Officially trying!

Oh no that's a horrible dream :( our minds can play horrible games on us xxx
Thanks Melly41, I seem to have weird dreams around this time each month. But I've had a fever (ear infection) so I'm wondering if that was the cause.

Yeah! That's what people will think if we get pregnant this month, although ours was far from romantic. Lol!

They really are! £40 for a silly game! But he plays for hours so it's worth it.

We're going on April 4th, he wanted to wait until the forbidden forest opened. I'm so excited! Lol oh I've been to Legoland, I'd love to go there again, too. When are you going? Little rides early on surely shouldn't be risky?

It's quite depressing how all the takeaways know where we live. #fatties

LO is poorly today and is literally laying all over me. :lol: gonna be a long day! What is it with germs in my family haha xxx

Thats easter holidays. I may going during easter too! Its only 40 mins on a train from me. Got put in watford in temp accommodation when we were waiting for our new flat from housing association! Only for 11 nights but still was meant to get my son to school in that time :/ wasnt gonna happen to be fair! OH stayed at parents to go to work everyday and i had to go into temp. His parents wouldnt have us all.
We are going on the 26th of march. Sons birthday! Gonna be 8.. too grown up :(

Aww bless her.. all these infections going round :( xxx
If i get pregnant id be nearly 8 weeks! Dont really know rules and little rides like that xxx
Starchild, if you've had an ear infection that will most likely be the cause of the bad dreams. I hope you don't get anymore. Enjoy the Easter break. In Scotland (I'm not Scottish, just live here) the kids don't get a February half term. They just get a long weekend so they are back at school tomorrow. I have the rest of the week off so going to chill and probably do more unnecessary SS! :lol:
They have a longer summer in scotland though dont they? Melly x
We had 7 weeks last year in the summer But we do not get a May half terms either, just the Friday and Monday off. Easter and Xmas and October are the same as in England.

If it half term in England this week?
MissRosie, regarding rides.....the rides usually have clear rules stating before you go on to avoid if pregnant, heart trouble etc. Just comeback from centre parcs and the jacuzzi and saunas and spa definitely said not advised for pregnancy.....I know it's not the same but I remember rides having to state whether it is not suitable for women who are pregnant.....small price to pay though if you are pregnant! :lol: my DH avoided the jacuzzi and sauna as he read if can effect fertility in men!
Its half term near london.. i work at at theme park i should know this haha! But i dont work on rides.. and not actually in the main theme park so never see the signs! Apparently the theme park near Manchester. (The same company) hasnt got half term till next week! X
It can heat his swimmers up cant it. So they arent body temp anymore. They dont like being too hot or too cold! X
I know....fussy swimmers! They ask a lot don't they! I bet you are the envy of your little one's friends working in a theme park. I can't go on the rides as makes me sick....I am one of those people that hold bags all day long for other people :lol:
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Haha yeah just a bit!!

Lol yeah always get asked for tickets. Even by people who work at school! Its a childrens theme park too. So isnt too bad! Haha i have a friend like that too but she works there too and she is a ride op! X
Ha ha! Youre safe with me....wont be needing or wanting any! Funny i get motion sickness but fidnt have morning sickness with previous pregnancies!
Lol your a bit far too. Closest one to scotland is warrington. Im all the way down by london. Had no scottish family ask me though lol x
It's not half term here yet. Break up on Friday. But my nephew broke up last week he's away in some posh school down south lol

Awww 8! I can't ever imagine having an 8yo! Lol

Melly41 where do you work? :)

I didn't even have a hot bath when pregnant :lol:

I hope I don't get morning sickness next time round, had it so bad with my daughter. And since developed motion sickness but rides don't bother me? Strange! xxx

Haha posh school down south!

Nah morning sickness needs to stay away i had it bad too and couldnt be in a car very long my whole pregnancy. Maybe it will be different with me driving! I dont get sick very often, and can fly fine too xxx
I think 8/ going into year 4 at school is the age where you really realise how grown up they are getting. I look at year 4s at school and think how sensible they are and grown up they look xxx
Evening girls, i work in nhs starchild....grim place to work in this current climate! Be glad to get a few months mat leave if i ever manage to get pregnant again!

Im all for keeping morning sickness at bay but id put up with it, if we caught the egg this time :lol:

I am about to enter the dreaded tww.....ughhh! Its drags on forever! :wall:
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It's a boarding school, he goes to school with famous people's kids! Pfft lol

I wouldn't be able to work, I couldn't be near my OH let alone strangers. Lol!

Yeah I noticed that when I was volunteering. I feel like I've spent ages wishing for my LO to get more independent but now miss doing all the things I had to do for her lol

I'm there. But I don't know if it's been busy at work, or with the excitement of Valentine's Day or whatever but I've not yet got that SS urge. So it's going quite quickly. Plus with my birthday coming, it's taking my mind off it all.


Entering the Tww wait for me too! :( i have got 4 days of work now though to keep me busy!

You a nurse Melly?

Is your birthday next week Starchild? Xxx

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