Officially trying!

Oh good point! It's always good to have a glass of wine to cheer oneself after a bfn! My DH got very excited when our DD was born and bought two dresses from monsoon....£40 each and she wore one of them just once! Never again! Happy with George and hand me downs! Can't vouch for DH though!.... fingers crossed you'll be shopping in George soon :lol: :dust:
I have gone mad for the m & s granola bars from the bakery. Had three this weekend and driving last m & s later soon way to dropping DS off at drama! Might have to stock up again! I don't even like sultanas! But I started to like them last month so I know this isn't not pregnancy related!
Hopefully we'll all be wasting money on ridiculously overpriced baby clothes soon! Lol

I'm just hungry for anything and everything! Just had some crisps and have got a 4 finger kit Kat, it's actually uncontrollable. Haha xxx

Surely that's a good sign....I wish I was having some signs! Just walking my body to get sore boobs or feel nauseous! Hilarious really as I'm sure I'd be moaning if I had them! Well I'm out of granola bars so toblerone will have to do. Caved in and had a coffee with been trying to cut down on caffeine during the tww!
Oh I've been craving coke too! But then I do quite often.

I haven't had that symptom this cycle, they're relatively not that tender this month. Last month they were really sore.

I'm gonna have to go upstairs to stop myself eating the entire contents of the kitchen! Hahaha text OH with instructions of what to buy for later as too hungry too cook from scratch haha xxx

Think there are a few of us testing over the weekend....I wonder who will cave first! :lol:
I've got pains but not sure on what it is that's hurting.. below my belly button slightly to the right, and also I've got backache that feels like AF! Also starving again after having enchiladas at half 4. In bed with custard creams haha xxx
I have 8 days till af is due, according to app. Not planning to test early but ive had no symptons.
We are all testing at the same time, pretty much.

What you had for dinner tonight?
Im in bed to stop me eating anything else. Shopping coming tomorrow evening and planning to make a cake tomorrow to take to school :)
I love my coffee to much to stop. Need it as soon as i get up. I cant focus otherwise.. xxx
Maybe no symptoms is a good sign.. :)

Yeah, OH wants me to test Saturday morning but I'm thinking a bfn will really put me in a foul mood & we have friends coming over.

Oooo cake! Lol do you bake a lot? My OH makes amazing chocolate cake! :)

Same, now. I don't feel right without it & gone right off tea these days.


Test sunday morning when you get up?

I dont bake as much as i used to. I feel like it became everyones hobby! Haha!.

Ill have tea in the evening. When i fancy something sweet and havent really got anything. But cant drink it first thing in the morning.

What you got planned today? Xxx
LO is at school this morning so I'm gonna get some jobs done. It's my god sons birthday Thursday so need to prepare a cake. Can't think what to buy him, he's 8 now and it only feels 5 minutes ago he was a baby.

I went off it when I got pregnant with LO, went off milk completely. And just never really go back into it.

I'm still starving today, I was hungry all night it's so bad. If this isn't a symptom I'm gonna feel so greedy hahaha hope you have a nice day! :)

How was your counselling assessment? Hope it all went well xxx

So you are gonna make a cake too? Haha make you put on 5 stone! Did you eat much when you had morning sickness with your daughter? I found i couldnt eat.

Get some lego or something. 8 year olds are hard to buy for. My son is getting a bike for his 8th birthday. As his was stolen last September the day we flew to zante.

It went better than i had expected! Just waiting for actual counselling now. Thats a 6-8 week wait. They just asked whats been going on. And when my anixety started. Ive had it forever. Even in school i didnt talk. My tutor in year 8 said she didnt know what my voice sounded like till the middle of year 9. Year 8 was the first year of secondary school here. Its since changed to year 7 to match the rest of the country! Xxx
I lost weight, I found I could only eat late at night, I'd crave greggs sausage rolls and KFC. :lol: But by morning I was off food again; and when I did have something I'd throw it up.

I hope it's the other way around next time and I get fat, I'd rather that than morning sickness haha I've just grabbed a tuna sandwich and some nesquik milk slices (my absolute fave) on way to school.

Awww poor little guy! At least he's getting a new one! :) He is into Lego, so that's a good idea!

Do you find it hard talking about it to a stranger? I don't think I would be able to. Bet my teacher wishes she didn't know what my voice sounded like. Lol!

I don't really remember when mine started. It's funny when I was a kid my parents used to joke 'she's a hypochondriac' 'cause I always worried I was ill, when in actual fact, that's exactly what I am. I got sent to two psychologists 'cause I wouldn't eat at school 'cause people had touched my food.. :lol:

I hope you manage your anxiety, do you think getting pregnant will help or make it worse? xxx

Not sure what to make of this. Bottom and middle are clear and simple. Top first response. Confused as the why one is negative and they're same brand just a cheapy strip.. xxx
Posted to you on the other thread but this might explain why you've been hungry this week? Defo looks positive Hun xx
Definitely not! You're feeding for tteo now Hun! I had to laugh though with your three or four tests....just making sure! I would have done exactly the same....if not more! Ha ha! Enjoy telling your OH and rest of family. This has cheered me up this pm as had a busy morning at work.....arghhh! Feeling very cheerful....well done!
Well I took the strip 2nd and was negative and thought maybe first was a evap or something so took the other clear and simple and got such a faint line, wanted another first response. I'm still worrying but surely can't have 3 false positives / evaps. Thank you :) hope more good news follows with your BFP! xxx

They are so positive!! Congratulations!! :D is that a really early positive? Or has it been two weeks since ov?

I found it not to bad to talk to a stranger, because they are impartial. Like once i was in there it was different. Yeah i couldnt talk loudly and had kinda a squeak to my voice and playing with my coat..

I duno if it will make me feel any better really. Xxx

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