Officially trying!

Oh wow. Is that another ultrasound you have to have?
Will you try in april? Haha i dont want an xmas baby either. Cant afford xmas let alone a baby at xmas too lol.

Im alright thanks you xxx
Yep. I think with my mum having had it, and maternal aunty, I'm classed as high risk. It's daunting but I'd rather have a thorough check.

I just wouldn't want to risk being in hospital over Christmas as it wouldn't be fair on my daughter. And with her I spent a lot of time in hospital with high blood pressure.

We've only got until June/July so we don't clash with the wedding. Not a huge time scale really. OH was saying it wouldn't be so bad if we did have to wait until next year but that would really depress me. :(

Good! Are you still feeling tired a lot?

I'm gonna OPK this month and get a clearer idea of when I ovulate so it's not a total waste of a month. Hopefully you'll be like a trimester ahead of me when it happens. :) xxx

You havent got that gene have you? Better be safe though.

Not long at all really. June/July will be here in no time. June is a no go for me as dont want another march baby!!

Im always tired but put it down to being busy. My counselling starts next week too for my depression/anxiety been through alot in life and im only 27 but i need it too move on now..
Only got 6 hours sleep last night. Due to chatting on fb (my fault). Af has arrived though! Was due on friday.
Hows your day been?? Xxx
What gene? I haven't had any tests. My mum went for it and apparently due to the results I don't have to be tested. Idk? Lol

We've decided to wait until May. March would give me 3rd Dec ( too close to Christmas with a newborn) and April would give me Dec 31st, so could come on the 25th! Lol so waiting until May. Then we have like May June July to try and hope for the best!

I hope it works for you! Anxiety is the worst.

Ah well at least you know where you are now. So ovulation should be around valentines? Haha

I've been stressed out today, busy week & I've so much on my mind at the minute I'm just constantly exhausted. In bed atm, OH is out watching the match so I've got the TV to myself. Hungry tho waiting for him to bring me food home haha

LO said to me earlier "I'm not a baby anymore now, you got a baby in your tummy and so I'm a big girl" and my heart broke! Bless her. xxx

Oh if you mum hasnt you wont. I cant remember what its called but its one that puts people at higher risk of developing breast cancer. But you get tested all the time if you have it. At least they take you seriously when you go up there though.
You trying in feb? You have it all worked out lol.
Haha whats he bringing?
Im in bed too. Need to sleep.. for another busy day tomorrow :) chasing children round. Including my own. I did say id go see an old friend who is working at go outdoors here tomorrow. He is a manager at Peterborough but covering here.

Awww bless her! Why do they know everything! So tuned in to whats going on around them :) xxx
No I won't try until I found out what's causing this problem as if it is something bad and I've gotten pregnant then it'll be a choice between treatment or the baby (I know worst case scenario lol) he brought pizza chips and chicken nuggets :) haha

What's go outdoors? :)

She kicks out when I change her so in preparation we've told her to be careful because mammy will have a baby in her tummy one day so now she asks me everyday lol

Doctors this morning and it's pouring down! Times like this I wish I could drive! Lol xxx

Had my blood test, one for liver function one for thyroid test and then something else. Back again next Friday and ovulation is due Saturday. I'm hoping she says oh it's a hormone imbalance nothing to worry about, then we can try this month, but I doubt it lol xxx

Aww get used to it now. Then when it happens she will know as its normal :)

Go Outdoors is a outdoor camping/cycling/fishing/clothing. Everything to do with outdoors really. I used to work there.

Are you just going to avoid ovulation completely?
When will you have the results from the blood test.
Oh no! I know i walked from one school to anothet. Today it wasnt raining but yesterday morning. When you have straightened hair in the morning. Then get somewhere and have curly hair haha! Xxx
Oh right! Sounds interesting. Think we've something like that here actually.

They only take a few days but I'll be getting them a week today at my appointment. My arms all bruised where she took blood! :(

Yeah we will be. I don't want to risk it if there's any chance it could be bad news.

It's been a long stressful week I'll be happy come Sunday night lol xxx

There are loads of them. Its a big blue shop usually.
Oh okay. Hope its not anything bad and its just hormones

Dont want the weekend to be here just dont want to go to work! My mum just bloody told me that she is going to scotland next week to see my step brother and their baby. But she doesnt spend any time with me! (Sorry just really annoys me) she lives 7 miles away from me!! And havent seen her since the 8th of jan!! Xxx
Just tried squeezing to see if it was still happening (as you do) and something came out of the other side, just a tiny speck of liquid! So I'm massively relieved now! :)

Aww that's terrible. :( Do you not have a close relationship? I wouldn't say me and my mum were close really. And they hardly visit us but then they work 12pm-1am in a pub 6 days a week. :/

I get why you're annoyed!

LOs just gone to school so I'm having a sit down & a coffee, then going to take the dog out before I pick her up. Then we're going to look for a new bathroom suite, finally! Only been here for 2 & a half years lol what about you?


Oh wow. Do they own the pub?

We arent really close she says she does spend all her time on me as she has my son at the weekends. But its like what about me as a person!

Haha! Do you know what you want? Or you just looking st everything? Xxx
They have a pub yeah, it's so time consuming though it's pretty much their whole life.

Yeah kind of like once we have kids we're not the priority anymore huh. Perhaps you should plan something together maybe a spa day or something?

We kinda know what we're after, we fought over a shower or a bathtub for ages, haha just need to choose the taps & the floor now. :)

LOs poorly, gonna be a long night I think, and work at 7am! Lol have a good weekend, (as good as it can be at work!) xxx

Yeah :).just need to sort it.

Are you sticking with a bath? I think baths are easier with kids.. id love just a shower. But my mums old house when my son was a baby it was impossible to bath him. Had a baby bath then had started finding the plug haha.

Oh no, bless her :( work at 7am is awful!
Hope you have a good weekend at work too! Xxx
I wish you all good luck! Oh, how I would like to be among you, but alas ...
Hi Goti, I hope you will be soon. Hopefully you will find a way x
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Yeah :).just need to sort it.

Are you sticking with a bath? I think baths are easier with kids.. id love just a shower. But my mums old house when my son was a baby it was impossible to bath him. Had a baby bath then had started finding the plug haha.

Oh no, bless her :( work at 7am is awful!
Hope you have a good weekend at work too! Xxx

Sticking with a bath yeah. A real big one so we can use it as a shower too to save space of having a shower. I tried explaining that to OH about bathing baby, LO stands in the bath with the shower on atm as we have a broken plug in tub so can't fill it. She loves it but I said to him we'd struggle with a stand up shower!

This weekend has been exhausting our new area manager visited at work, and I must have strained my neck as I've been in so much pain! How was work for you? xxx

Yeah best way to go :)

Oh no :( running around making sure everything was perfect for them?
Did you sleep funny on it?
Work was alright. Not to busy and still last booked at 1pm! Finished by half 4 both days. Ive got the bloody cold thiugh! My head is hurting so much. Lived off of paracetamol last 2 days haha xxx

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