the spare room today (just because it needs done as we have friends coming tomorrow) and can't help but think about it being a nursery one day!

Hope you're both well. Anything planned for today? I'm off to get my hair cut later. :) xxx

Only 3 more sleeps till testing! Do you work weekends?

Im alright thanks :) i want a nap. But got less than 2 hours till pick up son from school. As he dont go full time and they play with the hours all the time xxx
You could squeeze a power nap in?? Hehe my lo's at school too she's there for her dinner today. :) xxx

I tried but had this morning on. So didnt really help. Then my phone started ringing! A private number!! Hate them and didn6 answer it.

Aww does she like going?

Are you going for something different with your hair. Or just a little bit off xxx
They're time wasters 100% of the time anyway! Lol

She loves it!

I've had it cut and got my fringe back in, never liked a simple parting as it makes me look ill I think. Lol!

How has your day been? Any more symptoms? xxx

Lol yeah probably.

Day has been alright. I had an hour nap on the sofa this afternoon. But no more symptoms.
I cant stand middle partings. I have a side parting with a side fringe.
Not looking forward to work tomorrow. When you back at work? Xxx
I haven't had many symptoms this month. Less than last. I'm so hoping you get your BFP!

Not sure, actually that reminds me I'll have to go in & check my rota, got another week to go though. This week has flew in!

I always parted mine at the side but it naturally fell into middle when my fringe grew out. I have a side fringe now but it's V short atm and already annoying me! Lol

I stood up before and got an awful pain like a cramp in lower right side and fell down OH had to catch me.. :(

So I'm in bed early, watching As Time Goes By, when did I turn into a 70 year old woman? Lol xxx


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