Officially trying!

Aww thats nice. You have it sorted between you both! Your symptoms sound good :) as much as id love you too test! At the same time i thought nooo dont do it. Hold off for a few more days :)

I hate the sickness!! As am busier this time round and got school runs and that
Just fell asleep on the sofa! Woke up and saw my sons friends parents on tv! From his old school talking about out town turning 50 today!! Xxx
Yeah, his parents are great as they're retired so can have her pretty much anytime. Although they've got 3 other grandkids they have too I don't like taking advantage.

Ooooh! Bet they that was surreal haha

I'm dying to test now since my nipples leaked I'm scared it's something bad. :/

Yeah same! I wasn't working first time round as I'd just finished uni. Plus now we've got other kids to look after lol xxx

Do they have the others too?

Oh wow! Cant be anything else can it?
Yeah i dont know how people do it. Like there is a mum at school had a baby like a week ago, her 5th though (i think). She is up and about doing the school runs, she lives further away than i do from the school! Guess ill find out when it happens xxx
Yeah they do. A little too much!! Lol

I don't know, I'm sure it's too early? It didn't happen until after my daughter was born, let alone before a missed period! OH "maybe you knocked it" he has no idea how bodies work. I'm gonna make an appointment at the doctors. I'll try and test tomorrow as it'll be 6 days before but I'm wondering if it'll still be too early.

Yeah it'll probably just happen as it all needs done so it'll get done. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to get through the day now lol xxx

Maybe not! Loads of women have symptoms before missed period! Knocked it when you were just sat there.
Didnt see your other post until you posted on here :) are you going by ovulation on your app or by opks? If you go by the opks its later than that isnt it?
I showed him and at first he went ergh what's that :lol: idiot! He's poorly so I didn't wanna tell him how worried I was, he was shivering all night think he's got flu!

I think OPKs, if I go by OPKs today is 10DPO and period will be due Tuesday. Although if I ovulated earlier, my period may be due earlier? On CD26 which would be Saturday. Oh am so confused. This is only my first month TTC and I could tear my hair out! Lol xxx

Though just noticed it's not the 6 days sooner one, wondered why it kept saying on the box from day of missed period. Kinda cheered me up slightly didn't know there were different types of first response. I may get the other when I take LO to school as I'm desperate now. :( xxx

Oh no, hope you all dont get it! Has he gone to work today? Or in bed..

I didnt know there was different types of first response either? Were they the ones that were £6 though? Maybe cos 2 first response 6 days sooner are usually about £10 xxx
No he's gone into work, nothing stops him. He's only had 2 days off in like 15 year lol

The one I have is First Response Rapid Results or something like that. I've checked on the site where to buy and it doesn't look like anywhere here sells the 6 days sooner one but I'll look. These were a 2 pack for £6 yeah. Oh well, still some hope!

Thing is, I just feel pregnant.

Anyways! Hope you're doing okay! xxx

Oh! At least he isnt in bed like he is dying like the average man! My step dad is awful for it!
Try boots or superdrug :)

Yeah its a good sign if you feel it :)
Yeah im okay thnaks :) xxx
I need Boots anyway. Want to treat myself to a new colour correction palette! Since I'm sulking. I've googled most sensitive tests and Clear and Simple are 20mlu, I know we deffo have those in town as that's the OPK brand I was using. So if I can't find FRER I'll get some of those.

I keep checking the test to see if a line has appeared *eyeroll* xxx

Couldn't find 6 days sooner one so got some clear and simple strips and midstreams & another BFN :( now to ring the doctors for the embarrassing 'my boobs leaking' conversation xxx

Oh did you get the opks from town? Oh no :( wait a few days. Ttcing is hard! Like before just got pregnant and didnt even think about it. This time jtdms when am i ovulating. When to dtd and all that. It makes me think does even decide to try or how many people you know in real life have gone through it. Or have they just fallen pregnant and thought Oh im pregnant! Haha. Thats the perfect conversation you want with the doctor. I cant ever get an appointment. Rung them 66 times on sat and still didnt get close to even speaking with a receptionist! Xxx
I got the tests in town when I took LO to school. I'm feeling like my period is coming. Feeling a bit crap but oh well. Just been crafting this afternoon making some gift boxes from LOs paintings. Kinda cheered myself up. Takeaway night too as we're both exhausted and OH is still feeling poorly.

They're a nightmare these days. You've got to drop down dead before you get an appointment lol xxx

Aww thats nice :) you putting anything in the gift boxes?

2nd evening in a row ive fallen asleep on the sofa. So tired! But didnt wake up till gone 7 this morning! Xxx
Have you ever had your thyroid checked? I think that can cause fatigue and short periods?

Just some sweets for my dads birthday off LO. :)

Thinking the nipple thing is NOT pregnancy related as it's one sided. So now I'm scared! Lol xxx

Appointment made less than a week too I'm shocked!

I had a dream last night I had a little baby boy! It was so weird. Just got another BFN xxx
No i havent that maybe a good idea! But then i feel like i dont stop during the week either. Tuesday is the only day i dont have to do anything really..

Oh wow! Less than a week is so good!
Lol she been there today? Kids and sweets. I got talked into buying son fruit pastells as we just walked to the shop to get brownies biscuits!! Xxx
Okay. Now ive started feeling sick. Could be nothing but i nearly slipped on mud walking to the shop after school and it made me feel awful now its just getting worse! Hardly eaten and i feel really full!! Xxx

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