Officially trying!

12-36 hours sounds about right!
Have you been at work today?
Yeah maybe, its hard when you work opposite shifts doesnt give anyone time for anything.. i wanted to stop working all weekend but i cant because i cant really work during the week right now. Plus there isnt the hours.

Got told today splashzone at gullivers warrington is having a refurb but their half term isnt till next week. Ours is this week xxx
Oh yeah so had your LH surge yeaterday and ovulating today :) xxx
I have yeah but got an early finish, and I've been asleep from 3-5 lol

It's just what we have to do to get by I guess, it won't always be like this.

Is yours not getting down?

Our area manager was here again! Pfft lol xxx
I never seem to get EWCM anymore :/ I'm finding this quite frustrating. Worrying it it's not fertile enough or something. :lol:

Aww sounds nice. Why as he be there again?

We have just had new slides put in. Like proper water park slides!

Looking forward to that maternity leave again haha.

Have you looked up ways of trying to increase it? Xxx
Hiya starchild i was recommended FertileCM vitamins...bit pricey at £17 for month supply but hoping theyll work this month. Also preseed might be worth a go? Helps to mimic cm so if youre low on it again might be worth a go x
Aww sounds nice. Why as he be there again?

We have just had new slides put in. Like proper water park slides!

Looking forward to that maternity leave again haha.

Have you looked up ways of trying to increase it? Xxx

Just because he's new I think. No one likes him; I still haven't met him.

Oooh sounds cool! We've just got back from softplay. Literally first time I've sat down from 6:30am! Exhausted. I've had a bit today making me think maybe I've not ovulated yet after all. It's so frustrating. I may do an OPK when I go to bed. (Which won't be long!)

Ive heard of a few things I may try next month! xxx

Hiya starchild i was recommended FertileCM vitamins...bit pricey at £17 for month supply but hoping theyll work this month. Also preseed might be worth a go? Helps to mimic cm so if youre low on it again might be worth a go x

Oh thanks! Yeh if nothing happens this month I'll deffo look into it. I'd heard of pre seed but not 100% sure what it is.. xxx

Have you taken any more opks

Half term is next week there isnt it?
Ive had ewcm today so ovulating tomorrow i think..
No plans for valentines, no childcare tbh! Have you got any?
Ordered takeaway tonight! Weightloss out the bloody window! Xxx
Rebooked driving test the other night! Having a few lessons in the weeks before. Want to drive before baby number 2 xx
Hiy starchild preseed is a sperm friendly lubricant that kind of mimics ewcm. You insert it 15 mins before sex.supposed to create a better environment if your cm is dry or 'hostile'....but not sure about that....never heard of angry cm before ha ha! :)lol:) ive used preseed this month after good reviews but only on cd14 so far too early to tell if its been helpful. If you do use it, use less than they recommend or else it can get a wee bit slippy when dtd (sorry tmi!) :lol:
Um I think they break up tomorrow. Although doesn't affect my LO as she's in private nursery. A shame as I have two weeks off and OH has a week off. My last day Thursday can't wait!

The OPK I took Saturday was negative. And all have been since. Cm has increased the last two days to the point I feel like AF has started. I think my body is backward lol

Not OPKing? Could be a Valentine's Day baby! Lol

We've only had 1 time DTD that would have counted, again, so I'm not holding out much hope this month.

Nope, OH is on his new game I got him, I'm in bed exhausted after work. He bought me tickets for the Harry Potter studio tour, I'm so excited! We may go out at the weekend, first one off together in ages.

Ooh what you ordered? :)

Ah well done! I need a kick up the bum to do it too! Lol xxx

Ah that sounds good. I think I'll deffo try that. I've had loads the last two days but too late? Even tested again with OPK as I was sure I must be ovulating but an obvious blank.

Slippery! :lol: thanks for the heads up! Haha xxx

I had such distressing dreams last night; one in which I found out I was pregnant & then *TMI* I bled lots & a large piece of tissue came out. I was crying and crying. Woke me up, and I'm feeling really unsettled. :( just waned to tell someone. xx

Oh starchild that sounds really distressing. Hope youre ok now? Ive read a lot of posts on thr forum with other ladies having wierd or upsetting dreams. Im hoping it was a one off and you'll sleep well tonight :nap: x
Oh starchild that sounds really distressing. Hope youre ok now? Ive read a lot of posts on the forum with other ladies having wierd or upsetting dreams. Im hoping it was a one off and you'll sleep well tonight :nap: x
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Nope still havent got opks! Maybe a valentines baby! All them babies born in November after valentines!

Oh god men and games! They are well expensive too..

Oo when you going to harry potter tour? I wanted to take my son for his birthday as he is harry potter obsessed. I went in 2013 but havent seen the train! But we are going to legoland instead. (Dont know what to do about rides if i get pregnant this month, as just going with mum and sister)

Just order burger and chips! They couldnt find my bloody flat though! Took them 20 mins to find us.

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