Officially trying!

Haha. People say get colds beifrr bfps!

Its been a tough week without him! But ive been into school 2 mornings and going in again tomorrow! He is flying home on Saturday, so im hoping to go to work on sunday!

Doesn't want to sit there with you drinking coke? Haha xxx
Pretty much! Haha

Aww, as much as they're annoying it's not nice without them! Lol almost the weekend! I've actually missed being at work this week, but it's flew in can't believe it's Friday tomorrow!

This pain is still lingering so now my already overly anxious brain is full of worries! Because surely it's too early for anything pregnancy related. Maybe it's psychosomatic! Lol xxx

Obviously i couldnt type last night either! Was asleep with half an hour of posting that!!

Yeah i know. He is the driver too! I failed a test at the beginning of december and haven't booked to re take yet!

Might be a good sign if it stays though!! 3dpo today? Xxx
I need to learn to drive too. Gonna start lessons next month.

According to OPKS (from the average 24 hours after positive) I'll be 6dpo today.

But according to my app, 3dpo. However I started getting negative OPKs from Monday so I'm guessing the OPKs were right. xxx

Its just so expensive was costing £50 a week for a 2 hour lesson then £62 for test! Get your theory done quickly then you book your test!

Yeah id go by opks! Oh wow! Dont know where this week has gone!
Not this week but next its feb already!
I don't think ive ov'd this month yet! I haven't had any signs. "Af"started 2 weeks ago tomorrow xxx
Have you been using OPKs? The sign I had was weird dreams but I've had them every night for 4 days I think it's because I've started reading again. My minds much more stimulated.

That's expensive. My dad taught me the basics when I was younger, I might ask him for a few lessons & then get some professional ones. The thought of driving terrifies me lol

Hopefully you haven't ovulated and you can get to it when OH is back! Haha

Yep, that will fly in to. My app suggests my period is due 1st February now. Although that would be CD30 and it usually arrives on what would be CD29. So I think I'll still test end of January if all looks promising. I'm not optimistic as we only DTD once.

No i havent been using opks. They confuse me to much! Haha yeah i hope so!

It is terrifying with kids in the car too is even worse thought for me too! We could be the nest driver in the world but its everyone elses driving you have to watch!!

You should be able to test at the end of jan! Speciallu if you ov'd earlier! That should make your cycle shorter?? Xxx
Tell me about it! Lol

Yeah, and I worry about pedestrians haha yeah that's true, I almost got ran over by someone who failed to use their indicators on the way back from school.

Yeah, I don't wanna talk myself into testing even earlier. I was eyeing tests up in Tesco earlier. Haha xxx

Haha thats how it starts! Eyeing them up then wanting to buy them way to early!
Cant even imagine the amount ive spent on pregnancy tests, over the years lol
Oh god! I hate people like that! Its like they pass then forgot how to drive! Xxx
Now I'm feeling like..well it's been a week surely I could test haha :( xxx

Haha. You'll just be disappointed.

So excited for today!! :)
How are you?? Xxx
I bet you are! :)

I'm good, going to start a DIY project once LO is at grandmas so quite looking forward to it. :) xxx

Just caved and bought a test at ASDA. Says it can give you a result 6 days before period is due...

I felt like such a child so to avoid anyone thinking I was some reckless 15 year old, I bought LO lots of new clothes... like 'I already have a child' ... how does my mind work? Haha most expensive pregnancy test I've ever bought! lol hope you've had a nice day!! :) xxx

Haha i know! I always feel like that when buying tests! Feel like a silly teenager. And everyone is avoiding getting pregnant then im going to buy tests.. feel like even the people on the tills are judging.

How much was it? Have you taken it?
Not yet, it's still about 8 days til period is due. Thinking I may just wait until next Sunday after work. As if I take before I'll be in a foul mood at work if I get a negative lol it was £6 for two :)

How's it like having OH home? Mines been doing my bloody head in this weekend. Could be pregnant actually 'cause the last time he bugged me this much was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Hahaha xxx

Oh yeah end of jan next week though! Can't stand seeing bfns lol. Are you working the weekend again this week?
Haha my friend kicked hers out when she was pregnant!! He was driving her up the wall! Thats a good sign though!

Its been nice! Needs to go back to work now though haha. He is off till tomorrow! Still havent had a sign of ovulation! So strange. And my app says 11 days till af! Xxx
I'm at work from Wednesday this week. It'll put the week in though.

Mine only lasted til I took the test and then I loved him again haha

Hmmm, when do you usually ovulate? Maybe you just haven't noticed.

I went to the bathroom earlier and the heating was on & the towel on the radiator smelled and I immediately felt sick and thought OMG I am! But the more I think I might be the more disappointed I'll be if not. OH said he wouldn't be bothered well just try again next month, which didn't go down well! Haha xxx

When was the last time you tested? Just thought, perhaps that bleed wasn't AF and that's why you haven't ovulated! X

Oh you at work 5 days then? Where does your daughter go when your both at work? Haha. Then you realised you actually need him!

Erm usually the 2nd week after af has ended. But i really feel it. Like i really want to dtd and im so much closer to OH! He was away but i didnt have that feeling even though he wasnt there and not had any ewcm. Just creamy since. Ive not tested in 2 weeks. But i was really sick with my son. So surely i would be the same now? Xxx
If I'm working through the week OH finishes early he'll do 6-2 and I don't start until 1 so if my parents are off they'll watch her for a few hours, or OHs parents.

Um not necessarily. I hope I'm not as sick next time round as I was with my daughter anyway lol I'm so tempted to test tomorrow... but I know I'll be gutted lol xxx


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