Officially trying!

Yeah, you could be run down. :/

LO can't eat many sweets yet just chocolates really, and flying saucers she loves those! Lol

Hmmm, it all sounds really strange. Maybe try and have a little bit of a rest and see how that makes you feel? Easier said than done.

I've had backache today. :/ I'm feeling so hopeless about TTC I was ranting to OH on the phone about it. Lol xxx

Yeah probably. Even my son is feeling it! Didnt want to move this morning!

What has your OH said? Is he better now?

Still might be early thoug. Take an OPK XXX
He's better now. I've started tonight with a bit of a sore throat though. :( Just been round to my friends to chat about the wedding so had a break from baby stuff which was quite refreshing. :)

I don't have any OPKs in, may get some tomorrow. What would I be looking for though lol xxx

Oh no :( bloody illness going round.
Awe thats nice. When is she getting married?
Its nice to get out and think about something else!

Have you tested again? I think if you get a dark line on an OPK? which you wouldnt normally get at this stage in cycle xxx
It's my wedding, :lol: getting married next June! It's flying in. I tested again this morning but not FMU, anyway another negative. So I've given up now. Period could be due tomorrow if going by OPKs, so we'll see. It feels like it's coming.

I bought some OPKs today but I think I'll leave them til next cycle. Although wanna get this problem sorted before I TTC again just in case it's something serious.

Mood = Awful! Lol

Hope you're well! Back to work this weekend? xxx

Oh wow! (Sorry) so exciting!!

Yeah hopefully its not! Did you breastfeed your daughter?

Its all this ttc thats put you in an awful mood? And negative tests :)

Im good thanks. Popped to tesco today! Yeah i think i am! Xxx
It's starting to get exciting but so stressful, too!

I did for like a week. She was too hungry and I couldn't keep up. :( so it's been well over 2 years. But I've read online stimulation from self breast examinations can cause it. And I've been checking a lot lately so could be as simple as that. It just scares me, especially as it's in my family.

Same. Not looking forward to it either with not being well. But! Don't start until 8. :) xxx

I bet! We dont want to get married. Quite happy with the holidays and spending money on that. It can just get expensive.

Yeah you dont get any rest with hungry babies. Mine was the same!
Oh maybe, looking at then to much something you dont usually do during a normal cycle!
Aww what do you do? In an office?
Ive just found out a girl from work who im pretty close to is leaving on sunday. She makes work a bit more bearable. Lol xxx
Yeah it can do! We aren't going over the top at all though & I'll be doing stationary & table decs and favours myself.

You any holidays planned for summer?

She's always hungry even now, she eats all day. :lol:

Most of the time but I do a lot of up and down stairs as well. :lol:

Oh no! It's the only thing that gets you by having friends there. Mine went on maternity last summer and she's not back until April.

Wish I was on maternity leave haha xxx

We fly to zante at the end of july for 2 weeks :) we went at the beginning on September last year. But got told off by school snd a fine! Think id get shot by person at school as we did the same!

Haha mines the same. At school they said he needed a snack! He has a bowl of porridge and a banana when he gets up. Then a piece of toast when he gets there then a snack after break? And not long after is lunch time! Where he has a hot meal! So sent a piece of fruit, a bit of malt loaf and a pot of jelly! Lol.

Yeah it does! Oh no! Then yiu will be going after! I keep thinking about the maternity leave and being a home. For 9 months! Xxx
I think they're changing it where you're allowed to go for a week out of school, I think..

Haha it's great though that they eat. Mine has two breakfasts. And says she wants something else after each meal. :lol: she eats more than I do! Lol

I know, I'll go crazy. I only went to work to get out of the house lol still a newborn will keep us busy! I just said to OH I can't believe it didn't work this month.. he laughed, he said 'you can't believe that ONE time didn't work..' he has a point haha must do better next time lol xxx

Another negative pregnancy test & a very very faint OPK. So deffo out this month! X

I hope so. You cant do anything!

Haha! He is obviously asking for it more next month!

Oh sorry :( af due tuesday then. All this testing is an expensive habit!
How was work? We had to shut at 1 due to "technical difficulties" more like bloody heating is broken again xxx
Work was fine, kept popping to the toilet to see as it feels like it's come but there's nothing there.

If it comes when app says (28 days like usual) I'll be confused as I thought time from ovulation to period was always the same :/ unless mines slightly longer. I don't know!

Oh well nice half day for you! :) Hope you still get paid for it! xxx

AF arrived this morning.

Looks like it's due on my birthday next month. That's a nice present for me lol xxx

Oh :( on to next month then :)

Unsure about that :/
Af is due sat for me me! But still think i havent ovulated this month. Havent seen any ewcm anyway.
Well we closed at 1 but that was last booking. So they still got 2 hours on the water so by the time water was cleaned down and my cafe area had to stay open till 4. So was about half 4 by the time i left xxx
Hopefully doctors will tell me this thing isn't anything to worry about & I can start trying again right away. Don't want be to TTC if I have to go the breast clinic next month.

Sometimes I don't get EWCM at all... in fact last month I took measures to try and increase it. It's such a pain this TTC thing. I'm actually jealous of my younger self just getting pregnant no timing, waiting, testing, squinting at lines...Lol :(

Ah so still a full day really. I'm off now until the weekend again. I'll be off during the TWW next month too as I've got holidays in. So that's gonna make it drag even more :lol:


I hope so! Have you taken hormome tablets? Could that affect it?

Oh no! How you gonna get through two weeks at home. Especially two week wait. Have you got anything planned for it? Cant stand being at home! Xxx
I've taken nothing no, haven't had anything since November 2015 when my depo came out of my system.
The doctor seems to think it's a hormone problem, she said she doesn't feel anything 'unusual' but my right side is lumpy. I've been twice for ultrasounds and had a biopsy in 2015 which thankfully was nothing serious. Because of my background I have to go to the breast clinic to be checked. So I'm deffo out for February cycle. And I don't want to be due at Christmas so march is out too. Oh well!

OH always says the right thing.... "at least you can have a drink for your birthday now" oh yay. *rolleye*

How have you been? xxx


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