Officially trying!

Yep! Doing things properly which we rarely do, so people were a bit lost. Luckily he never spoke to me, I hate talking to people I've never met in those situations. Lol but apparently we done well!

Oh no! There's so much going about, and with you working with kids I bet you pick it all up.

I'm so stuck on what to do this month. Kinda assuming this breast problem is totally benign so do I TTC?

Or wait, until May, which is ages away. :( xxx

Ugh today's been a real 'wish I was just pregnant already!' kind of day. Lots of announcements on Facebook this week & another girl at work, (happy for them.. but it feels like. kick in the teeth) xxx

Sorry been really rubbish with phone the last couple of days
Had alot on plus its half term next week!

Oh no i hate announcements on facebook. Someone announced last week that had a baby in may! Like really!!
Id say try not avoid as you never know. And it could be nothing. Whensbyour follow up appointment xxx
Ah I was wondering when half term was. Monday coming?

I'm there today for blood results & she's gonna have another check to see if she can feel anything untoward & she'll be letting me know when I'm at the clinic.

I'm really 50/50 as what to do. I would find out on my birthday if I was pregnant. OH said wait until next cycle as it won't be THAT close to Christmas we could try. I think I'll wait & see what the doctor says xxx

Yeah they break up today. I dont really like school holidays as its out of routine. I want to go out and do stuff but its not easy. Hate crowds and busy places. Dont know many mums here. Just kinda want to be picked up and taken out with someone! With their kids so my son has someone then i have another adult too. Im working thursday to sunday next week too.

Oo hope everything goes alright! Have you felt anymore wetness? Whens ovulation? Have you missed it? Xxx
Im at work from tomorrow until Thursday ugh!

Aw you sound exactly like me! It's difficult not knowing a lot of people with kids, my friends are being total **** recently (OH wants to uninvite them from the wedding..) they literally NEVER invite me anywhere. Never visit. Never even get a text off them. It's really frustrating.

I've been this morning & she said all my blood tests were normal, hormone levels are fine she said to go back in 3 weeks & to STOP touching it. She said I'm most likely stimulating it myself, (Idk tho cause I can't the other one to do it) but I'm gonna stop worrying. She said if I find it actually leaking by itself to go back right away and she'll refer me. They're gonna see after 3 weeks whether I need to be referred.

OPK from just now.. was real faint last night. Does this look positive?

What's going on with you anyway, when's O due? xxx



That looks positive to me. Have you tried clear blue? I bought the digital one. It was spot on with my bfp. I would definitely recommend trying that as well if you're unsure. Good luck! I hope you get the result you want :)

Looks pretty postive to me! Get trying :D you never know.

Oh no :( i hate friends like that!! You know who your real friends are when you have children!! Ive lost plenty of friends due to having my son young and other friends not having kids yet.
Its worse because my son moved school when he was in year 2, he is now in year 3 and it was like going from knowing everyone to no one! Because you get to that point and parents have already made friendship groups and dont want to let new parents in. We used to go out on day trips and that. But im struggling to it right now!

Ovulation is tomorrow i think. I really need to get some opks! We dtd last night. But thats all haha xxx
Hello starchild your opk looks positive to me.good luck x
Okay well it was faint at 5pm yesterday and positive at 12pm today so just BD (too much info) hahaha OH is poorly and he still did it for me what a trooper *rolleye* yeah poorly again! Think LO is bringing home germs as she's snotted up too!

Yeah! Little clicks and if you're not part of it it feels like you never will be!

It could be enough. I'm planning on doing it tonight and tomorrow night & if OPK still positive just keep going haha but I'm feeling like tomorrow's OPK will be faint again, like last month.

Yeah get some OPKs! Although as long as you DTD around ovulation time there's a good chance of conceiving anyway. :) our cycles almost the same this month then xxx

Unfortunately not no, I seem to only ever get lines on OPKs haha xx

Any news yet Frankinstein12?

(I love all our different usernames!)
Oh no! Poor him! Haha he just got the weak immune system? Ewww germs!
How long ater a positive after you meant to ovulate? So dtd with a positive opk gives you a really good chance :)
Planning to jump on him tonight tooo haha!! He just needs to get hime from the gym first! Xxx
He really hasn't, it's usually me who's always picking stuff up, he's never ill. Think perhaps his immune system is down as he used to work out a lot, and since Christmas he hasn't really (haven't had the time between working opposite shifts) he's feeling better now he's on FIFA though *eyeroll*

I think anywhere from 6-48 hours, or is it 12-36? I don't know... Lol I just took another OPK and it's still positive so hoping I've caught it this month.

Hahaha they don't realise how lucky they are huh :p xxx
Nothing still :-(
Still got period pains though!
Maybe when I relax over half term it'll come :-/
Perhaps! I'd be making an appointment to find out what's going on. X

OPK faint again today so my peak was yesterday.

Ovulating either today or tomorrow I'm guessing.. I did feel a twinge on my right side at work this morning. X


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