Officially trying!

I find working lots throughout it helps. I'm off now though for 2 weeks I'm gonna be so bored.

My birthday is the 27th. Which I think is a week on Monday.. hoping to visit an animal park/farm or something with LO, that's what we did last year, as OH has a few days off too.

Also want to find that Gruffalo thing in the woods somewhere? Not certain where it is tho, how birthday celebrations have changed! Lol


Nightmare after nightmare last night. And kept waking up sweating. Think I'm coming down with something. It got to the stage last night I was scared to go back to sleep. :( Hope you both have a lovely day! xxx

Morning starchild, I wonder whether the sweating could be your temperature starting to rise? Where about are you in your cycle? I sometimes get night sweats a few days before my af is due. I've read that after ovulation your temp increases, which could also cause night sweats. :lol: hope bad dreams settle down quickly for you x
Yayyy! I finally got my solid smiley face! Confused though as to what day I ovulate on when you are talking about post ovulation days.....when do you record your ovulation days? Is it the day you get smiley and the tomorrow is 1dpo or do you count it as the day after or when you get the sudden rise in temp?
I'm CD 18. Around 5-6dpo I think.

Mind you, the baby monitor showed 21 degrees when I was up through night, (usually around 18) so perhaps it's just been warm. Could be time to switch to a lower tog.

I don't temp so I wouldn't really know. My temp was higher when I took it on Tuesday but I put that down to my ear infection.

The day I get my + or the day after, so I got my + 6 days ago, so I could be 6, or 5 if I Od the day after +

I don't know for certain. I'll count the day after as day one though, if you get me.

Say + on Monday, ill count Tuesday as day one. I'll also count Wednesday as a possible day one, so when I work out how many DPO it'll be 1 or 2, or 5 or 6. xxx

Lol i know they have. One year on my birthday i bought my son a trampoline on my birthday! Big 8 ft one. When we had a flat with a huge garden.

I think your temp rises once ovulation has finished. As it dips for ovulation doesnt it?
It maybe your hormones making you have dreams like that :(
21 degrees is higher than room temp..

I think im counting today as 1dpo! Even though i dont actually know for sure! :) xxx
Bet you had fun on it tho! Haha

Yeah, it was a bit warm last night. Even OH said this morning it was warm.

I thought TTC would be fun but it's really not.

What you guys up to today? I'm already bored, LO is off to grandmas at 1 and I'm left to tidy the house. Yay.. Lol xxx

Ive been at work again :( 3 days left this week. Then back to school runs!
Got alot planned next week. Seeing old friends and my friend and her baby that i havent seen yet. Even though she is 2 weeks old today.
Did you tidy the house? Xxx
I tidied LOs room, she's going into her bed tomorrow night, so had to remove anything she might get into mischief with. And sorted out all her old clothes & toys.

I'm so tired though, OH is going out so I think an early night is in order. Any plans for the evening?

Aww, I love seeing tiny babies. :) xxx

First time in a proper bed?
No plans for tonight. Just bed and watch tv. Going to see fifty shades tomorrow night. Not with OH though. Just girls from work. Have you seen it? Xxx
I haven't. Heard some ladies talking about it at work and one said "it's okay he doesn't hit her as much in this one.." *eyeroll* not my cup of tea. Although Jamie Dornan is beautiful. Haha

Yep her big girl bed. I'm dreading it! But she's 2 & a half so it's time.

I'm starving hoping OH brings home food! Haha xxx

Yeah he is! And he isnt american!

Aww has she stayed in her coat? Not started climbing out? Xxx
Never tried to climb out, no. We were waiting for that to make the transition but she never did! Lol

He isn't no, did you watch The Fall? That's what I watched him in. He's not a nice man in that either haha

I'm watching One Born again, I'm obsessed haha xxx

Morning girls! No nightmares last night, thankfully. Felt a lot cooler too!

MissRosie hope work goes quickly for you today.


That's good news starchild. Hopefully you'll feel more rested today!

MissRosie not long left now at work....then you can relax......or SS with the rest of us! :lol:

Finished work about half 4. People complaining non stop today!! about lockers, seating, slides not on, as chlorine was too high. Apparently half the water features not on. When its all on a timer!! And being sold out all day so couldnt let anyone else in today!!
2 more days of work then can SS as at home all day on my own.
Hows both yours days been?

Good luck tonight with the bed Starchild xxx
Wanted to go to the shop for chocolate but its 20 mins walk away! Gettin a shop closer by soon :) xxx
Hi MissRosie, I've been at home SS! Confused myself no end with ovulation dates and leutal phases and now drinking hot chocolate watching x men with the kids! Are they building a new shop closer to where you live then?
Complaining customers make my blood boil! Lol

Oooh that is far! You should stock up on chocolate. I want some now. Don't have any in either, :/ ugh lol

Ooh I love X-Men! Which one?

Big girl bed is not going well. LO has been 'in bed' since 6 and is currently on the floor doing a jigsaw! :(

I'm so worn out from being up & down, I'm leaving her to it for now! Lol xxx


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